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Indian family steals accessories from Bali hotel, caught by staff. Viral video shocks Internet

It is shameful for the individuals in question, I wonder why would the creator of the video and this thread in particular thread want to defame the Indian community at large for actions of one family?
And then there are comments on the thread, which is just a reflection of the individuals upbringing, or lack thereof.

By the same standard of reasoning. would you look at the 2015 San Bernardino attacks and label entire pakistani community as terrorists?
Looking at the numerous and frequent bash India threads prevalent here, I'd wager it's a full time job for some members here, reasoning is lost on these occasions, just chuckle and move on.

Members here behave oddly if the same logic is applied to them.
It is shameful for the individuals in question, I wonder why would the creator of the video and this thread in particular thread want to defame the Indian community at large for actions of one family?
And then there are comments on the thread, which is just a reflection of the individuals upbringing, or lack thereof.

By the same standard of reasoning. would you look at the 2015 San Bernardino attacks and label entire pakistani community as terrorists?

The owner of the video did a great service to india.. Infact I see most indians here and on Twitter agreeing to it.. But since you are a pdf indian you have taken offense.. The vile comments from Pakistanis you see here are just reflections of the truth about the hate we have for each other. Reality.. don't know why you get surprised seeing it every time. like your were born yesterday ..

Looking at the numerous and frequent bash India threads prevalent here, I'd wager it's a full time job for some members here, reasoning is lost on these occasions, just chuckle and move on.

Members here behave oddly if the same logic is applied to them.
You go to a restaurant and expect not to smell the food? You are on PDF sunny.
Most of the Bhakts posting here if given the chance will do the same like this indian family.. All loud and aggressive nonsense but when the truth comes out making excuses.
The owner of the video did a great service to india.. Infact I see most indians here and on Twitter agreeing to it.. But since you are a pdf indian you have taken offense.. The vile comments from Pakistanis you see here are just reflections of the truth about the hate we have for each other. Reality.. don't know why you get surprised seeing it every time. like your were born yesterday ..

You go to a restaurant and expect not to smell the food? You are on PDF sunny.
Most of the Bhakts posting here if given the chance will do the same like this indian family.. All loud and aggressive nonsense but when the truth comes out making excuses.
Speak for yourslef
The owner of the video did a great service to india.. Infact I see most indians here and on Twitter agreeing to it.. But since you are a pdf indian you have taken offense.. The vile comments from Pakistanis you see here are just reflections of the truth about the hate we have for each other. Reality.. don't know why you get surprised seeing it every time. like your were born yesterday ..

You go to a restaurant and expect not to smell the food? You are on PDF sunny.
Most of the Bhakts posting here if given the chance will do the same like this indian family.. All loud and aggressive nonsense but when the truth comes out making excuses.

So should I term your logic, as reflective of Pakistani logic then?
The excuses these pathetic Indians come up with are laughable. Still trying to make most of a dire situation.

LOL at international power and a natural occurrence. India is a slumdog of this world. Rape, lynching, scams and now stealing. The list of bad habits keeps growing, but somehow we are supossed to give India a free pass according to Indian members. India is special because it is still learning to discover the world LOL As if stealing, raping and scamming are initially part of this exercise.

Someone posed the question that India is hated on this forum. Of course we hate India. Hate is not sufficient though.
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I got a notification for this and feel its directed at my statement.

Let me clarify, i do not feel the of course part.

It was merely an observation for this site. There is no reason for it to happen imho.

It is directed at many Indian comments in this thread trying to downplay this epic moment of embarrassment.

The Indian logic is pathetic and mindboggling. You don't steal if you go out to discover the world and no it is not a natural process.
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Looking at the numerous and frequent bash India threads prevalent here, I'd wager it's a full time job for some members here, reasoning is lost on these occasions, just chuckle and move on.

Members here behave oddly if the same logic is applied to them.
all this to show bhagat and saghis their auqat who come here and brag and carry on like ...dont know what.

No disrespect to sensible Indian members/Indians.

I feel a lot of pakistanis on this site actually hate india.
That being said, this is a natural progression, Yankees were uverpais, oversexed, and over here, when they first made a mark on the world, recently chinese tourists have earned their foar share of criticism, its kust noe that indians are getting exposed to the wider world, the clash of values will naturally occur. Its the consequences of being exposed may i dare say. Things should resolve with more experience.
nobody here hates India or Indians, we are just fedup of Sanghi Bhagat Trolls here. Just showing them the mirror.
Indians on PDF always boasting about richie rich india and look at these rich indians stealing soap and towels.
The owner of the video did a great service to india.. Infact I see most indians here and on Twitter agreeing to it.. But since you are a pdf indian you have taken offense.. The vile comments from Pakistanis you see here are just reflections of the truth about the hate we have for each other. Reality.. don't know why you get surprised seeing it every time. like your were born yesterday ..

You go to a restaurant and expect not to smell the food? You are on PDF sunny.
Most of the Bhakts posting here if given the chance will do the same like this indian family.. All loud and aggressive nonsense but when the truth comes out making excuses.
all this to show bhagat and saghis their auqat who come here and brag and carry on like ...dont know what.

No disrespect to sensible Indian members/Indians.

nobody here hates India or Indians, we are just fedup of Sanghi Bhagat Trolls here. Just showing them the mirror.
I'm not against any posts with India bashing content, I take it as a learning opportunity, my country has many deficits and who better to point them out than the members here(if only because they wont sugar coat it, plus some of them are valid criticisms and pretty funny tbh)

But for the life of me I cannot comprehend those who would bash and ridicule simply because of bias, even when the same logic if applied in reverse (or if the shoe is on the other foot) would implicate their own social communities, why the dichotomy?
I'm not against any posts with India bashing content, I take it as a learning opportunity, my country has many deficits and who better to point them out than the members here(if only because they wont sugar coat it, plus some of them are valid criticisms and pretty funny tbh)

But for the life of me I cannot comprehend those who would bash and ridicule simply because of bias, even when the same logic if applied in reverse (or if the shoe is on the other foot) would implicate their own social communities, why the dichotomy?

Wrong will remain wrong no matter where it happens and who does it.
We have seen here, some Indians will even defend some heinous crimes, hence the reason those type of Indians get stronger responses.
Wrong will remain wrong no matter where it happens and who does it.
We have seen here, some Indians will even defend some heinous crimes, hence the reason those type of Indians get stronger responses.
Ofcourse, I cannot claim to speak for my country, my views are my own, in the same vein those who defend deplorable acts only defend their own views why conflate that to represent the entire country?

I've seen posts here by members calling for actual genocide and dismemberment of my country, in no way does that equate to their comity values or a projection of the proud nation they are born in.

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