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Death toll in Indian capital communal violence rises to 46


Nov 4, 2011
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Death toll in Indian capital communal violence rises to 46

Xinhua, March 1, 2020

NEW DELHI, March 1 (Xinhua) -- The death toll during the four-day communal violence in the Indian capital city rose to 46 on Sunday, officials said.

"Today three more bodies were recovered from the violence-hit northeast part of the city," a police official said. "One of the bodies was found in a canal in Gokalpuri and two were recovered from the Bhagirathi Vihar canal."

According to the officials, the death toll by now stands at 46. Over 350 people were also injured in the violence that ravaged the city.

Police officials on Sunday said the situation was under control. However, the huge deployment of police and paramilitary remains in the affected parts.

The violence left a trail of damage in the northeastern parts of the city as rioters torched vehicles, vandalised shops and burnt buildings including schools.

Many people, especially Muslims, have left their homes in the affected areas and took refuge in the shelters set up by the government.

Delhi Police has come under fierce criticism for its apparent inaction. Locals alleged their calls to police for help proved futile.

The police have set up two Special Investigative Teams (SITs) to probe the violence. According to officials, hundreds of people have been detained in connection with the violence.

The clashes broke out between pro- and anti-Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) groups in the northeastern part of the city last Sunday and took an ugly turn on Monday and Tuesday.

Protests against the controversial new citizenship law were triggered on Dec. 11 last year, the day India's upper house of parliament passed the law. Since then there has been no let-up in the protests.

The law aims at granting citizenship to illegal immigrants belonging to six religions - Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Parsi and Christianity - from Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Pakistan. However, it has kept out Muslim immigrants from applying for citizenship.

So far, the violence against the law has killed over 70 people across India

What about 46000 .....
There is no way just 46 people died.

46 people die in stampedes everyday in India. State sponsored systematic cleansing do not result in such low numbers.

Lying Nazis
Filthy illegitimate child of mountbatten and nehru. Shame on the British colonisers for not recognising this inevitable evolving terrorist threat in 1947. Had they any decency, they would have dissolved india back into the princely states that existed prior to their arrival and none of this evil would ever have come to pass. Clearly a Hindu majoritarian nationalist state is unable to control its primitive animalistic urges and will lurch irrevocably towards Hindutva terror as a policy of said state. The sad truth is, the British just did not care to leave anything remotely viable in place.

I think this myth of a "secular" India can now be put to bed. Enough of the partition propaganda being rammed down our throats under western education systems! Mountbatten must be laughing in his grave. He knew Hindutva would emerge as this dominant force, mobilising hordes of illiterate barbarians to hack and rape Muslims.

I believe this is Britain's clandestine intention when they abandon a colony - peace and prosperity are not in their interests, they are hardly going to leave a potential future competitor in the making. No, they nurtured akhand bharat, Hindutva, brahminism and the rest of this nonsense with a clear objective in mind. The Hindu nation delivered.

I feel that when the British abandoned a colony, the honourable policy should have been to reset it precisely as it was when they first arrived, instead of the repeated failed nation building they engage in. The middle east and south Asia are ablaze at least partly and indirectly because of their conspiracies.

USA has had a tendency to behave similarly, at least under the Bush and Obama doctrines.

Some foolish Modi fans actually believe the saffron propaganda and honestly believe this bear hugging hand waving phrand phrand Rafale lover is a serious statesman who has created a super power nation out of thin air.
Those are education institutions. Its not like they are killing them. There is a difference.

Tianenmen tanks didnt kill anyone? You tell me what the uighurs that have fled to Turkey are saying about what their family members are going through....many say killing is actually merciful in comparison....and sometimes also happen.

Besides, I am talking to Chinese member here which like US, Russia, Europe, Brazil etc is actually a peer in size and heterogeneity of India.

We as secular institutional based massive country managing a heritage of zero suspension of constitution since formation.....need no sermon from partitioned bloc rump entities formed together in name of one religion and then found a way to break apart regardless in such fashion that puts Indian riots in far more minor scale. Not to mention the effects of their own repression of reality inside....that only becomes much more apparent to rest of world once their migrants form large enough populations in say UK....and start doing all kind of things....and rest of world gets firm reality check on what it must be like in source country even more.

After all one refuses to release the record of its actions found in own investigation (Hamoodur)...the other has constant cry psyche of you know what. Both run by same thug lineages (militarist in one and nepotist dynasty in another) of the divorce-war that caused all of that, and still stopping their countries at highest level from gaining any real traction.

It is of zero relevance to us....you are both not our peers to begin with anyway. One only need to take cursory look at Mujahir/punjabi/Sindhi/PTM based threads esp about Karachi here to begin with. At least Pakistanis compared to you are more open to discussing that stuff frankly I will hand that to them. Your lot it boils underneath and surfaces with "nuke us please" desperation when it finally comes to forefront inevitably.

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