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ZERO Tolerance, policy for support of Terrorism

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Nov 15, 2009
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Dear Defence.pk members.

We must clarify an issue of forum policy for all of our members. Defence.pk management will NOT tolerate the following.

  • Any tacit or overt statements of support for terrorist actions, individuals or organizations.

  • This policy extends to Global terrorist apparatus as well.

  • We will not tolerate ANY justification/encouragement of terrorist actions.

  • Posting of any videos, pictures or other materials authored by, or with the intent of supporting/justifying, terrorist actions/propaganda.

  • Insulting Pakistan Armed Forces or other national institutions, by derogatory statements, multimedia or by ANY other form.

  • Evidence of any monitory compensation rendered to ANY terrorist organization.

If there are any posts at all of this nature, they will be deleted and the member will be permanently banned. Please be mindful, that we can easily track individuals who try to use multiple IDs and will ban their IP(s) if necessary.

We have been fairly clear about this from day one, but we believe a strong reminder is in order is needed.

We also request our members to report ANY such posts to the management either directly or through the report system, so appropriate action can be taken.

Effective Immediately.
Compliance is Mandatory.

We Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Best Regards | Defence.pk Management.
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Karan asked me a similar question in a PM, but I think some clarification is in order:

The definition of terrorism is a damn hard one to get to... even the UN hasn't been able to arrive at one. I think to be fair, we'll try to stick with the definitions of terrorist organizations as per the UN and the GOP. So yes, if a terrorist organization as per the GOP and/or UN, attacks innocent citizens in India, then that is absolutely an act of terrorism.

We are a Pakistani board, after all, so we can't accept every country's individual definition of terrorism because this will sometimes be in complete contrast. Where things will probably get confusing is where say Indian citizens (e.g. Naxals), NOT deemed by the UN to be terrorists, attack other Indians... is this terrorism?

Those are hard ones. But we'll try to be as fair as possibly can.
Communist party of India ( maoist) is a banned organisation
Where things will probably get confusing is where say Indian citizens (e.g. Naxals), NOT deemed by the UN to be terrorists, attack other Indians... is this terrorism?

Those are hard ones. But we'll try to be as fair as possibly can.

There is nothing confusing about the Naxals. I dont know if they are classified as a "terrorist" organization by the UN, but the GoI has banned the CPI(Maoist) party as a terrorist organization under the UAPA (unlawful activities prevention act)and all its members belong to the banned group. That includes the naxals. So support for their activities ought to be considered as illegal (as per GoI) and hence should not be tolerated on this forum.
I hope you carry out the same excercise for Kashmir based terrorist organizations and their cheer leaders in this forum.

Any person or group using violence against a state and its citizens should be treated as terrorist.

I hope you use this criteria.

I hope Indians will also condemn the terrorist acts (atrocities against tens of thousands of civilians in EP) by rebels in East Pakistan and Indian State support for such terrorism to show that they are indeed applying a balanced approach to events.

There have been instances today in which Indian members used reasoning identical to their excuses for supporting terrorism in East Pakistan, to support recent terrorists attacks by the BLA in Baluchistan - the massacres of school teachers, college lecturers and principals. These are acts that the BLA has itself proudly claimed, and has vowed to continue. The BLA has also in essence vowed to commit genocide in Baluchistan, by eliminating all non-Baluch ethnicities in the province, especially Punjabis.

This kind of double game and 'good terrorist vs bad terrorist' distinction by the Indians, in both Baluchistan and East Pakistan, needs to stop.
I hope you carry out the same excercise for Kashmir based terrorist organizations and their cheer leaders in this forum.

Any person or group using violence against a state and its citizens should be treated as terrorist.

I hope you use this criteria.

Kashmir is a disputed territory and Indian Security Forces are occupiers, and Kashmiri Freedom Fighters are waging a legitimate uprising against the occupiers.

But killing of any Indian civilian or Kashmiri civilian will come into the category of terrorism and any support to it will not be allowed.
There is nothing confusing about the Naxals. I dont know if they are classified as a "terrorist" organization by the UN, but the GoI has banned the CPI(Maoist) party as a terrorist organization under the UAPA (unlawful activities prevention act)and all its members belong to the banned group. That includes the naxals. So support for their activities ought to be considered as illegal (as per GoI) and hence should not be tolerated on this forum.

Yes, but please read my note above. I said UN and GOP. Here you have citizens acting against citizens.

Again, where there are civilian casualties, we will be as fair as we can possibly be...
On a side note, the warning about 'no support for terrorism' was meant to be from admins to members, and admins continue to reserve the right to make judgments on whether a line has been crossed or not, especially given the fact that 'one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter'.

That warning on 'no support for terrorism' was not meant to be used as a harassment tool by members against other members, which is how I increasingly see it being used by some to stifle discussion.

If you consider a post to be violating that rule, report it and the admins will deal with it as they see fit, don't raise it on the open forum and harass other members. if you have questions about admin decisions, raise them through PM with civility.
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