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India's vigilante cow protectors are reportedly killing dozens of people


Sep 18, 2009
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India's vigilante cow protectors are reportedly killing dozens of people


Key points:

    • Mob attacks are recent — picked up after the Hindu nationalist party came to power in 2014
    • The report finds Muslims, lower castes, and indigenous communities are often targeted
    • The lynchings also disrupt rural economies and communities, including Hindus
A 104-page report released by Human Rights Watch (HRW) also stated at least 280 people were injured in more than 100 attacks across 20 Indian states between May 2015 and December 2018.

The crimes largely target minorities, and go unpunished due to the support of law enforcement and, HRW said, "communal rhetoric by members of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to spur a violent vigilante campaign against consumption of beef and those engaged in the cattle trade".

HRW said 36 Muslims were killed in the reported time period, and police "often stalled prosecutions of the attackers, while several BJP politicians publicly justified the attacks".

'A free pass'

Victims are also from India's Dalit (formerly known as "untouchables") and Adivasi (indigenous) communities.

Human rights activist Harsh Mander told The Guardian many of the killings were filmed, with the footage shared.

Many Hindus consider cows to be sacred and most states ban slaughtering cows, but the need to "save" cows and the proliferation of cow-protection groups around the country are recent phenomena.

The Guardian reported that many Hindus in Kerala and Tamil Nadu eat beef, as well as members of less-powerful castes in need of a cheap source of protein.

HRW found a 500 per cent increase in communally divisive rhetoric in speeches by politicians, 90 per cent of which were from BJP members.

About 90 per cent of the attacks were reported after the BJP's ascension to power in May 2014, and 66 per cent took place in BJP-run states.

Mob rule. No law in Bharat justify the existence of these state sponsored terrorists.
These guys are like the Hindu RSS version of neckbeards.
Forever virgins... unless they rape...
I can understand why these mobs are doing it. Cows urine consumption is big business in India. Protecting the golden goose, cow in this case cows...
Protect the golden showers cows.

Speaking of urine drinkers, Modi met with Mr. Bone Saw recently. Lot of hugs, might be a potential new avi in there for you:

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