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China's nominal GDP will hit $15 TRILLION in 2018

let's make factual numbers shall we? GDP per capita of China is $8500-9000. Romania, considered of the poorer countries in EU has a higher per capita. More Skyscrapers?Maybe. More developed? No. In Mercer quality of life the highest ranked city is Shanghai which is ranked 102. Development Means Clean air, Sanitation, Wages, Education, Health indicators, Innovation, Law enforcement, Public Service etc. It's easy to see why Chinese cities are ranked lower than then west. Chinese cities are good but they are not on par with European or US yet. Making Skyscrapers won't make China equal to Australia or Norway.
Then tell me why much more foreigners come to China to work and live but not those countries? Why those foreign expats don't follow Mercer quality of life ? People go where money and opportunities are , they don't go to a place for nothing.
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lets make factual numbers shall we? GDP per capita of China is $8500-9000. Romania , considered of the poorer countries in EU has a higher per capita.
I have told you before,china‘s GDP is heavily underestimated,if you check the per capita consuming industrial productions between different countries, almost every kind of them,romania is nowhere near china,for example china‘s per capita cars consumed was ranked 35th of all nations on earth in 2016,which on par with saudi arab,2017 will definately ranked higher on par with many developed countries.In fact some productions chinese consumed per capita is even on par with USA such as air conditioner(note:below is old data,2017 air conditioner penetration in china is 72.4%)

there are so many signs to suggest china‘s per capita GDP is heavily underestimated,not to mention infrastruture which cannot be measured by GDP per capita but have heavily impact on people‘s daily life

Yes ,talking about quality of life china is still legging behind many developed countries ,but among all the developing countries china is definitely beating most of them,come to china to see yourself
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Then tell me why much more foreigners come to China to work and live but not those countries? Why those foreign expats don't follow Mercer quality of life ? People go where money and opportunities are , they don't go to a place for nothing.

I have already explained that to you won't repeat it again. It's because of the Population and nothing more. A country with bigger population will always create more jobs. Why would one leave out A 3 times higher paycheck in Europe compared to China? While people come to China for a job it isn't exactly considered a place where people would like to settle permanently for the rest of their lives. Majority of the Chinese Millionaires go and settle in US , Canada , Australia , UK , Germany, Singapore permanently.


When asked for their main reasons for moving abroad, education was the top reason, followed by the "living environment."

"Education and pollution are driving China's rich to emigrate," said Rupert Hoogewerf, chairman and chief researcher of Hurun Report. "If China can solve these issues, then the primary incentive to emigrate will have been taken away."
I have already explained that to you won't repeat it again. It's because of the Population and nothing more. A country with bigger population will always create more jobs. While people come to China for a job it isn't exactly considered a place where people would like to settle permanently for the rest of their lives. Majority of the Chinese Millionaires go and settle in US , Canada , Australia , UK , Germany, Singapore permanently.


When asked for their main reasons for moving abroad, education was the top reason, followed by the "living environment."

"Education and pollution are driving China's rich to emigrate," said Rupert Hoogewerf, chairman and chief researcher of Hurun Report. "If China can solve these issues, then the primary incentive to emigrate will have been taken away."
You just don't admit that people come for money and job opportunities, not for China's population and size of land , China has been always this big with the huge poplution ,how come she only attracts people from all around the world just in recent decades? China may have much more high paying job opportinities than any other countries in the world, people come here for money, don't tell me those world famous football stars came to play in China for China's population and size.
Hey guys, its meaningless to discuss a sleeping country with a troll from nowhere. Don't waste our precious time.

Lets watch the Chunwan now. Happy Spring Festival!
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You just don't admit that people come for money and job opportunities, not for China's population and size of land , China has been always this big with the huge poplution ,how come she only attracts people from all around the world just in recent decades? China may have much more high paying job opportinities than any other countries in the world, people come here for money, don't tell me those world famous football stars came to play in China for China's population and size.

The Best Talent in the world goes to the West/Europe or Australia/Newzealand. That is exactly the reason they are quite ahead. If you talking in pure numbers that isn't exactly something to be proud off. Oxford Cambridge admits much lower applicants but are of higher quality compared to other universities. . What % of chinese population is immigrants exactly? Compare that to Portugal or even some eastern European country.

The soccer stars coming to China are all those that are about to retire and are past their prime. How many of those stars are in their prime?The ones at their peak are employing their trade in European leagues.
And this poor south africa guy complain multiple times that China would not allow these white trash stay here forever... being afraid one day he has to go back to SA and been raped by black men...

LOL! He’s married to a Chinese woman so they aren’t going to kick him out.

Plus after an impressive trip to the US (driving cross-country in a Corvette and loving every minute of being in a developed country) he had to reassure his nervous Chinese/worldwide fans that even though he loved it here he can’t emigrate here (like the 40,000/year from China that do) because of his South African background and the insane waiting list.

BTW he was back here again on his THIRD trip a few weeks ago. He just can’t get enough.:-)

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Hey guys, its meaningless to discuss a sleeping country with a troll from nowhere. Don't waste our precious time.

Let watch the Chunwan now. Happy spring festival!
Ha, I hate Chunwan, Beijing can't have fire cracks and firework this year, not much fun this year.
The Best Talent in the world goes to the West/Europe or Australia/Newzealand. That is exactly the reason they are quite ahead. If you talking in pure numbers that isn't exactly something to be proud off. Oxford Cambridge admits much lower applicants but are of higher quality compared to other universities. . What % of chinese population is immigrants exactly? Compare that to Portugal or even some eastern European country.

The soccer stars coming to China are all those that are about to retire and are past their prime. How many of those stars are in their prime?The ones at their peak are employing their trade in European leagues.
China is not a immigration country and her laws forbid that, you were talking about Portugal first but now you switch to the whole west. China surely attract more talents than Portugal, as for the whole west, not there yet, but will be catching up, cause talents always go to where money and opportunities lie.
Portugal's average annual salary is $20-30K. What is China's? If I live in Portugal I would be much healthy since the air is clean and not polluted like China that means I will live longer. Portugese passport will give me the freedom to travel in 160 places compared to 60 with Chinese Passport. I will have free speech that means I can criticize the government without being put to Jail. I would also have the power to vote and chose people for office. Mean and Median Schooling years are higher in Portugal that means my Kids will have a higher chance of studying more. That's not a knock on China just its not better than European Nations for a better living which is a fact.

China's quality of life is more comparable to Brazil or Russia than Europe.

Hi, what you have mention are not related to quality of life. There are just more so called social freedom. These quality can also be found in some third world country.

Standard of living related to infrastructure like highly accessible transport, place of course convenient for grocery. Fresh clean water, clean environment. Things that improve your make your life healthy. Safety of a city. Efficient of public law like policemen table to tackle crime quick enough to protect individual property.

All these Portugal are no match compare to major cities of China.
I think it's meaningless to compare china with other countries,china is developing so fast beyond any foreigner's imagination,one year you came to china ,then you talked about what you saw in china,another year later you came back to china again but you suddenly can't recognise it anymore.

I am not joking,this is what happening in china on-the-ground reality,ask any chinese who left home for several years and he will tell you he almost lost himself when he returned home

In my opinion,many foreigner came to china in the past few decades because they saw the huge opportunity china could offer ,quality of life doesn't matter since they knew china will soon catch up one day
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I think it's meaningless to compare china with other countries,china is developing so fast beyond any foreigner's imagination,one year you came to china ,then you talked about what you saw in china,another year later you came back to china again but you suddenly can't recognise it anymore.

I am not joking,this is what happening in china on-the-ground reality,ask any chinese who left home for several years and he will tell you he almost lost himself when he returned home

In my opinion,many foreigner came to china in the past few decades because they saw the huge opportunity china could offer ,quality of life doesn't matter since they knew china will soon catch up one day

That's true, just checking out some numbers will blow your mind.

China Used More Concrete In 3 Years Than The U.S. Used In The Entire 20th Century

Do you think normal citizens give two hoots about supercomputer or patents? they want Education, Health, Clean environment, Safer and freer society. Just Check HDI or education and health indicators for both countries. Check annual salaries for normal citizens.

You don't need a superpower country to live in a healthy, clean environment, safer, and free society. Even a backwater village has the same feature like that. Or... a resort village. If you want to seek retirement life that peaceful, clean, safer, and free, you go to a peaceful village, not a megapolitan. And Portugal has what an old retired people need. But for young people who have ambition, they will aim Beijing, Shanghai, New York, Tokyo, Hongkong and other megapolitan that Portugal doesn't has.
That's baloney.

No one wants to live in Portugal. There are no jobs in Portugal.

China offers plenty of opportunities.

If someone is concerned about quality of life, China's Hainan Island is far more developed than Portugal.

He's never been to Portugal. He doesn't know. I've been there .
LOL! He’s married to a Chinese woman so they aren’t going to kick him out.

Plus after an impressive trip to the US (driving cross-country in a Corvette and loving every minute of being in a developed country) he had to reassure his nervous Chinese/worldwide fans that even though he loved it here he can’t emigrate here (like the 40,000/year from China that do) because of his South African background and the insane waiting list.

BTW he was back here again on his THIRD trip a few weeks ago. He just can’t get enough.:-)

If Wilson like US more than China, then he should move to America. Why do he needs to reassure his fans for that? Nobody can say NO to him if he has the intention to do that.
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