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Iran needs to get out Iraq and Lebanon

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But Iran didn't force the US forces to leave Iraq. The US itself decided to reduce its military presence in Iraq. You can't blame that on us. I agree with the main point of your post that the objective of that comment is bashing Arabs though.
Libyans, Iraqis, Egyptians, ... are not Arabs, for God sake! They speak Arabic! Especially, Iraq and Egypt are documented centers for civilization in the region, and I really don’t understand why their people are proud of being called ‘Arab’ ! American people also speak English, but they are not English!
Iran must transform into a sane and modern country for its own good.
So when you talk about a "sane and modern country",are you meaning saudi and the gulfies or are you talking about israel?.The reason I`m asking is because saudi and the gulfies are kingdoms,not modern nation states,that are run by hereditary absolute monarchs,while israel for its part is a zionist settler state founded on 19th century "principles"[I use the term loosely] of occupation,colonisation and apartheid style discrimination and oppression.Oh and of course let not forget that one thing that virtually all these regimes have in common is their western vassal status,so these are not even politically independent entities.
If this is truly your idea of what constitutes a "sane and modern country" then it is a most confused and backward looking one.
Libyans, Iraqis, Egyptians, ... are not Arabs, for God sake! They speak Arabic! Especially, Iraq and Egypt are documented centers for civilization in the region, and I really don’t understand why their people are proud of being called ‘Arab’ ! American people also speak English, but they are not English!
I know, but people are called what they want to be called.
Libyans, Iraqis, Egyptians, ... are not Arabs, for God sake! They speak Arabic! Especially, Iraq and Egypt are documented centers for civilization in the region, and I really don’t understand why their people are proud of being called ‘Arab’ ! American people also speak English, but they are not English!

It's not about DNA, I as an Iraqi probably my DNA is a mixture of Iraq's and its neighbors. It's about identity which is formed by language, culture and religion which all points to Arabism with of course a unique Iraqi side to it which varies by every Arab state.

However you will find some in Egypt and Iraq who all under the category of Arab whilst they don't like to identify as such, it's part of personal identity.
Let us get something straight. Iran is NOT a dominant power. Not anywhere. It is also very clear Iraq doesn’t want Iranian troops within - their - lands.

Dominant power means that you have the power to overpower your neighbors.

Iran doesn’t have this nowhere.
-If you start something against Pakistan their nukes will level you.
-if you start something against Turkey they will cut through Iran like butter. Same if you touch Azerbaijan.
-if start something against Saudi’s, Israel and us coalition will make a puffed potato of Iran

Iran shouldn’t forget it has many weaknesses too. Many suppressed people. When people start doing the same thing Iran is doing to other countries Iran shouldn’t complain about foreign interference. This is what you have been doing for decades since Mullah came to power.

If Iran took the role pre-Mullah it would become a regional player at best. At the moment you just live by oil revenues for as long as that last. Iran must transform into a sane and modern country for its own good.

Where are you from?
Where are you from?
A pink panturk from Kürdiye.
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