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WHO chief 'believes Covid DID leak from Wuhan lab' after a 'catastrophic accident' in 2019

Again you guys are the kings of misdirection. This article has nothing to do with the US. Shouldn't you be blaming UK media which was pointed out by US media as being wrong?

Even with that you still have figured out how to blame the US and not the UK.
The British media is just a dog raised by Americans.

Of course we will target dog owners.
The British media is just a dog raised by Americans.

Of course we will target dog owners.

Well China is a dog of the Russians...they suckered you guys into being the weakminded tool to tell the world that talk of a Russian Ukrainian invasion is made up Western lies.

Now the Europeans look at China with total suspicion undoing all the years of PR done by China to win them over.

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Well China is a dog of the Russians...they used you guys as the usual weakminded tool to tell the world that talk of a Russian Ukrainian invasion is made up Western lies.

Now the Europeans look at China with total suspicion undoing all the years of PR done by China to win them over.

1. China also believes that Russia is an invader. It's just that we won't join the sanctions.

2. The relationship between China and Europe is a relationship of economic interests. The Chinese have never said that Europe is our strategic partner.

3. Our goal is five eye countries (excluding New Zealand), Lithuania, Estonia, a total of six countries. Other countries can become partners.
LOL! How is posting a Pompeo video in every PDF thread not a completely abused lame lemon excuse.

Somebody trips on a curb in China..post the Pompeo video...somebody got shortchanged by a streetvendor...roll out the Pompeo video.
similar to allegation that communist china cannot be trusted because it is an authoritarian...
similar to allegation that communist china cannot be trusted because it is an authoritarian...
Maybe because of Chinese media example below -- "Fortunately, no one was injured". Perhaps drivers escaped unhurt, praising tire factory workers and the communist party.
LOL! You still can't figure out how to blame UK media.

30k dead for the past 3 months. 200k cases a day and 800 dead a day.
Yeah but what about China's population being mostly poor for generations? Did you ever think of factoring that in?
1.4 billion being poor, nothing wrong dude. I know 80% of so called rich Muricans don't even have 500$ in savings and living on credit. Ask the average Chinese if they have 3000rmb in savings. Lol. And what has it got to do with covid? Are you saying 800 should die daily to maintain US prosperity? How democratic and human rights loving. Lolol. Its pathetic a authoratarian government is saving more lives.... Lol
Good to see WHO waking up to the facts.
Better late then never.

The head of the World Health Organisation privately believes the Covid pandemic started following a leak from a Chinese laboratory, a senior Government source claims.

While publicly the group maintains that ‘all hypotheses remain on the table’ about the origins of Covid, the source said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organisation (WHO), had recently confided to a senior European politician that the most likely explanation was a catastrophic accident at a laboratory in Wuhan, where infections first spread during late 2019.

The Mail on Sunday first revealed concerns within Western intelligence services about the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where scientists were manipulating coronaviruses sampled from bats in caves nearly 1,000 miles away – the same caves where Covid-19 is suspected to have originated – in April 2020. The worldwide death toll from the Covid pandemic is now estimated to have hit more than 18 million.

The WHO was initially criticised for its deferential approach to China over the pandemic, as well as a willingness to accept Beijing’s protestations that claims of a laboratory leak were just a ‘conspiracy theory’.

However, in the absence of any compelling evidence of ‘zoonotic’ spread – the process by which a virus leaps from animals to humans – it is now adopting a more neutral public stance.

Dr Tedros updated member states on the pandemic this month, admitting: ‘We do not yet have the answers as to where it came from or how it entered the human population.

‘Understanding the origins of the virus is very important scientifically to prevent future epidemics and pandemics.

‘But morally, we also owe it to all those who have suffered and died and their families. The longer it takes, the harder it becomes. We need to speed up and act with a sense of urgency.

‘All hypotheses must remain on the table until we have evidence that enables us to rule certain hypotheses in or out. This makes it all the more urgent that this scientific work be kept separate from politics. The way to prevent politicisation is for countries to share data and samples with transparency and without interference from any government. The only way this scientific work can progress successfully is with full collaboration from all countries, including China, where the first cases of SARS-CoV-2 were reported.’

Last year, the WHO established the Scientific Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens (Sago) to outline which studies would be needed to identify the origins of SARS-CoV-2 – as Covid is scientifically known – and to ‘create a global framework for studying the origins of emerging and re-emerging pathogens’.

An original probe into the outbreak by the WHO was resisted fiercely by China, leading to a report that concluded the SARS-CoV-2 virus probably passed to humans from a bat via another unidentified species.

But after 14 nations including the UK, US and Australia criticised its findings as being heavily compromised, Dr Tedros admitted the report’s flaws and ordered the new process.

The Government has taken a cautious approach to apportioning blame for Covid – something that China-sceptics attribute to a fear of offending Beijing.

However, American intelligence has placed the secretive Wuhan laboratory at the centre of its analysis.

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed that workers at the institute had fallen ill with Covid-like symptoms in autumn 2019 – weeks before the alarm was raised, and said that as part of military projects its scientists were experimenting with a bat coronavirus very similar to the one that causes Covid.

A WHO spokesman said: ‘Dr Tedros has been consistently saying all hypotheses remain on the table as scientists pursue their work.’

likely the variant the scientists were experimenting with that got out was this one:


Back in 2018 (before Covid) China Daily posted some Wuhan lab pics that later when reviewed alarmed sharp eyed researchers to irregularities such as round seals used for square refrigerator doors.

You know what, I'm not even a native English Speaker. But "privately believe" doesn't has any worth to be taken as evident, because he's not even a witness.

Now Hamartia, I can also privately believe that you're suffer in Dementia and schizophrenia. But do my "privately believe" is really worth to be taken as a fact?

Hi Chinese Posters, I got a news for you. I "privately believe" that Hamartia is suffering from Dementia and schizophrenia. It is a big news. You can use this information and spread it to other, as a "Senior Government source claim".

Plus, it is also said that "Senior Government source claim". So that article is not even worth as a news. It is just as low as a rumor / gossip.
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all out attempt by the Chinese trolls here to divert the topic.
China should be sanctioned and held responsible for firstly behaving like cavemen and eating everything that moves.
Secondly not stopping international travel even while travel to the ground zero wuhan was locally blocked.
Unfortunately the head of WHO is in the pay of the Chinese and he is also responsible for not declaring it a pandemic until it had spread all over.
Millions dead because Chinese couldn't eat like normal humans and had to behave like our pets who pick up everything from the street.
And no one is responsible ?
This was not a isolated incident. How were the bats reaching the Chinese wet market while simultaneously being researched a short distance away for viruses in a Chinese lab ? The high iq Chinese authorities didnt think it necessary to block access to these caves ?
Time for Ukraine type sanctions against China.

The head of the World Health Organisation privately believes the Covid pandemic started following a leak from a Chinese laboratory, a senior Government source claims.

While publicly the group maintains that ‘all hypotheses remain on the table’ about the origins of Covid, the source said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organisation (WHO), had recently confided to a senior European politician that the most likely explanation was a catastrophic accident at a laboratory in Wuhan, where infections first spread during late 2019.

The Mail on Sunday first revealed concerns within Western intelligence services about the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where scientists were manipulating coronaviruses sampled from bats in caves nearly 1,000 miles away – the same caves where Covid-19 is suspected to have originated – in April 2020. The worldwide death toll from the Covid pandemic is now estimated to have hit more than 18 million.

The WHO was initially criticised for its deferential approach to China over the pandemic, as well as a willingness to accept Beijing’s protestations that claims of a laboratory leak were just a ‘conspiracy theory’.

However, in the absence of any compelling evidence of ‘zoonotic’ spread – the process by which a virus leaps from animals to humans – it is now adopting a more neutral public stance.

Dr Tedros updated member states on the pandemic this month, admitting: ‘We do not yet have the answers as to where it came from or how it entered the human population.

‘Understanding the origins of the virus is very important scientifically to prevent future epidemics and pandemics.

‘But morally, we also owe it to all those who have suffered and died and their families. The longer it takes, the harder it becomes. We need to speed up and act with a sense of urgency.

‘All hypotheses must remain on the table until we have evidence that enables us to rule certain hypotheses in or out. This makes it all the more urgent that this scientific work be kept separate from politics. The way to prevent politicisation is for countries to share data and samples with transparency and without interference from any government. The only way this scientific work can progress successfully is with full collaboration from all countries, including China, where the first cases of SARS-CoV-2 were reported.’

Last year, the WHO established the Scientific Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens (Sago) to outline which studies would be needed to identify the origins of SARS-CoV-2 – as Covid is scientifically known – and to ‘create a global framework for studying the origins of emerging and re-emerging pathogens’.

An original probe into the outbreak by the WHO was resisted fiercely by China, leading to a report that concluded the SARS-CoV-2 virus probably passed to humans from a bat via another unidentified species.

But after 14 nations including the UK, US and Australia criticised its findings as being heavily compromised, Dr Tedros admitted the report’s flaws and ordered the new process.

The Government has taken a cautious approach to apportioning blame for Covid – something that China-sceptics attribute to a fear of offending Beijing.

However, American intelligence has placed the secretive Wuhan laboratory at the centre of its analysis.

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed that workers at the institute had fallen ill with Covid-like symptoms in autumn 2019 – weeks before the alarm was raised, and said that as part of military projects its scientists were experimenting with a bat coronavirus very similar to the one that causes Covid.

A WHO spokesman said: ‘Dr Tedros has been consistently saying all hypotheses remain on the table as scientists pursue their work.’

likely the variant the scientists were experimenting with that got out was this one:


Back in 2018 (before Covid) China Daily posted some Wuhan lab pics that later when reviewed alarmed sharp eyed researchers to irregularities such as round seals used for square refrigerator doors.

If it started from India then no one doubt and disagree on the statement.

But since Pakistan and china relationship is better..... No one going to trust on any evidence....... Will come conclusion that something happened from USA or any other country

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