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PAF surgical strikes in India, some observations, ramification.

Taimoor Khan

Jan 20, 2016
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United Kingdom
Locations targeted in Indian occupied Kashmir:


We kept in mind that no collateral damage is caused. Therefore, keeping within our own air space, we selected Bhimber Gali, PG Top and Naryan area targets, our pilots locked those target. When they had an option to fire, they manifested responsibility and keeping safety engaged the targets in an open area.”

Bhimber Gali:


Can easily spot a major infrasture and army trucks. Would be nice to get some confirmation if it is the Indian army Dev HQ.

Distance from LOC + 10 kms aireal buffer zone:


Standoff distance achive: 17KMs


There is no place coming up as Naryan. However, just above Srinagar, there is a place called Narayan. Guessing this is the place for the strike.

Distance from LOC + 10 kms aireal buffer zone:


Standoff distance achived: 77KMs

PG top:

Location unknown. Not visible in google map (Please add in your comments if identified)

I have got confirmation that targets as far as 100KMs from LOC inside India were hit.

Pakistani strikes represented escalation, claims India

When asked if Pakistan's incursion and alleged targeting of military installations could be construed as an act of war, Air Vice Marshal RGK Kapoor avoided a yes or no answer and instead alleged that Pakistan had targeted military installations in its strikes, and that represented an escalation in itself.

According to own Indian admission, the targets hit were "military installations". This debunk Indian initial non sense that IAF chased PAF down and the strikes didnt happen. This also raise questions about Pakistan public narrative that it didnt hit the targets but dropped bombs nearby just to send the message, however according to Indian Air vice Marshall, Pakistan targeted the military installation directly. This gives credence to whispers going about that indeed Pakistan knocked out several Indian military installation causing considerable causalities among Indian forces.

Weapons used by PAF:


Cobra's deadly venom_.jpg

Precision-guided glide bomb
Place of origin Pakistan
Service history
In service
2003–Present [1][2]
Used by Pakistan Air Force
Production history
High explosives
Engine Solid propellant booster (rocketry)
120 km

Electro-optical (infrared homing)

Launch platform : Mirage.

Precision-guided glide bomb
Place of origin Pakistan
Service history
In service
2003 [1][2]
Used by Pakistan Air Force
Production history
High explosives
60 km

Electro-optical (TV or infra-red imaging)

Launch platform : Mirage.

Old discussion on PDF about these weapon systems.


REK: (Range extenson Kits)


capture image.png

Range: 100KM

Launch platform: JF-17


1) Since India is chosen by the western deep states to be their regional sugarbaby, there was a well established pattern going on , since the NRO'ed leadership (Zardari and Nawaz) took over Pakistan, that whatever non sense will come from India, Pakistan had to except it. NOT ANYMORE.

2) From now on, India cannot use Pakistan for its internal politics without getting its face disfigured. Questions should be asked within India, after receiving this humiliation of surgical strike by Pakistan and shooting down of IAF jets, which leader will go to polls and think he/she will get votes? Like what? give me votes cause I lead India just to get spanked by Pakistan?

3) No one including India could now use any pretext, terrorism specially, to violate Pakistan sovereignty.

4) By hitting India, the main poodle of "extra regional powers", a message is being send to some local irritants like Kabul regime and Iranian military and establishment. People like Solimani should now exercise restraint in their utterances.

5) Israeli weaponry and system, on this occasion, used by Indian forces have been rendered useless. Their SOW performance was utter shambols, and Israeli upgraded SU30 and Mig21 Bison got blown out of sky. The ease with which PAF hit targets deep inside IOK, made the short work of Israeli provided air defence systems. A big question mark over Israeli products. Its one thing to use on Palestinians and tin pot Syrian and Iranian forces, but here, its a different ball game.

6) A BIG, rather MASSIVE, marketing coup for JF17. You dont have to sell it now, it has done its talking in battlefield. From lower tear Mig21 to top of the line SU30, from air to air combat, to stand off ground attack in one sortie. A true multi role and affordable jet.

7) Great marketing for Pakistani weapon systems, The H series and REK.

8) If lower tier of Pakistani stand off weaponry can make mockery of India, what would be the likes of RAAD 1/2 and beyond (classified) would do ?

9) Make no mistake, rules of the game are changed now. Yanks and their poodles in the region are not going to write the script now and expect everyone to follow. Not anymore.

10) We didnt receive any support after Indian so called strike, we replied on our own, with our own resources, capability and will.

11) Anyone noticed the pin drop silence by Indians over the participation and performace of the JF17s during this strike.

12) We said, Pakistan will always dominate the escalation ladder. And we did quite spectacularly. For the loss of few tress, we have shattered their bloated egos. We will dominate in future as well if further escalation is required.

Please add your input and observations. Thank you.
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Frankly a top logical post by you. It covers all bit.

100+ KM target hit inside India is one hell of a big acheivement.

Su30 MKI kill and Israeli upgraded MiG-21 Bison kills by PAF is one hell of brilliant professional performance. Headsup high. That sureal happiness for defending our Pakistani land successfully and quietly.

Catching Wing Commander was another master stroke and exposing him through out World to see evidence all out open.

Its like something really bad hit India deep and they are just begining to feel the extreme pain. The Indians are begining to feel it was a complete failure of all sorts, the politicians are now comimg up, janta is talking. The Joint Chief Conference of Tri-services needing a conference to show a broken AIM 120-C5 missile is such a shame with hallow victories & lies again.

Silently and confirming it is the world knows the extent of damage Pakistan has done deep into Indians.

Pakistan all the way.:pakistan:
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Paf not targeted any military installation it is tactic by india to gain support of world and justify their future attacks against us we should not come in this trap it is tactic to isolate us and project india as affected by Pakistani aggression
Frankly a top logical post by you. It covers all bit.

100+ KM target hit inside India is one hell of a big acheivement.

Su30 MKI kill and Israeli upgraded MiG-21 Bison kills by PAF is one hell of brilliant professional performance. Headsup high. That sureal happiness for defending our Pakistani land successfully and quietly.

Catching Wing Commander was another master stroke and exposing him through out World to see evidence all out open.

Its like something really bad hit India deep and they are just begining to feel the extreme pain. The Indians are begining to feel it was a complete failure of all sorts, the politicians are now comimg up, janta is talking. The Joint Chief Conference of Tri-services needing a conference to show a broken AIM 120-C5 missile is such a shame with hallow victories & lies again.

Silently and confirming it is the world knows the extent of damage Pakistan has done deep into Indians.

Pakiatan all the way.:pakistan:

What we can do, infact must put in the ears of "interested parties" who happen to be Isreali neighbors, that look, we have proven our system against Israeli products, and we are all ears about your inquires. After all, its all business at the end of the day.
What I find astonishing here is the Indian military planners giving in their own lopsided assumptions about capabilities of Pakistani Armed forces, their abilities, willingness and preparedness to reply in full force. They might have also been taken aback by not only quick response but lethality of PAF reply. However this is not the first time in world history one military underestimated its adversary and paid the price for it. What is interesting this time is instead of re-evaluating its flawed calculations, India proceeded to up the ante.
I have one more question, if we used infrared homing bombs were there any special forces on the ground identifying and selecting the targets or was it done by drones. As per DG ISPR, we confirmed the location and saw people and then decided to not directly hit the targets.
In any case, Indians should take the opportunity and move to deescalate but the way their media is behaving I doubt that.
Amazing and detailed post explaining in details and precision (give consultancy to indian tv their shows becoming jokes now :) .Looking forward to your more posts esp after Today (Frday ) when we going to handover their wing commander.Very few chances now we will ever see videos recorded by planes on that attack :(
What we can do, infact must put in the ears of "interested parties" who happen to be Isreali neighbors, that look, we have proven our system against Israeli products, and we are all ears about your inquires. After all, its all business at the end of the day.

There are no neighbours other than Syria, openly hostile to Israel, and Iran. But its highly unlikely we will ever sell to Syria or Iran under current circumstances. Israeli army is one of the most over rated military forces in the world, they have never gone against any army that is comparable to theirs in the region, heck only Turkey is the comparable potent force in that region, and Israel knows well not to directly challenge turks. And lets not forget how Hizbullah handed their asses to them in last war, shooting unarmed Palestinians, bombing their houses is what Israelis are good at and that is the only skill they are transferring to Indians to suppress Kashmiris.
There are no neighbours other than Syria, openly hostile to Israel, and Iran. But its highly unlikely we will ever sell to Syria or Iran under current circumstances. Israeli army is one of the most over rated military forces in the world, they have never gone against any army that is comparable to theirs in the region, heck only Turkey is the comparable potent force in that region, and Israel knows well not to directly challenge turks. And lets not forget how Hizbullah handed their asses to them in last war, shooting unarmed Palestinians, bombing their houses is what Israelis are good at and that is the only skill they are transferring to Indians to suppress Kashmiris.

Egypt is a potential market.
Keep moving into Kashmir Valley we have 10 million Muslims to rescue who want out of Indian occupation
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What I find astonishing here is the Indian military planners giving in their own lopsided assumptions about capabilities of Pakistani Armed forces, their abilities, willingness and preparedness to reply in full force. They might have also been taken aback by not only quick response but lethality of PAF reply. However this is not the first time in world history one military underestimated its adversary and paid the price for it. What is interesting this time is instead of re-evaluating its flawed calculations, India proceeded to up the ante.
I have one more question, if we used infrared homing bombs were there any special forces on the ground identifying and selecting the targets or was it done by drones. As per DG ISPR, we confirmed the location and saw people and then decided to not directly hit the targets.
In any case, Indians should take the opportunity and move to deescalate but the way their media is behaving I doubt that.

Brilliant observation. Seems like there were some HUMINT involved. Also remember, DG ISPR mentioned to release videos of the strike, which is been withheld (perhaps not to embarass India further). If released, will clear this up.
Why only Egypt???Every weapons needs to be war tested to become hot item to purchase.No wonder JF 17 company stock hit upper lock that day and with that performance NESCOM can expect more orders.Its may tilt the favor to JF 17 in future Malaysia buying of planes considering both things as package

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