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Yemen parade

16:51 - Houthis - F-5E still operational
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Wonder what happened with yemeni MiG-29s. They were modern SMT variants. Pity there wasn't a way to evacuate them to Iran back in 2015.
Wonder what happened with yemeni MiG-29s. They were modern SMT variants. Pity there wasn't a way to evacuate them to Iran back in 2015.
I heard somewhere that some fulcrums had their radars and missiles removed and truck mounted and modified to act as SAMs. It was in this forum some years back but I don't know how successful that was and if it was done to all fulcrums or just some.
Yemen is a big mess at the moment. Divided between 3 powers. Houthis backed by Iran, secular Southern separatist movement backed by Uae and Presidential Leadership Council and Salafist groups backed by Saudi Arabia. Nothing to celebrate, the country is divided.

The maribbeans have destroyed 80% of their fighting force.

Besides their local Rivals are conventionally better armed. They lost the oilfields, ports, 80% of the country and 50% of population center.. The food coming into their ports were being granted by their local Rivals no ships were allowed in except after they verified it was siege everywhere.. If your enemy feeds you have lost

The armed forces in Aden, Marib are better armed..

They have been send back to the Stone ages and genocided they have basically surrendered in their ceasefire negotiations and Agreed to merge into the gov't..

his is only show after their military defeat and failure to gain the oil. Southern separatists, Islah, the Yemeni gov't, Maribbeans and the giant brigades are conventionally better armed.

Whatever they are displaying is not impressive..

It will take them 20 years to rebuild Sanaa and their cities majority in ruble..

Yemen ended up exactly like Beirut, Muslims are their own enemies. This was Beirut:-

Saudi military is dollar for dollar the worst military in the world on the level of India
It is incredible how Iran has managed to transfer this quality and quantity of weaponry into Yemen.
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