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Indian air force's offensive military build-up along China's border


Response to your accusations/personal attacks that I am a traitor/fake Chinese. Also proof that you are, as a matter of the fact, the one who betrayed your country in the past.

Just as I had made response to this statement.

Just FYI don't feed the trolls in the future.

Someone made this statement. I called him 'traitor'. And I was right.
Cut it out guys, its getting embarrassing and kind of out of hand, please stop it before anyone get into trouble.:cheers:
Response to your accusations/personal attacks that I am a traitor/fake Chinese. Also proof that you are, as a matter of the fact, the one who betrayed your country in the past.

I love how he slings the word traitor around. Him of all people, who thinks we are better off licking Japanese boots, who thinks those who resisted Japanese invasion were stooges of the American imperialists.
I love how he slings the word traitor around. Him of all people, who thinks we are better off licks the boots of the Japanese, who thinks those who resisted Japanese invasion were stooges of the American imperialists.

By this logic, Lee Myung-bak and Naoto Kan can claim they are not American stooges.
Cut it out guys, its getting embarrassing and kind of out of hand, please stop it before anyone get into trouble.:cheers:

Thnx for your reminder. I shall cut it out by doing what Cardsharp did in the past - using the ignore function. Never used it before so it is a bit exciting for me.
I don't know what India wants or what are it's objectives. But as far PAF's experience of handling IAF in the past is concern, I can asure my Chinese brothers it won't be a problem for a big airforce like PLAAF to handle IAF.

You are most welcome, but is thats all? should be more, much more!
Hint: you follow our foot step as a sample to develop your economy. :Whistle:

i must admit u do keep us on our toes :agree:
I don't know what India wants or what are it's objectives. But as far PAF's experience of handling IAF in the past is concern, I can asure my Chinese brothers it won't be a problem for a big airforce like PLAAF to handle IAF.


...as if Chinese don't know about their capabilities...:cheesy:
chinese are brainy enough not to follow ur example of loosing half of ur country

Chinese also don't have a civil war in a part of it's country or a country with two arms having an enemy territory in between. Genius. :D
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