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Trump says Jerusalem will be Israel’s ‘undivided capital’ under Middle East peace plan

When the Ottoman state is struggling with economic difficulties, political crises and internal revolts; a delegation organized by Theodor Herzl and with representatives of prominent bankers of Europe holds a meeting with Abdulhamit Han. At the meeting,they have guaranteed that all the Ottoman foreign debts facilitated and great assistance provide to the Ottoman treasury. In return, the delegation asked Jerusalem to be left entirely to the Zionists. Does anyone know of Abdulhamit Han's response?
It's not a plan

It's the wet dream of Jews and the U.S

Just because that moron trump announces something doesn't make it international law

As usual however the utter worthlessness of the ay-rabs is on display
When the Ottoman state is struggling with economic difficulties, political crises and internal revolts; a delegation organized by Theodor Herzl and with representatives of prominent bankers of Europe holds a meeting with Abdulhamit Han. At the meeting,they have guaranteed that all the Ottoman foreign debts facilitated and great assistance provide to the Ottoman treasury. In return, the delegation asked Jerusalem to be left entirely to the Zionists. Does anyone know of Abdulhamit Han's response?

The sultan declined this offer with the famous saying: "I won't sell anything, not even an inch of this territory because this country does not belong to me but to all Ottomans. My people won these lands with their blood. We give what we have the way we got it in the first place." Herzl repeated his offer once again the following year, but the answer was the same.
Saudi Arabia was not mentioned, but Pakistan's other Arab friends, Bahrain, UAE, and Oman were mentioned in Trump's statement. Pakistan should support this plan as Saudi Arabia will soon have open diplomatic relations with Israel.
Israeli citizens are not allowed to come to Saudi Arabia, the kingdom’s foreign minister announced Monday after the Jewish state said it gave its citizens the green light to visit.
This is justice for Ottoman state and turks
Thank Allah for giving turks a leader like atatürk who saved not only turks in anatolia but also turks and other muslims in balkans from genocide after betrayal in WW1
Long live Turkey!!!
Pakistan is pretty much a Saudi slave at this point in time, especially with the current economic conditions. I doubt we will hear anything from our government, except maybe a two sentence statement.

Oh well, I say let the Arabs sell their land away. As long as Al-Aqsa is open to Muslims, it doesn't consider me as a Pakistani. The Israelis can have the rest of Palestine.
Pakistan is pretty much a Saudi slave at this point in time, especially with the current economic conditions. I doubt we will hear anything from our government, except maybe a two sentence statement.

Oh well, I say let the Arabs sell their land away. As long as Al-Aqsa is open to Muslims, it doesn't consider me as a Pakistani. The Israelis can have the rest of Palestine.
I agree with you as long as al-aqsa is not touched israel can do whatever they want
I remember in 2017 or 2018 when turkey issued strong statement against israel and criticized why other arab states stay silent like fucking pussies arabs started talking like jerusalem is arab city it’s an arab matter bla bla etc then ok deal with on your own but don’t cry later why there’s no muslim “solidarity”


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