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4 Pantsir S-1s VS 1 UAV

AFAIK Pantsirs are designed to shoot big targets like planes, not very small targets like drones. Look how far apart the guns are? Drones can easily be missed by shells. If Israelis are so tough why don't they ever dare enter Syrian airspace? Lobbing stand off missiles from hundreds of km away ain't so badass.
AFAIK Pantsirs are designed to shoot big targets like planes, not very small targets like drones. Look how far apart the guns are? Drones can easily be missed by shells. If Israelis are so tough why don't they ever dare enter Syrian airspace? Lobbing stand off missiles from hundreds of km away ain't so badass.
That would be very retarded of the Russians to train on drones then, and have 4 Pantsirs that are unable to destroy a simple drone with a cannon
Do you want our planes to land in the Damesek airport too? Should we just shoot our own planes down?
That would be very retarded of the Russians to train on drones then, and have 4 Pantsirs that are unable to destroy a simple drone with a cannon
Do you want our planes to land in the Damesek airport too? Should we just shoot our own planes down?

Wrong, only two of the Pantsirs fired on that drone and they did destroy it with a missile. That drone is also only 2.3 meters long and travels at 300km/h. In other words it's smaller then even a Harop and much faster, in fact it's smaller and faster then most glide bombs.

And still Israelis get Pantsired by giant 20 foot long Hamas rockets on a regular basis.
More Israeli propaganda. Russian bases came under attack by 13 small drones. Russia destroyed and or jammed most with minimal damage. Israel fails to shoot down large slow, high flying rockets from Hamas regularly and could not shoot down a Russian drone that infiltrated its airspace.

Israeli fails to down the occasional cheap rocket and drone=Israel stonk, Russia repelles swarms of armed drones=Russia sucks.

Just the other day Israeli failed to intercept a rocket:


270 rockets breached Israeli:


Israel made 3 attempts to shoot down this drone and fails:


While Russia destroyed all these drones:

View attachment 537587

But again Russia suck, Israel stronk!

Congratulations Israeli launched thousands of attacks against Syria, managed to lose an F-16, destroyed a few empty Pantsirs and hit a few dozens mostly empty sheds and hangers. Israelis can be proud, it makes them feel less salty after failing to shoot down thousands of Hamas rockets.

Empty Pantsirs/radar not working.

View attachment 537586

Empty Pantsirs/radar not working/out of missiles.

View attachment 537588

Don't waste your time, Israelis here are morons and propagandist, another moron here claimed the radio command missiles in the Pantsirs are outdated and limited in range, he claimed that 20km is too far. He claimed the Pantsir can't physically have missiles with 20km range--he claimed Russians are lyers. Little did the moron know is that radio command is used for space applications, in some cases sending signals millions of miles away. Even Indians recently developed a medium range air defense system that uses radio command.

Israelis here are shameless liars that will blatantly make up lies and refuse to acknowledge losing a dabate despite being debunked with credible sources. They are only good at lying and trolling. Moral of the story, is there are hundreds of such instances where the Israelis here make up stupid lies.
Bottom line:

1) DIY RC toys made from sticks managed to kill 2 Russian servicemen and damage several aircraft at most protected Russian base protected by all newest Russian SAMs (Pantsir, S-400, S-100050000) on new year 2018.
2) Israel destroyed 3 Pantsirs with slow flying Delilah missiles in Damascus (with dozens of SAMs).
3) After the failure of Pantsir Russia brought Soviet Tor SAM to protect its base.
Golpnik, the US complained Russian forces have jammed and disabled the most modern US electronic warfare aircraft over Syria.
Russian propaganda, and you continue to parrot it again and again without providing proof.

Russian hardware is vaporware mostly. Nobody should take you seriously after you attempted to argue that Su-57 is stealthy in its rear.
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Bottom line:

1) DIY RC toys made from sticks managed to kill 2 Russian servicemen and damage several aircraft at most protected Russian base protected by all newest Russian SAMs (Pantsir, S-400, S-100050000) on new year 2018.
2) Israel destroyed 3 Pantsirs with slow flying Delilah missiles in Damascus (with dozens of SAMs).
3) After the failure of Pantsir Russia brought Soviet Tor SAM to protect its base.

Thousands of rockets have breached Israeli airspace, many drones including Russian ones penetrated Israeli airspace yet Israeli got red faces when they failed to stop both rocket and drone incursions, you however keep bringing up a mass swarm of drone attacks that was successfully repulsed with minimal damage.
As for the continued Pantsirs talks, it's more pathetic Israeli boasting and propaganda. The S-400 and S-300 are primarily ment to engage aircraft and cruise missiles targeting Russian bases; as for Russian Pantsirs, they will never waste their time trying to engage Israeli missiles, its financially a waste of money and strategically not relevant for Russia to waste resources and its money and on Israeli adventurism. The fact is Russia has never fired any of its missiles over Syria but it doesn't stop idiots like you from chest pounding. Nor does Russian operated Pantsirs even have the range to engage Israeli missiles, most Israeli strikes have been well outside the range of Russian Pantsirs. By your moronic logic I can claim Israeli aircraft are worthless since they have yet to shoot down any Russian aircraft in Syria despite Russia flying in weapons to Israeli enemies.

Israel launches massive WW2 still kamikaze strikes behind the cover of mountains, they destroyed 2, possible 3 Pantsirs, two of which were empty but it doesn't stop Israelis from circle jerking each other off about it.

Russian propaganda, and you continue to parrot it again and again without providing proof.

Russian hardware is vaporware mostly. Nobody should take you seriously after you attempted to argue that Su-57 is stealthy in its rear.

US officials have said Russia jammed and disabled US aircraft so stick those claims of "Russian propaganda". You can't have a normal conversation without looking ignorant and sounding like a US propaganda machine/parrot. As that SU-57 argument, where was your rebuttal? You were arguing that large gaps and discontinuities somehow made F-22 nozzles more "stealthy" your argument defied all known laws of physics.


As for Russian systems ask Pakistanis how shitty they are.
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Bottom line:

1) DIY RC toys made from sticks managed to kill 2 Russian servicemen and damage several aircraft at most protected Russian base protected by all newest Russian SAMs (Pantsir, S-400, S-100050000) on new year 2018.
2) Israel destroyed 3 Pantsirs with slow flying Delilah missiles in Damascus (with dozens of SAMs).
3) After the failure of Pantsir Russia brought Soviet Tor SAM to protect its base.

Bottom line: Israel after 8 years of attacks against Syria managed to destroy 2 out of ammo Pantsirs by simultaneously launching dozens of cruise missiles worth millions of USD against each Pantsir. At the same time miserably failed trying to stop 1960s Syrian S-200 and losing its most modern F-16 effectively showing to the whole world that all Israeli claims about superior and outstanding technology, EW and jamming capabilities are nothing more than joke and propaganda. Congratulations :lol:
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Bottom line: Israel after 8 years of attacks against Syria managed to destroy 2 out of ammo Pantsirs by simultaneously launching dozens of cruise missiles worth millions of USD against each Pantsir.
Pantsirs were destroyed on 2 instances:
1) 10 May 2018 after deliberate rocket attack on Israel from Syria.
2) 21 January 2019 after deliberate rocket attack on Israel from Syria.

There were only 2 deliberate rocket attacks from Syria in 8 years and each time Israel responded by destroying Pantsir. In 8 years Pantsir failed to shoot down anything.

At the same time miserably failed trying to stop 1960s Syrian S-200 and losing its most modern F-16 effectively showing to the whole world that all Israeli claims about superior and outstanding technology, EW and jamming capabilities are nothing more than joke and propaganda. Congratulations :lol:
Syria fired at dozens of rockets at Israeli F-16 which was deep inside Israeli space and not expecting the attack. One hour after that attack Israel destroyed all S-200 in Damascus area.

That means Israel could destroy S-200 anytime with ease. We just ignored them.
Pantsirs were destroyed on 2 instances:
1) 10 May 2018 after deliberate rocket attack on Israel from Syria.
2) 21 January 2019 after deliberate rocket attack on Israel from Syria.

There were only 2 deliberate rocket attacks from Syria in 8 years and each time Israel responded by destroying Pantsir. In 8 years Pantsir failed to shoot down anything.

There were dozens of failed attacks against Pantsirs. Israeli missiles are very easily intercepted.

Syria fired at dozens of rockets at Israeli F-16 which was deep inside Israeli space and not expecting the attack. One hour after that attack Israel destroyed all S-200 in Damascus area.

That means Israel could destroy S-200 anytime with ease. We just ignored them.

Syria fired only one missile and it hit F-16. The only thing Israel managed to destroy in response is one stationary radar, it could not hit even single launcher.

But all that doesnt even matter. What matters is that Israel failed miserably trying to stop 1960s S-200 and lost F-16. And your excuses are so laughable, stop humilating yourself even more. Like inferior state of Israeli technology isnt enough already :lol:
There were dozens of failed attacks against Pantsirs. Israeli missiles are very easily intercepted.
Zero evidence of these claims.

Fact is that Assadists two times fired deliberately rockets ate Israel and two times Israel destroyed Pantsirs several hours later.

Syria fired only one missile and it hit F-16. The only thing Israel managed to destroy in response is one stationary radar, it could not hit even single launcher.
Missiles were scattered all around. In Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel. Your lies are very poor.

But all that doesnt even matter. What matters is that Israel failed miserably trying to stop 1960s S-200 and lost F-16. And your excuses are so laughable, stop humilating yourself even more. Like inferior state of Israeli technology isnt enough already :lol:
Israel destroyed S-200 1 hour after it fired at F-16. That proves that Israel could destroy it anytime.

So far S-200 (an all other newest Russian air defences) killed only 15 Russian officers.
Zero evidence of these claims.

Fact is that Assadists two times fired deliberately rockets ate Israel and two times Israel destroyed Pantsirs several hours later.

Zero evidence of your delusional fantasy claims than Pantsirs never hit anything, Baghdad Bob.

Missiles were scattered all around. In Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel. Your lies are very poor.

Zero evidence of that.

Israel destroyed S-200 1 hour after it fired at F-16. That proves that Israel could destroy it anytime.

So far S-200 (an all other newest Russian air defences) killed only 15 Russian officers.

Israel never even destroyed S-200. It destroyed one stationary radar.
Theres nothing spectacular about destroyng 1960s era S-200. What is spectacular is humilation of losing F-16 to it. That just highlights the severe limitations of Israeli anti air defence technology.
Zero evidence of your delusional fantasy claims than Pantsirs never hit anything, Baghdad Bob.
You should prove that Pantsir ever shot down something.

Zero evidence of that.
S-200 landed in Jordan:



S-200 landed in Israel:


In Turkey:




Israel never even destroyed S-200. It destroyed one stationary radar.
5N62V illumination radar:

PRV-17 radar altimeter:

P-35 2D radar:

Think a little before posting.

Theres nothing spectacular about destroyng 1960s era S-200.
S-200 was located in Damascus area and protected by newest Russian Pantsirs, Buk-2Ms and modified Pechoras.

What is spectacular is humilation of losing F-16 to it. That just highlights the severe limitations of Israeli anti air defence technology.
What's humiliating is that S-200 killed 15 Russian officers in super duper recon plame
You should prove that Pantsir ever shot down something.
I shouldnt prove you anything, dumb troll. There are plenty of pics of intercepted Israeli missiles and bombs. Destroyng two Pantsirs wiothout ammo is the proof itself that you failed to hit them while they had ammo.

S-200 landed in Jordan:



S-200 landed in Israel:


In Turkey:




I said zero evidence of your delusional claims that Syria fired dozens :lol: of missiles against F-16 and you showing me random pics from different times of some 4 missiles. Including one from Turkey. So Syria were firing toward F-16 through Turkey's territory? :lol: Dumb troll, you again forgot to take your meds?

5N62V illumination radar:

PRV-17 radar altimeter:

P-35 2D radar:

Think a little before posting.
S-200 was located in Damascus area and protected by newest Russian Pantsirs, Buk-2Ms and modified Pechoras.

See, no single S-200 launcher destroyed. And you were babbling few posts back that all S-200 were destroyed. Lying as usual.

What's humiliating is that S-200 killed 15 Russian officers in super duper recon plame

Stop repeating your mantra about 15 killed you sleazy troll. You are not going to fool anyone and distract attention from main issue. Theres nothing humilating about S-200 that was not integrated with Russian systems hitting defenceless transport plane by mistake. What is humilating is carefully planned air raid against Syria resulted in a loss of most modern F-16 to 1960s era S-200. Showing that Israel lacks capabilities to suppress even such archaic system. What a blow to Israeli propaganda and myths of its supposedly superior tech.
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I shouldnt prove you anything, dumb troll.
If u make claim u must prove it.

There are plenty of pics of intercepted Israeli missiles and bombs.
Thats lie.

I said zero evidence of your delusional claims that Syria fired dozens :lol: of missiles against F-16 and you showing me random pics from different times of some 4 missiles. Including one from Turkey. So Syria were firing toward F-16 through Turkey's territory? :lol: Dumb troll, you again forgot to take your meds?
U claimed only one missile fired and there is zero evidence that Syrian SAMs scatered all around. They fired like crazy that missiles landed in several neighboring countries + Syria itself. So u lied twice.

See, no single S-200 launcher destroyed. And you were babbling few posts back that all S-200 were destroyed. Lying as usual.
U claimed only one radar was destroyed. I proved hat its lie. As for launchers - they were empty after they fired at Israeli F-16 so attacking empty launches does not make any sense.

Stop repeating your mantra about 15 killed you sleazy troll.
Thats fact. In 8 years Syrian air defence with most modern Russian SAMs could kill only 15 Russian officers. Thats very embarrassing for u.
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