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Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir


Dude dont waste your grey cells. Say "whatever" and chill.

But one question - Is it the official Armenian position that it supports India over Kashmir.?

As far as I know we do, I know I and many other Armenians do.........and thanks for the tip, it seems like I am talking to brainwashed Azeri kids here on this thread.
Armenia is not the aggressive country. First of all you are dealing with the Nagorno Karabagh Republic and not Armenia. Second of all NKR defense forces are dugged in on a defensive position and it is the Azeris who keep violating the ceasefire and border intrusion which has cost them the lives of their soldiers in their failed sabotage attempts again and again. Third of all it the OSCE Minsk group chaired by Russia, USA, and France who are negotiating the peace process and they know who the real aggressor is and who is the one who refuses to settle this conflict. And lastly, ethnic cleansing was committed by Azeris on the Armenians of Baku, Sumgay.........that is what started the freaking war. If you think Armenian ethnically cleaned Azeris in kujalis then let that be a lesson to you tatars that you can no longer **** with us Armenians.

If you had bothered to actually research the resolutions by the UN and OIC you would know Armenia is the labeled as the "aggressor state". Go do some research then come back kid. The independence of Nagorno Karabakh is only a justification for war. Armenia is not even independent, let alone NK. If we were really involved with only Nagorno Karabakh then what do you meddle in our country affairs? The truth is Armenian-Russian alliance occupies 20% of Azerbaijan. And what do you know about the frontline, your just a California-Armenian. I have been in the service for 2 years of which 6 months in the frontline. I have touched the cold dirt and smelled the fresh air. So dont talk your nonesense about the frontline.

You need to learn World history instead of that Turkish copy. Azerbaijan is a province of Iran. Today’s Azerbaijan was created like you said in 1918. There was no nation called Azerbaijan north of Arax river before then. The Azerbaijanis are Turkified Iranian Azaris. Why you deny your roots?

Let me enlighten you. We are of mixed origins, like most nations are and Turkic is our identity. We have always lived in these lands. Who build the Maiden Tower in Baku? There are more then 300 castle's throughout Azerbaijan. Who build all these defensive structures? You think nobody inhabited these lands before 1918? Azerbaijani literature excisted in 15th proving that we have been around before 1918. Your nationalist arrogance that Azerbaijanis are nomands who came to Caucasus in 1918 is the reason for animosity against Azerbaijanis in Armenia. You still need to accept and recognize that Azerbaijan is an independent country. Most of the world has moved on but Armenian mentality is still stuck in 20th century.

Man, talk about lies. First of all there is only one Russian base in Armenia, the 102th military base in Gyumri. The lease on the base was extended not too long ago and the 4000 Russian soldiers are there to patrol the Turkish border with Armenia. There are something like 8 Mig 29s in Yerevan international airport (not a full base), again solely to counter Turkish F-16s. There are also S-300s in Armenia operated by Armenians, again for Turkish aircraft. Russia provides security to Armenia proper only! This has nothing to do with Artsakh or the constant threats from Azerbaijan to attack NKR. Might I remind you that Russia also holds military base in Azerbaijan. If Azeris don’t have the guts or the will to die to engage Armenians in Artsakh then please don’t blame it on the Russians, there are no Russians in Artsakh.

What are you a child or something? There is a 2nd army base in Zengezur, its a strategic location. Your ignorance has blinded you to logic. These military bases are not meant to defend Armenia against the Turks. What can 4000 Russians do against the Turkish military? The Turks will overrun the Russian base in a day. Do you know nothing? And a Turkish F16s based in the eastern bases are way more advanced then the MiG29s in Armenia. You have watched to many action movies. The sole purpose of the military bases in Armenia are meant to keep Azerbaijan back. If your interested in the truth then research what I say. Also regarding the Qebele Radar station, its a early warning system operated by Russians. Its not a military base as it has no defensive or offensive capibilities. The Russians have build the same radar in their own lands, so in 2012 they will leave. If you have this kind of lack of knowledge then you should learn before you talk.

Most of your refugees still live in railroad carts.........thank Sultan Aliyev for using them as a tool.

Yeah? And where did you read this? The almighty Armenian propaganda machine? Probably even the same website that tried to link Azerbaijan to terrorism. Dont talk about things you have no knowledge of kid.

You are mistaken me from someone else or your lying on purpose.
Regardless, I have heard about this Mosque and we know the guy who made this anti-Armenian video, seems to be his full time job putting these types of propaganda out there on utube and he refuses to engage every time challenged or questioned. My take on this is that first of all how do we know that is the same Mosque. Second of all the writings on the wall can be done by Azeris themselves. I can write fluent Farsi, if I graffiti a Church does that mean a Persian Muslim did it? Thirdly the Mosque lies within Azeri sniper range and it is an abandoned Mosque. I don’t think it is the same Mosque anyway, we Armenians respect the Muslim religion and we live in many Muslim countries from Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon to Iran.

Armenians desecrate a mosque and when somebody makes a video of it, it is labeled as anti-Armenian? Stop your victim act, nobody is that silly here. And look how he goes into denial. Kid, its the same mosque because the interior is the same as pro-Karabagh war photos. Ethnic Azerbaijanis or Turks cannot visit the occupied city of Agdam, where the mosque is located. What you say doesnt make any sense. Your comment on sniper range, shows that you have never stepped a foot in Caucasus. First the frontline is not in sniper range of Agdam city, your just trying to lie yourself out of a tight situation. Second, the mosque is in the center of the city. How do you expect any sniper to hit a target within a city from 10km distance. Stop lying, admit it. First you massacred thousands of civilians, you forced 150.000 people to leave their homes. Then you desecrated a mosque by placing pigs and cows and vandalizing the walls.

For those interested here is a good debate on the Karabagh conflict.

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huh, iranians, armenians, azerbijanians???

huh huh huh

and whats the topic?????
Man, talk about lies. First of all there is only one Russian base in Armenia, the 102th military base in Gyumri. The lease on the base was extended not too long ago and the 4000 Russian soldiers are there to patrol the Turkish border with Armenia. There are something like 8 Mig 29s in Yerevan international airport (not a full base), again solely to counter Turkish F-16s. There are also S-300s in Armenia operated by Armenians, again for Turkish aircraft. Russia provides security to Armenia proper only! This has nothing to do with Artsakh or the constant threats from Azerbaijan to attack NKR. Might I remind you that Russia also holds military base in Azerbaijan. If Azeris don’t have the guts or the will to die to engage Armenians in Artsakh then please don’t blame it on the Russians, there are no Russians in Artsakh.

8 Mig-29s ? Is this a joke ? The two closest air force bases to Armenia are in Malatya and Balikesir and operate a total of 5 squadrons of aircraft. These include the 181 filo panthers and they run Lantern equipped F-16C/Ds so your going to be dealing with night operations. Malatya AFB has F-4E 2020 terminators that have Israeli AGM-142s popeyes so your going to be dealing with long range stand off missiles. Not to mention the Army operates 300km Ballistic missiles. What would happen if these are launched at your AFB in Yerevan and vanadzor. With Conventional Warheads the CEP would be enough to hit the bases. We wouldn't even need to mobilize an army to cripple your defenses.
8 Mig-29s ? Is this a joke ? The two closest air force bases to Armenia are in Malatya and Balikesir and operate a total of 5 squadrons of aircraft. These include the 181 filo panthers and they run Lantern equipped F-16C/Ds so your going to be dealing with night operations. Malatya AFB has F-4E 2020 terminators that have Israeli AGM-142s popeyes so your going to be dealing with long range stand off missiles. Not to mention the Army operates 300km Ballistic missiles. What would happen if these are launched at your AFB in Yerevan and vanadzor. With Conventional Warheads the CEP would be enough to hit the bases. We wouldn't even need to mobilize an army to cripple your defenses.

Exacly my point bro. You can see what kinda ignorant people we are dealing here with. The Russian bases in Armenia are meant to hold only Azerbaijan back, thats the only purpose of it. Here is what Vladimir Putin had to say about Armenia:

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To Shusha:
You sound more juvenile than I thought.
Listen, you don’t know who I am and what I have done in my lifetime......It is good that you serve your country with pride but believe me the last thing you would ever want to experience is the horrors of a war.

Since Armenians would never restart any hostilities, it is good thing that your President for life is drunk in oil money and would not risk loosing power with a renewed war, not to mention scaring off all of his big time investors. Have you seen pictures of his Villas that he bought under his kids name in Dubai? Very nice I may add.

I like your username btw...........we just celebrated the liberation of Shushi in Yerevan.

8 Mig-29s ? Is this a joke ? The two closest air force bases to Armenia are in Malatya and Balikesir and operate a total of 5 squadrons of aircraft. These include the 181 filo panthers and they run Lantern equipped F-16C/Ds so your going to be dealing with night operations. Malatya AFB has F-4E 2020 terminators that have Israeli AGM-142s popeyes so your going to be dealing with long range stand off missiles. Not to mention the Army operates 300km Ballistic missiles. What would happen if these are launched at your AFB in Yerevan and vanadzor. With Conventional Warheads the CEP would be enough to hit the bases. We wouldn't even need to mobilize an army to cripple your defenses.

You guys need to think outside of the box. Nobody claims that 4000 Russian soldiers can stop an all out Turkish invasion. They are there to keep the Armenian Turkish border secure (security guards) freeing up our soldier in order to keep an eye on Azerbaijani side who is threatening war every other day. You know there isn’t too many Armenians left in the world so we can use every man we have where it counts. Also, any such invasion by Turkey will be known by intel, not to mention you need to mass troops at the border before any invasion, just like Turkey did during the Karabagh war. Remember what Russia did then and how it ended? ha

And as far as Turkish jets flying over Armenian territory against only 8 Mig 29s......think about lower terrain infestation of anti aircraft batteries of all types including S-300s covering the whole country.
Those Migs run the border every so often with a flight of two. Also Russian presence in Armenia is not only for Armenia, but a very strategic location for Russian own interests in the region.
Azat, Azerbaijanis are Oghuz Turks....

Yap, they claim Turkish roots when they want solidarity with Turkey, they claim to be Caucasian Albanians when they want to claim Armenian lands, and the claim to be Iranians when they want to carve a peace of Iran........we Armenians do not have that identity disorder.
You guys need to think outside of the box. Nobody claims that 4000 Russian soldiers can stop an all out Turkish invasion. They are there to keep the Armenian Turkish border secure (security guards) freeing up our soldier in order to keep an eye on Azerbaijani side who is threatening war every other day. You know there isn’t too many Armenians left in the world so we can use every man we have where it counts. Also, any such invasion by Turkey will be known by intel, not to mention you need to mass troops at the border before any invasion, just like Turkey did during the Karabagh war. Remember what Russia did then and how it ended? ha

And as far as Turkish jets flying over Armenian territory against only 8 Mig 29s......think about lower terrain infestation of anti aircraft batteries of all types including S-300s covering the whole country.
Those Migs run the border every so often with a flight of two. Also Russian presence in Armenia is not only for Armenia, but a very strategic location for Russian own interests in the region.

Oh no the dreaded S-300. 151 filo 152 Filo 191 filo are all block 50 F-16s with dedicated SEAD roles.


AGM-88 HARMS will force you to shut your S-300 Radar down or be fired on. Remember we worked on the Popeye II with Israel and that has a range of more then 150kms.

Just because you plant some S-300 batteries doesn't mean you automatically rule the skies. We don't have to invade just cripple your capability and Azerbaijan will roll in and take back their land.
Yap, they claim Turkish roots when they want solidarity with Turkey, they claim to be Caucasian Albanians when they want to claim Armenian lands, and the claim to be Iranians when they want to carve a peace of Iran........we Armenians do not have that identity disorder.

Are you making any sense? Azerbaijan are more Turkic then Turkey itself and Turkic nationalism was formed before then it was in Turkey. As said, our Turkic idenity are even represented on our flag. We are not Turkish but Turkic. However, Turkey are also Oghuz Turk like Azerbaijan.

Caucasian Albanians are also a part of our history. And there is no "Armenian land". If someone is claiming others lands, its Armenians, we have the best example, Karabakh.

I have never seen any Azerbaijani claim to be Iranian. Iran occupies Southern Azerbaijan.
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The World Bank estimates that 456 million Indians (41.6% of the total Indian population) now live under the global poverty line of US$ 1.25 per day (PPP). This means that a third of the global poor now reside in India.

Poverty in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So its correct to say that india has more people living below the poverty line than the total populations of both Pakistan and Azerbaijan combined.

Ok, now try to connect 'poverty in India' to 'Azerbaijan's support to Pakistan on Kashmir'. Where does all your logic applies to the discussion in hand? :blink:
Seems like some people here are only interested in bringing poverty, slums, toilets, etc. in every other discussion & we have started enjoying it. ;)
To Shusha:
You sound more juvenile than I thought.
Listen, you don’t know who I am and what I have done in my lifetime......It is good that you serve your country with pride but believe me the last thing you would ever want to experience is the horrors of a war.

Stop associating action movies with real life warfare kid. You know nothing about warfare, probably never even seen a life weapon.

Since Armenians would never restart any hostilities, it is good thing that your President for life is drunk in oil money and would not risk loosing power with a renewed war, not to mention scaring off all of his big time investors. Have you seen pictures of his Villas that he bought under his kids name in Dubai? Very nice I may add.

You have a lack of geopolitical knowledge and all you do is have some macho talk behind your desktop. Why do you think everybody is trying to solve the conflict? In last 3 months, more then 200 Armenian soldiers were killed by the Azerbaijani army. All you are trying to do is comfort yourself by denying the possibility of resumption of war.

I like your username btw...........we just celebrated the liberation of Shushi in Yerevan.

And a great celebration it was. Shusha once home to 40.000 Azerbaijanis. Home to dozens of poets, musicians and artists now another ghost town in Karabagh. Here is a video of Shusha today, under Armenian occupation. You also try to forgot to admit for the desecration of Agdam mosque.

You guys need to think outside of the box. Nobody claims that 4000 Russian soldiers can stop an all out Turkish invasion. They are there to keep the Armenian Turkish border secure (security guards) freeing up our soldier in order to keep an eye on Azerbaijani side who is threatening war every other day.

lol you just contradicted yourself, either that or you agree, the Russian military bases are only meant to keep Azerbaijan back. And this is one of the methods how Russia supports Armenia.

And as far as Turkish jets flying over Armenian territory against only 8 Mig 29s......think about lower terrain infestation of anti aircraft batteries of all types including S-300s covering the whole country.
Those Migs run the border every so often with a flight of two. Also Russian presence in Armenia is not only for Armenia, but a very strategic location for Russian own interests in the region.

Kid, stop your military talk, you dont even have the slightest idea what your saying. S-300 is nice, but only if it were that easy. Your border security is an illusion, meant to keep Armenian public from panicking. What possible defense can the Armenian army and the Russian bases do against the Turkish army. So stop talking about things you have no knowledge of, your humiliating yourself.
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Demograph, very funny. First the 80.000 Armenians kick out a million Azerbaijanis and then call themselfs the majority.

I agree. Its a valid point. Now on similar lines, google for
"Kashmiri pundits" and change of demography in Kashmir. Waiting for your viewpoint on that
A question to the Azeri members here:

Does Azerbaijan recognize Armenia as a sovereign nation?
i think another thead should be created abt the disputed regions of azerbaijans and armenians and iranians..

this thread derailed too long
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