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Why is there such a big difference The ISS is crowded, but the Chinese Tiangong space station is like an Apple store

The China Space Station is rated as an Apple Store, and the International Space Station is like a hodgepodge


Chinese station

The interior of the Chinese Space Station is clean and tidy, and it follows a minimalist design style. In this environment, astronauts will undoubtedly live more comfortably and work more efficiently. Compared with the International Space Station, the gap is quite obvious. The latter It's like a hodgepodge of garbage dump, and the China Space Station is like a beautiful Apple store. It is clean and tidy, with many equipment modular in design, clear and clear, and even the configuration specifications are first-class.



The astronauts have an independent rest space, a variety of fitness equipment, and the internal volume of the space station is also larger. When the three astronauts work together, they seem to be in a luxurious suite, while the International Space Station is another matter entirely, the internal machinery It looked messy, and at a glance, there were wires everywhere, dazzled, and the astronauts had to act cautiously, for fear of touching a certain section of the wire and causing an accident.

The interior space is large, and there are special small windows to watch the scenery outside the cabin and look at the earth. How is this different from space travel by spacecraft?


Tian gong




Working out in Tian Gong space station


Why is there such a big difference The ISS is crowded, but the Chinese Tiangong space station is like an Apple store​

The difference of being the one made and ownedd by just one country and the one shoddily pieced togethers by so many but owned by everyone yet no one.
Chinese space station is solely China's , and we clean the station regularly. Unless ISS, the so called "International space station", which belongs to everyone yet no one, and no one cares about the cleaning.

Watch China's Shenzhou 16 astronauts clean the Tiangong space station (video)​

By Andrew Jones

September 14, 2023

Even in space, you still need to vacuum.

Escaping to orbit doesn't mean you get to escape from your chores.

China's Shenzhou 16 astronauts have been working hard to keep the Tiangong space station neat and clean.

Mission commander Jing Haipeng and crewmates Zhu Yangzhu and Gui Haichao are seen in footage released by the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) tidying up the station's Tianhe core module, stowing away a series of containers that cluttered the area.


A Shenzhou 16 astronaut vacuums on board China's Tiangong space station. (Image credit: CCTV)

The video then shows the crew sorting through the Mengtian experiment module, then giving a deep clean to the Wentian module, including a going-over with a vacuum.

Space stations rely on recycled air, requiring excellent ventilation and mechanisms for scrubbing away carbon dioxide. Keeping this equipment clean is vital to the ongoing safe operation of Tiangong, as well as the International Space Station (ISS).

Regular cleaning also helps keep potentially dangerous colonies of bacteria under control.

The Shenzhou 16 crew spacecraft launched on May 29. They have been busy conducting a range of experiments and carried out their first spacewalk in July. Gui Haichao, a payload specialist, is notably China's first civilian astronaut. (The others have all been military personnel.)

The Shenzhou 16 astronauts are nearing the end of their five-month-long mission. They are expected to greet the crew of the yet-to-launch Shenzhou 17 aboard Tiangong and hand over control of the orbital outpost sometime in November.

ISS is 25 years old, Tiangong barely a year.
Tiangong started from April 29, 2021, China impressed the world big time by assembling a full scale space station in just 2 years.
As for why ISS is so messy and dirty, age is just a small factor, check out the OP video again, or maybe you never watched it?

China's youngest space station crew send home spectacular views from space (video)​

By Andrew Jones
November 23 2023

The astronauts filmed their Shenzhou 17 spacecraft outside the Tiangong space station, among other sights.

China's Shenzhou 17 astronauts are getting into the rhythms of life in orbit — and also sending back some choice clips of their activities.

Shenzhou 17 arrived at the Tiangong space station on Oct. 26, where they were greeted by the outgoing Shenzhou 16 mission crew.

Mission commander Tang Hongbo, a veteran of 2021's Shenzhou 12 mission, and rookie astronauts Tang Shengjie and Jiang Xinlin have now been in orbit for three weeks and working well.

Their daily work includes moving equipment outside the space station for experiments, managing equipment and facilities and maintaining science facilities for long-term research, according to a report from Chinese broadcaster CCTV.

The Shenzhou 17 astronauts have also conducted "medical care skill training" to boost their physical fitness and meet the demands of living in orbit.

China's human spaceflight agency recently released footage of the crewmembers as they ate and exercised. The astronauts also captured their own footage, including a view of their Shenzhou 17 spacecraft docked with Tiangong.

The trio are expected to spend another five months in orbit. They will welcome the arrival of a new cargo spacecraft, Tianzhou 7, in early 2024. They are also reported to soon conduct their first extravehicular activity, or spacewalk.

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