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Trump: Saudi Arabia will pay the money again!

Quite amusing when you know that Iran spent Few billions and still do to this day in Syria... and will mostly put few others for a "maybe" reconstruction...
Whatever side you are...you gonna pay...

Now if KSA pay... I'm pretty sure it will not be for ASSad/IR side...So could be a good news for North and East Syria...
Now, only Pak can come to the KSA’s aid to save them from the utter humiliation! I hope Pak is good with putting forth their demands for this bail-out...

Now, it’s clear why the top Turkish officials have been making so many trips to Pak (it’s not to save Sherif brothers heads).....

As for IK, the thank u list is long - Trump, Erdo’an, Ruhani etc...
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Kurds rejected alliance with Assad and Russia in its time - they said US is better ally.

You says that Terrorist Pkk/Ypg should be ally with Assad , Russia and Iran to destroy Syria's territorial integrity
( Terrorist Pkk/Ypg wants to create another zionist state in the region and very big threat to Syria,Iraq,Turkey and Iran )

btw poor weak Iran should know its place
If Turkey and Azerbaijan wants ,then in a few months half of Iran will be belonged to Turkey and Azerbaijan

Trump: Saudi Arabia will pay what is needed to help rebuild Syria

Saudi Arabia stood with all Arab and Islamic countries in their crises and issues..Even the ones destroyed by Israel and others.. Trump's words do not matter much.. It is known that Saudi Arabia is always a pioneer..And naturally it will participate alongside other countries in the reconstruction of Syria..

Puppet Saud Family doesnt care about Syria and Islamic countries

S.Arabia says that please the US dont leave Syria ,
We will give money the US to create terrorist Pkk/Ypg state in Syria .... We ( S.Arabia and Israel ) are nothing without You ( the US ) please the US dont leave Syria
.... pathetic criminal scums

S.Arabia and Uae are trying to make ASSAD regime accept for autonomous region of PKK/YPG terrorists in Syria

Russia doesnt care about Syria's territorial integrity ,, Russia care about only military bases in Syria

the US is so smart ... the US can not stop the Turkish Armed Forces to protect Pkk/Ypg terrorists ... now they are trying to destroy ASTANA spirit ( Russia-Turkey-Iran )

Turkey should be smart .... there will be a risk for conflict between Turkey and Assad Regime+Iran because of PKK/YPG terrorists call helping from Assad Regime against Turkey

Russia also wants autonomous region of PKK/YPG terrorists in Syria and Russia-the US agreed over Syria

but Iran,Russia,ASSAD regime or the US,the UK,France,Israel,S.Arabia,Uae doesnt matter Turkish Armed Forces will start operation to destroy Pkk/Ypg terrorists
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The deadly dance with YPG/PYD/PKK is commencing new. We captured their capital city, Afrin first. Their end will be worst than any other group in Syria. Just follow their moaning in following days. They are digging the ground like rats but Noone can save them including Macron.
Turkey is too weak now to afford invading and doing bloody costly battles with YPG, YPG will simply take a page from Vietnam playbook and bleed turkey dry
Turkey is too weak now to afford invading and doing bloody costly battles with YPG, YPG will simply take a page from Vietnam playbook and bleed turkey dry

Lol, like Afrin?

Quite optimistic for a foreign funded atheist communist terrorist group in the heart of Muslims.
Saudi Baboons are just puppets of USRAEL. They will do whatever their masters will tell them do and get humiliated along the way.
Lol, like Afrin?

Quite optimistic for a foreign funded atheist communist terrorist group in the heart of Muslims.

Afrin is just an outpost, try east of Euphrates, Kurds heartland, Turks will get bloody nose and piss themselves
Afrin is just an outpost, try east of Euphrates, Kurds heartland, Turks will get bloody nose and piss themselves

Pkk was born in AFRIN .. but only in 50 days the Turkish Armed Forces took Afrin

terrorist Kurds invaded Arab cities such as Ayn al Arab , Telabyad , Resulayn even Raqqa after 2014
even muslim Kurds , Arabs support the Turkish Armed Forces to save muslim Syrian People from communist atheist Pkk/Ypg terrorists

I am saying again Pkk/Ypg is shit ... so easy to take Ayn Al Arab , Telabyad , Resulayn from Pkk/Ypg terrorists
even only 5% of the Turkish Armed Forces are enough to destroy shitty Pkk-Ypg

ugly smelly PKK-YPG terrorists never can stop the Turkish Armed Forces
We are coming ...... soon very soon.... keep crying
bloody Hell, Bashar must have done something right that he stands victorious and those who came to pull him down stand vacated. As for paying to rebuild I guess it makes sense GCC should fork out for it.

Mind you the worst deal any side got is the commie YPG. They got f#cked once and kept getting f#cked.

Screw the YPG but they're not commies either but they've got a lot of anarcho-socialists overseas duped into supporting them. Even though what they're trying to create is an ethnostate that has nothing to do with either communism or social-anarchism.

Personally, I want to know why Turkey doesn't try to create stronger loyalists among Kurds because that is the only way to defeat PKK/YPG. Outsiders always refer to PKK/YPG as "the Kurds" even though they are just one political faction whom many Kurds don't even agree with. Many Kurds are devout Muslims whereas these YPG rats are godless and contrary to predominant Kurdish values.
Saudi support for rebuilding Syria isn't as cut and dry as you think. The goal of the Zionist-Neocon Axis has always been to take out any rivals of Israel. That is why they're always harping on about WMDs, and took out Iraq and Libya, and by destabilizing Syria their job is done because they set it back by a century and rid it of its military and WMD capabilities to rival Israel's hegemony.

But what is the plan next? Their future target has always been Iran and Lebanon, but also Turkey. The Saudis are part of the Zionist-Neocon Axis. They were hoping to remove Erdogan from power just a few years ago but it was foiled. But don't think you were left off scott free. Turkey will always be their target. Saudis, Emiratis and Israel do NOT like the idea of a strong Turkey to challenge their regional and political hegemony.

They are at your doorstep. Keep that in mind.

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