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Uyghur Concentration Camps?

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You mean the same organizations that label all Muslims as terrorists?? I really can't tell if you are truly a Muslim.

They dont label all Muslims terrorist. I'm not a religious person.
Finally you have given me something. If that is true that is very good. But what about this story of concentration camps and forced marriages? Also a member posted that the name Mohammad is banned in China?
Forced married? You dont even know full story and take someone word for good
I dont know the story of the video
But if you want the answer, you have seeks the truth for the answer.. just go visit Xinjiang and ask Uighur about the video.. problem solved
Wow India should start such 're-education"camps as well. Ofcourse I am sure all those neighbours who support chinese camps will support Indians as well. Thanks China for taking the first step. Time to get rid of extremism from India as well. Both Islam and hindu extremism btw.
But if you want the answer, you have seeks the truth for the answer.. just go visit Xinjiang and ask Uighur about the video.. problem solved
Yah, go to China, ask uighurs. :lol:

China is a commi country. And since when insecure commis started to like criticism and free investigation?:rofl:
Kazakhstan is different because it has a 25% Russian population and they are changing to Latin script.
Very true. But according to the maths I was taught in UK 25% is a minority in a majority Kazakh state. Even the Russians are there as part of the wider Russification of the Turan region during the Soviet and Tzarist era which involved planting Russian, German, Latvian etc population in Kazakhstan.

And Latin ~ do remind me please is not native or indigenous to Kazakhistan. Prior to Russians grabbing hold of the Kazakhs they I believe used Perso-Arabic script.
There are 100 million Uyghur Turks.
The population more than Turks in Turkey or Other muslim countries. 100million people deserve to be indepentend as in the past.

Chinese language hasnt been a wide spreaded language yet. We can not understand the news written.
If you care about other people’s independence, then you should fight for Kurdish independence as well. Don’t be a f@cking hypocrite; we know what your intention is.

The Chinese race as individuals have no confidence they are worthless as individuals, they are only powerful as large groups, in history, this saved them yet they got thrashed numerous times.

This can be seen in the individual Chinese person too.
At least we “thrashed” yo a$$ out of Asia :cheesy:

They dont label all Muslims terrorist. I'm not a religious person.
Oh I see. Then I think you are pissed off that Turkish subversive elements are beings wiped away as we speak. No secession for you haha. Btw how are the Kurds doing? I haven’t heard from any of them. They all dead?
If you care about other people’s independence, then you should fight for Kurdish independence as well. Don’t be a f@cking hypocrite; we know what your intention is.

At least we “thrashed” yo a$$ out of Asia :cheesy:

Oh I see. Then I think you are pissed off that Turkish subversive elements are beings wiped away as we speak. No secession for you haha. Btw how are the Kurds doing? I haven’t heard from any of them. They all dead?

I dont care about Uyghur independence. All I'm saying is you people are unaware of basic human rights and manners. Even if we brought proof about death camps used to massacre thousands of Uyghurs you would still defend it saying how its because of Uyghur terrorists.
If you care about other people’s independence, then you should fight for Kurdish independence as well. Don’t be a f@cking hypocrite; we know what your intention is.

At least we “thrashed” yo a$$ out of Asia :cheesy:

Oh I see. Then I think you are pissed off that Turkish subversive elements are beings wiped away as we speak. No secession for you haha. Btw how are the Kurds doing? I haven’t heard from any of them. They all dead?
İ dont care about people and kurds. İ have just noticed mass of 100 million deserves to have a goverment.
Regarding your swearing, i dont give anyshit a desperate chineseboy. We should compare lenght of penis. İf you need more inches feel free .
I dont care about Uyghur independence. All I'm saying is you people are unaware of basic human rights and manners. Even if we brought proof about death camps used to massacre thousands of Uyghurs you would still defend it saying how its because of Uyghur terrorists.
If you call propaganda “proof”...
Oh wow so those “re-education” camps have become “death camps”? What will it become tomorrow? SAT summer camp lol? You have offered no proof but propaganda news. I think deeply down you know that too. Don’t hide behind the facade of your conscience. We know what your intention is. You just want to, let’s just say, return to the land from which your ancestors were kicked out. As for your racist remark, I really don’t care. If anything, it shows your frustration.

İ dont care about people and kurds. İ have just noticed mass of 100 million deserves to have a goverment.
Regarding your swearing, i dont give anyshit a desperate chineseboy. We should compare lenght of penis. İf you need more inches feel free .
So now we are comparing penis sizes? :crazy:
I also noticed those 100 million CHINESE uygurs are not even 10% of the total population, which is less than the population of Kurds in Turkey as a percentage. Therefore it is the KURDS who should get INDEPENDENCE. You have shown nothing but your hypocracy:disagree:
So now we are comparing penis sizes? :crazy:
I also noticed those 100 million CHINESE uygurs are not even 10% of the total population, which is less than the population of Kurds in Turkey as a percentage. Therefore it is the KURDS who should get INDEPENDENCE. You have shown nothing but your hypocracy:disagree:

Kurds are not native to south eastern Anatolia and Syria... if they want INDEPENDENCE they should ask Iraq and Iran.
Lack of protein. Eating merely rise always caueses growth problems.
hypocracy ??

There was a formidable Uyhgur State . He forgot Chinggiz and Chagatay Khans whose successors would be Uyghurs.
Lack of protein. Eating merely rise always caueses growth problems.
hypocracy ??

There was a formidable Uyhgur State . He forgot Chinggiz and Chagatay Khans whose successors would be Uyghurs.
What are you saying? It looks like you need a dose of extremism. Oh wait, nvm.
No there is no extremism How jews deserve Israel more than arabs , Uyhgurs do deserves own land Eastern Turkistan.

Kurds need to be sent to Afganistan because they are peshtun.
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