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China's Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary


May 25, 2010
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Old Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary
Updated: 2010-10-18 14:39


Located in northwest Beijing, Yuanmingyuan, built from 1709 onwards, had once been a resort for the imperial families of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).Yuanmingyuan was pillaged and burned down by British and French aggressor troops in 1860.[File photo/Xinhua]

BEIJING - Visitors can see more than 85 pieces of beautiful stone carvings exhibited at Yuanmingyuan, or the Old Summer Palace, Sunday to mark Monday's 150 anniversary of the looting of the imperial garden in the northwest of Beijing.

The 85 pieces of previously lost treasure were recovered from universities, public institutions or citizens in Beijing, Sun Chenlu, a staff member with the park's management office, told Xinhua Sunday.

The carvings, mostly in white marble and bluestones, were originally placed in Yuanmingyuan, but had been lost to different people and institutions for a variety of reasons, Sun said.

Displaying 57 types of figures, including stone screens, fountains, lions and fish, most of the carvings were voluntarily donated by individuals and institutions, she said.

Besides the once lost treasures, 57 pieces of repaired cultural relics are also on display.

The exhibition is one of many activities organized by the Haidian District Government of Beijing to mark the anniversary of the looting on October 18, the exact date the looting occurred 150 years ago.

Other activities will include Sino-foreign culture exchanges and even a soiree, and will last through the end of this month.

Located in northwest Beijing, Yuanmingyuan, built from 1709 onwards, had once been a resort for the imperial families of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

Yuanmingyuan was pillaged and burned down by British and French aggressor troops in 1860 and again sacked and burned down in 1900 when the Eight-Power Allied Forces -- troops sent by Britain, the United States, Germany, France, Tsarist Russia, Japan, Italy and Austria -- occupied Beijing.

Old Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary
China wants looted Summer Palace relics returned
(AFP) – 6 hours ago

BEIJING — China has renewed a call for the return of relics looted from the Old Summer Palace in Beijing 150 years ago -- an act seen as a cause of national humiliation at the hands of Western armies.
The Yuanmingyuan, a summer resort garden for the emperors of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), was pillaged by a joint British and French military expedition during the second Opium War on October 18-19, 1860.

Cultural officials have urged private collectors in China to forgo profits from the antiquities trade and return the looted relics, the China Daily reported Tuesday.

The Yuanmingyuan park authority has also called on museums to return such items, and for a boycott on auctions featuring relics, the Global Times added.

A petition has been started in support of the effort, and martial arts film star Jackie Chan will act as a celebrity spokesman for the cause, it said.

A statue of French literary giant Victor Hugo was also erected on the Yuanmingyuan grounds in commemoration of his strident opposition to the looting and burning undertaken by the joint military force. "At least 1.5 million relics from the Yuanmingyuan have either been looted or otherwise lost over the years," the China Daily quoted Chen Mingjie, head of the Yuanmingyuan park administration, as saying.

Xinhua news agency, citing the UN cultural body UNESCO, said some 1.64 million Chinese relics are housed in more than 200 museums in 47 countries, some of which are believed to have been looted from the Yuanmingyuan.

In recent years, cultural relic experts from China have sought to categorise and bring back looted Chinese antiquities, but their efforts have been waylaid by legal and historical obstacles, the China Daily said.

In February 2009, two bronze fountainheads looted from the palace that belonged to late French fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent and his partner Pierre Berge were auctioned at Christie's for about 20 million dollars each.

The sale enraged Beijing, which accused the house of regularly selling smuggled Chinese relics. The mystery Chinese bidder later said he would not pay and the items were returned to Berge.

The approximately 100 years that followed the sacking of the Yuanmingyuan represented some of China's darkest days, the English-language Global Times, the sister paper of the Communist mouthpiece People's Daily, said in an editorial.

But "the fall of China has been reversed... what happened 150 years ago to the Yuanmingyuan will not be repeated in China with its strong military."

AFP: China wants looted Summer Palace relics returned
I am sure the Western Media will picture China as anti-Western if China marks the Summer Palace Looting anniversary just like whenever China or Chinese people talk about the Nanking **** Japan claims that Chinese are anti-Japan. Image Germans alway picture Jews as anti-Germany when Jews talk about the Holocaust ?
Hong Kong, a former British Indian colony, has a very strong linkage with India. You will often find Chinese (?) from Hong Kong praising Indians as lords, masters. Why?

The British used to recruit Indians as soldiers and policemen and send them to Hong Kong as the British never wanted to hire Chinese and employ them in British armed forces. Many Indian soldiers used to keep Chinese comfort women who were often got pregnant. They gave birth to Indian children who were later became a sizable population. Still, they are loyal to India but suffer from kinda identity crisis because Indians can't take them as Indians. They don't want to look like Chinese, they want to look like Indians, but what can they do? Don't worry, we will discuss it later. Its a very interesting topic.

Anyway, the British ruthlessly crushed all the Chinese freedom fighting movements. The British Indian troops never hesitated to simply massacre unarmed peaceful Chinese protesters including women and children. I don't think the British regarded Chinese as human beings.

For example, Indians opened fire in several separate incidents and just shot the demonstrators down.

On May 30, 1925 Sikh police under British command opened fire on a crowd of Chinese demonstrators at the Shanghai International Settlement. At least 9 demonstrators were killed, and many others wounded.[1] To further escalate the incident, on June 23, 1925 a heated demonstration in Shamian took place as part of the Shakee massacre.[2] Troops under foreign command killed more than 50 Chinese protesters and wounded almost 120 more.[1]

Canton-Hong Kong strike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am sure the Western Media will picture China as anti-Western if China marks the Summer Palace Looting anniversary just like whenever China or Chinese people talk about the Nanking **** Japan claims that Chinese are anti-Japan. Image Germans alway picture Jews as anti-Germany when Jews talk about the Holocaust ?

The problem is that some Chinese members whose fathers are may be indians, never want to know how many Chinese were killed by British Indian troops and how their motherland was plundered and how their women were raped and how they have been bastardized.

Sorry for being so blunt here. But I will discuss it. Its all about Freedom of Speech.
Hong Kong, a former British Indian colony, has a very strong linkage with India. You will often find Chinese (?) from Hong Kong praising Indians as lords, masters. Why?

The British used to recruit Indians as soldiers and policemen and send them to Hong Kong as the British never wanted to hire Chinese and employ them in British armed forces. Many Indian soldiers used to keep Chinese comfort women who were often got pregnant. They gave birth to Indian children who were later became a sizable population. Still, they are loyal to India but suffer from kinda identity crisis because Indians can't take them as Indians. They don't want to look like Chinese, they want to look like Indians, but what can they do? Don't worry, we will discuss it later. Its a very interesting topic.

Anyway, the British ruthlessly crushed all the Chinese freedom fighting movements. The British Indian troops never hesitated to simply massacre unarmed peaceful Chinese protesters including women and children. I don't think the British regarded Chinese as human beings.

For example, Indians opened fire in several separate incidents and just shot the demonstrators down.

On May 30, 1925 Sikh police under British command opened fire on a crowd of Chinese demonstrators at the Shanghai International Settlement. At least 9 demonstrators were killed, and many others wounded.[1] To further escalate the incident, on June 23, 1925 a heated demonstration in Shamian took place as part of the Shakee massacre.[2] Troops under foreign command killed more than 50 Chinese protesters and wounded almost 120 more.[1]

Canton-Hong Kong strike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

????? - ????????????

Thanks for the info. Good info.

When China officially rules HK in 2047, the Indians living there will have to leave the Territory for good. I wonder if the Indians will head back to India or leave for England ?
Thanks for the info. Good info.

Actually Hafizz you know, what saddens me is the fact that many younger Chinese don't want to learn history of their own motherland. Mankind's enemy is ignorance. Ignorance leads to destruction.

You will often hear them saying China and india has millions and trillions and zillions of years of friendship. I just laugh at them. These half brains don't know why india was created by the British in 1947 and what role it plays in the grand Anglo Saxon global domination.

Have they ever seen their faces in the mirror?
Symbol of Indian rule and Chinese slavery in Hong Kong.


Just ask any Chinese member how and when this temple was build in Hong Kong and by whom.

Just ask... see how he replies.
Actually Hafizz you know, what saddens me is the fact that many younger Chinese don't want to learn history of their own motherland. Mankind's enemy is ignorance. Ignorance leads to destruction.

You will often hear them saying China and india has millions and trillions and zillions of years of friendship. I just laugh at them. These half brains don't know why india was created by the British in 1947 and what role it plays in the grand Anglo Saxon global domination.

Have they ever seen their faces in the mirror?

Most young Chinese worship the West and Japan and is often anti-China
in general. If you watch TVB News, you will often find anti-China news reports.
Actually Hafizz you know, what saddens me is the fact that many younger Chinese don't want to learn history of their own motherland. Mankind's enemy is ignorance. Ignorance leads to destruction.

You will often hear them saying China and india has millions and trillions and zillions of years of friendship. I just laugh at them. These half brains don't know why india was created by the British in 1947 and what role it plays in the grand Anglo Saxon global domination.

Have they ever seen their faces in the mirror?

You false flag non-Chinese liar, if you stop babbling about India in each thread, and stop making statements like "India was created by the British for xyz purpose", I will stay off this thread. How about, China was "allowed to become a country" as a counterweight to possible future Japanese power?

And what's this psycho babble about 'Indian rule'? Are you a lunatic? So, since we have a gurudwara in HK, it means that Indians ruled China, eh?
How about, China was "allowed to become a country" as a counterweight to possible future Japanese power?

And what's this psycho babble about 'Indian rule'? Are you a lunatic? So, since we have a gurudwara in HK, it means that Indians ruled China, eh?

Oh Japanese are supposed to be the good guys according to him, we're the evil rapin' lootin' Indians
Most young Chinese worship the West and Japan and is often anti-China
in general. If you watch TVB News, you will often find anti-China news reports.

When someone becomes slave, he develops a slavish mentality. He always tries to be loyal and faithful to his master in order to survive. The children of this slave will also inherit slavish mentality from their father's slavish DNA. This is how slave population increases.

The moment one becomes a slave, he forgets the value of freedom and self respect.

Many Chinese from Hong Kong still regard Indians as their over lords. But you know the mystery behind it, now.
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