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'US main sponsor of terrorism'



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Jun 10, 2010
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Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman says the US is the main sponsor of terrorism and that it tries to cover up this fact by leveling accusations against other countries.

The US State Department in its annual report released on Aug. 5, 2010 accused Iran of supporting terrorism.

Ramin Mehmanparast on Monday rejected the State Department report and said, "Examples of US actions show that this country has been the biggest sponsor of terrorism over the past three decades but by leveling baseless accusations against other states it attempts to cover up its own actions.”

He went on to stress that leveling such biased accusations against other countries could negatively affect international trust, which is essential to global security and stability.

Mehmanparast said that while Iran tries to cooperate with the international community on fighting terrorism “Western countries and the US have a double standard approach” towards it and allow terrorist to carry out their activities on their soil.

The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman added that US military presence in Afghanistan has resulted in the increase of narcotics production which is used to fund terrorism and extremism.

He described the Israeli crimes committed against the people of Palestine and Lebanon as other examples of Washington's role in spreading terrorism.

“The international community has paid a heavy price for the unilateral approach adopted by the US to [allegedly] fight terrorism and this is why the Islamic Republic of Iran believes that the US must be pressured to change its behavior,” Mehmanparast concluded.

Iran, as a victim of terrorism, has always condemned all forms and manifestations of such acts of violence and taken drastic measures to fight terrorist activities.

It is totally right without any questions..I guess now is the time for the world powers to join hands and take away the WMD from this evil power...otherwise this terrorism will never end and the whole world be destroyed by its evil actions...:woot::cheesy::lol:
If a rambling lunatic in the street told you he could fly, would you believe him?

Irans government are full on mental cases who should be locked up in a mental hosptial.
It is totally right without any questions..I guess now is the time for the world powers to join hands and take away the WMD from this evil power...otherwise this terrorism will never end and the whole world be destroyed by its evil actions...:woot::cheesy::lol:

u shud start first
If a rambling lunatic in the street told you he could fly, would you believe him?

Irans government are full on mental cases who should be locked up in a mental hosptial.

Well USA gov is full of idiots Reasons are below
1- WMD in Iraq ( nothing found.)
2- Afghanistan and Taliban issues created by USA....(1980s and 1990s)
3- Iran history is they have never attacked any other country in known history.
4- USA every after 5 to 10 years attacked other nations.
5- USA is the only nation who used WMD (so world to be free of WMD should start with USA without WMD)
6- There was no issues in Pakistan before invasion of Afghanistan so USA is the only Sponsor of Terrorism (PROVED so many times.)

If you want to reply then use facts not what your media tells you...

Well USA gov is full of idiots Reasons are below
1- WMD in Iraq ( nothing found.)
2- Afghanistan and Taliban issues created by USA....(1980s and 1990s)
3- Iran history is they have never attacked any other country in known history.
4- USA every after 5 to 10 years attacked other nations.
5- USA is the only nation who used WMD (so world to be free of WMD should start with USA without WMD)
6- There was no issues in Pakistan before invasion of Afghanistan so USA is the only Sponsor of Terrorism (PROVED so many times.)

If you want to reply then use facts not what your media tells you...


When countries like Pakistan with lower 'conventional' military capabilities compared to India/US can manage to sponsor terrorism and attack its neighbour several times for her trifle interests..whats wrong if a country like US which has the strogest military and economy in the world sponsors terrorism or declares war on other nations for her own interests?
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Well USA gov is full of idiots Reasons are below

It may be full of idiots, but not absolute lunatics.

1- WMD in Iraq ( nothing found.)
They started too.

2- Afghanistan and Taliban issues created by USA....(1980s and 1990s)
No. The Taliban was created after Russia invaded Afghanistan.

3- Iran history is they have never attacked any other country in known history.
Oh really? What's this then Iran?Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4- USA every after 5 to 10 years attacked other nations.
No, just No. Also remember, it's not the U.S alone who attacked iraq and Afghanistan. It was a coalition of 60 countries. I don't understand why people like yourself only say the U.S

5- USA is the only nation who used WMD (so world to be free of WMD should start with USA without WMD)
No. For the world to be free of nukes, No more countries should get them and every other country with them should start scaling their nukes down, as the U.S has already started doing.

6- There was no issues in Pakistan before invasion of Afghanistan so USA is the only Sponsor of Terrorism

Islamic terrorists have been stirring in Pakistan and Afghanistan well before the coalition invaded.
(PROVED so many times.)

No it hasn't, it's you making crap up.

If you want to reply then use facts not what your media tells you..
Your post had no facts in it whatsoever.
They are actually the most selfish beings on earth.They 1st created,Florishes n grows for their own self a paricular org.But when felt useless they threw dem away like scrap,and that turn out to be a sour always for em and for rest of the world.
WMD was first used in WW1 in the form of poison gas. Saddam made use of it against his own Kurdish people. Further, he publicly declared he wanted more. Indications that he had stockpiles were intentionally leaked prior to 2003, done thinking this would make him invulnerable to attack. He was wrong. I have NEVER been a fan of the Iraq conflict - I think it could have been done in other ways - but it's all water under the bridge, and the goal now should be a stable, democratic Iraq.

The connection between Mujahideen, Taliban, and Al-Quaeda is tenuous and complicated. The Muj formed in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. They were strengthened by the U.S. A lot of people think the U.S. should have pumped many billions into Afghanistan after the Soviet expulsion. Since the Soviets did the vast bulk of the destruction/disruption, I am always curious as to why the USSR/Russia never takes any blame for the mess there.

Most of the people here are too young to strongly remember the Cold War. Between much of the free world and the USSR stood the USA, who poured out blood and treasure to block Soviet expansionism. Yes we benefitted. But Western Europe, South Korea (38,000 U.S. dead), Japan, West Germany were saved from the boot heel. Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea, were not.

Was everything roses and kittens? Of course not, there was plenty of ugliness, but the overall effect was one of good rather than bad.
WMD was first used in WW1 in the form of poison gas. Saddam made use of it against his own Kurdish people. Further, he publicly declared he wanted more. Indications that he had stockpiles were intentionally leaked prior to 2003, done thinking this would make him invulnerable to attack. He was wrong. I have NEVER been a fan of the Iraq conflict - I think it could have been done in other ways - but it's all water under the bridge, and the goal now should be a stable, democratic Iraq.

The connection between Mujahideen, Taliban, and Al-Quaeda is tenuous and complicated. The Muj formed in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. They were strengthened by the U.S. A lot of people think the U.S. should have pumped many billions into Afghanistan after the Soviet expulsion. Since the Soviets did the vast bulk of the destruction/disruption, I am always curious as to why the USSR/Russia never takes any blame for the mess there.

Most of the people here are too young to strongly remember the Cold War. Between much of the free world and the USSR stood the USA, who poured out blood and treasure to block Soviet expansionism. Yes we benefitted. But Western Europe, South Korea (38,000 U.S. dead), Japan, West Germany were saved from the boot heel. Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea, were not.

Was everything roses and kittens? Of course not, there was plenty of ugliness, but the overall effect was one of good rather than bad.

Don't forget the only country to terrorize civilian with atomic bombs was USA.

And the quantity of Napalm and Agent Orange that USA used in Vietnam, horrors of which still remain today....

By far, USA is the main sponsor of terrorism. Policies to oust soviets led to what we now call the Taliban.

Indirect or direct, you have to agree.......
If a rambling lunatic in the street told you he could fly, would you believe him?

Irans government are full on mental cases who should be locked up in a mental hosptial.

Your government is not faring any better at the moment. With near broke economies, you should be more concerned about whats happening back home than abroad.
WMD was first used in WW1 in the form of poison gas. Saddam made use of it against his own Kurdish people.

BTW Who provided this poison gas to saddam ? my friend its again USA.
USA provided saddam with all these things to control Iran. and sponsor Iran-Iraq war.
If a rambling lunatic in the street told you he could fly, would you believe him?

Irans government are full on mental cases who should be locked up in a mental hosptial.

bro ...I believe ..whoever have history of killing innocent humans or thinks to kill humans is a real lunatic...is dangerous for humanity..should not have no WMDs:agree:...:coffee:
Your government is not faring any better at the moment. With near broke economies, you should be more concerned about whats happening back home than abroad.

What are you talking about? My countries economy is doing outstanding.

My country is the only developed 1st world country that didn't have a recession. My countries economy has grown every year for the past 20 years.

I don't know what you are on about :P

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