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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Order will be restored in Kashmir. No matter how hard foreign agents try to cultivate an atmosphere of chaos, India will succeed just as it has for the last 6 decades.

PS: Don't you guys have enough on your plate at the moment? We've all been over Kashmir countless times on this forum, what's the point of regurgitating the same arguments over and over again?
Who's more to blame the soldiers trying to keep order.

Or the Instigators pushing these protesters to impossible situations.

You pretend as if the whole of Kashmir is on the streets , Yet more than 75 % of the populace remains indoors . waiting for normals to return. And the streets to become safe.

Business can't open
Investors run for the bunkers
Job's go un-done
Wages go Unpaid
Life comes to a stand still
Kashmir comes to a stand still.

All for the sake of a political message at the expense of untold misery.

These mobs are openly trying to look for confrontation.
For the last 30 years this has the status quo ,
Driven on by people who keep telling them now is the time.
When ever the Security personal establish a sense of Normal life , it gets destroyed only so that Indian's can be called barbarians.
Look the honorable thing for the Indian soldiers is to either let the Kashmiris beat them up or leave Kashmir.

So yeah, its always India's fault in Kashmir. The Kashmiris have a right to protest the Indians don't have a right to show any objection to it.
I do not want to get involved in their local politics as I have never lived there.

So as a Pakistani, you wouldn't want to comment on Karachi simply because you've never lived there. Fair enough.

But I do know all about Indian occupied Kashmir

Of course you do, with your telepathic abilities and all.

Where in Kashmir are you now (mentally of course)??

and believe me the people there are afraid for their children, those who are not Sikh or Hindu are often abused.

You had me at 'I know all about Kashmir'.

Buddy, don't post just for the heck of it. You don't think it'd be right to comment about a Pakistani city that you've probably visited and here you are telling us about our own country?
Look the honorable thing for the Indian soldiers is to either let the Kashmiris beat them up or leave Kashmir.

That makes absolutely no sense, but sure, whatever floats your boat.

So yeah, its always India's fault in Kashmir. The Kashmiris have a right to protest the Indians don't have a right to show any objection to it.

From the Pakistani perspective maybe. Fortunately that doesn't count on our side of the border.
sounds like a smart way to get thousands of more kashmiris killed.

OR Indian Soldiers Killed..We are talking of I S I . :pakistan:
By the way, Pakistan is not actively supporting Kashmiris anymore. The present rise of Kashmir is internal wave and that is also acknowledged by the Independent Analysts.

Why are you reluctant to admit Kashmiris hate India and want liberation from its flag. You can say we are in power and wouldn't let those Kashmiris get what they are looking for but at-least admit the truth. Are you so internally weak that even truth is getting you guys shivers?
OR Indian Soldiers Killed..We are talking of I S I . :pakistan:
Ask ISI to stop suicide attacks happening on and off across Pakistan. seems like they are not doing good job against cave dwellers.

By the way, Pakistan is not actively supporting Kashmiris anymore. The present rise of Kashmir is internal wave and that is also acknowledged by the Independent Analysts.
Sorry to break ur heart but Pakistan is and the people on the streets are the people of Geelani who is well known Pakistani piyada(puppet) in Kashmir.

Why are you reluctant to admit Kashmiris hate India and want liberation from its flag. You can say we are in power and wouldn't let those Kashmiris get what they are looking for but at-least admit the truth. Are you so internally weak that even truth is getting you guys shiver?

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Wake up man!! How did you find out that we are shivring? come on some sort of satelite vision you guys have :rofl::rofl:
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Thanks. Please see the game in Eastern India. See you there.

Wait a second. We are not holding any games in East India. are you planning to visit the place? Beware when you land there don't tell anyone where u r from and what u think about India? A piece of advice. will be good for you..:rofl:
@ Gogbot

Indian soldiers have been firing live rounds on civilians - same was done by Kasab the consequences were same , he was a terrorist according to Indian law & so is Indian Army & police when that principle is applied.

What is the difference between the Kasab and indian barbarians ??
Kashmiris have just proven that they haven't given up on their freedom struggle even when Indian govt has done its best to stop them.

Yeah but the children and women and men on the street and the stations and the hotels were not throwing stones on Kasab. Also the Indian soldeirs are shooting only in the direst situations in self defence and while maintaing law and order. On top, the Indian government is not conniving against the Kashmiris as the Pakistani Arrmy and ISI did in case of Mumbai - Kasab + also several others.

So get the "principles?" right please.

Why International media is not allowed in the valley ?? Is Indian establishment scared that the truth may reveal ?

It is India's internal matter and no business of Pakistan. That is accepted by the world by the mere fact that there is no support for Pakistan in their claims fantasy anymore. Please get updated. I think better care more about the flood victims and try to make some donations for their relief. There is also the matter of thinking about the Balochistan atrocities by Pakistan Army. While at it, also worry about the over 60 deaths over last two days in Karachi and Hyderabad (not dakkhhan - remember something out of the Mumbai tapes??) and of course I am sure if there is some left then your Pakistan's international terror sponsor role should keep you busy there.

Why APHC is not allowed to go overseas even to UNO & talk to International Media ??

And who told you that. Hurriyat is regularly travelling to Pakistan even and all the voilence in the valley is anyway directly being controlled by the ISI via Geelani and his ilk. So that position of yours also will be soon out in the open as other positions are no more a secret.

India is on the wrong side of the history on this matter - you can Kill as many people as you like but one day you would have to **** off.

Stop for a moment and try to see where Pakistan stands..... do you really think that you can even see what is the right side of history???? Even as you use expletives, I can just pity your situation because I canot get in myself that hatred that you have been indoctrinated with..... but by all means, continue with your wet dream and even by later today going by the law of probabilities, you will read something very nice about Pakistan. All the best.
Sorry your point of view is one sided and you will never understand our point of view. You do the same in the North West territories and its called fighting the "War on terror", and when we do the same its called killing "Innocent civilians",double standards isnt it ? This hardly seems an article as a result of some "Research", so i recommend our fellow researchers spend time on constructive research rather than one sided blame games.

Stop writing nonsense. Pakistan Army is fighting a well armed group of people who wish to implement their agenda by the force of gun. People of the area are supporting army not demonstrating against them. Don't compare the two scenarios.

Your army is killing innocent stone throwers. Guess your army does not have anything else to do rather than kill unarmed people. Well one can not blame them when they face armed men they are usually found 100 miles away.

By the way have you ever wondered the people your brave army is killing are not Indian citizens and one day you might have to face war crimes tribunal for your actions.
They are not Naxals who are fighting against economic injustice. Kashmiris do not identify themselves as Hindustani. there is a difference between being mad because of being unemployed and being mad because of being enslaved. If Kashmiris were angry because of Jobs, there must have been a high degree of street crimes, robbery which is not there. So what's their reason of sacrificing their lives?.. have you ever tried to think out of little shell you have always lived in? They want FREEDOM. They don't hold Pakistani Flag because they hope Pakistan would get them that "job" which in your theory they are dying for.

Your wrong recent studies show that kashmiri people want peace, jobs and security like any human being. Some of these youths are hell bent on causing trouble as they have nothing to look forward to. Its a classic cry for help but instead the Indian goverment is using aggressive techniques which will not work, crowd control can be easily done with rubber bullets and water guns I dont know why the Indian army dont move towards these methods.
FreekiN dear, there are many other families with very similar stories.
Hm... Ever tried to listen stories of displaced Kashmiri Pandits.
Sri Nagar in particular is one area where the Kashmiri ''street'' is literally against (they HATE) the indian occupation.
Not true last year I was there. I enjoyed hospitality there.
indians will try to fudge numbers, present half-truths (at best), cite a few flawed ''polls'' here and there, bring up sham (scam?) elections and claim that Kashmiris will opt for india
Yes Indians are expert and Pakistanis are innocent. I believe it.
this is far from reality in the Muslim majority disputed territory...FARRRR from it.
Came to religion again. cant live witout opium.
and we are seeing it everyday......how many Kashmiris did occupying forces of the neighbour country kill?

Over 50. Mostly unarmed youth who were simply protesting.
and security forces burned goverment buildings. add it too.
recurring pattern. Kind of like how after this post, some hindustany will mention Baluchistan which isnt even a similar issue as it isnt disputed territory; and only a small fraction of the population is actually demanding ''independence''
no I dont play this sort of game.
in Kashmir, the calls for it can be vociferously heard.....

more power to your family, Freekin, and to others like yours that have endured the senseless violence and heavy handedness of the occupation of Kashmir by this God-damned neighbour country of ours
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