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Balochistan CM on TV: Iran threatened Pilgrim; You have to go to Pakistan, We will not keep you here

Some Pakistanis are under the impression that just because one country has given them a favour of keeping citizens there(China) means entire world owes Pakistan the same favour/treatment. A favour which Pakistanis themselves are not even willing to give to others(Afghans).

The behaviour exhibited is a disgrace. It shows such a lack in class. I don't care what peoples politics are - even if they advocate the most ridiculous positions - but to do so using sectarianism and foul language. Absolutely shameful. The mods need to take some blame too - this is going on in multiple popular threads - yet next to no action taken.
First cases in KSA came from Iran. They deliberately pushed all those shia pilgrims knowing they were infected. These people deserve all the sanctions they can get.

Source of your claim? oh don't tell me its a tweet from @PakloveTurkie
iran didn't tell the world of the problem it had until it was too late. why do that? Everyone anticipated that it will come from China but it didn't. First known entry is from iran or is that false info!

Look at Iran they are losing 100s every day. If they knew they would have atleast secured them selves. You want them to inform the world lol. They failed to inform them selves.

The big question is Iran failed to control. Now can we allows Iran mistake be our mistake? If Iran failed shall we fail to control too? We can give the blame to Iran so let's let the virus spread? We have to move beyond this.
An entire month and half to prepare after wuhan.
3 more weeks to prepare after our first case.
And Pakistan still doesn't have a single quarantine centre ready something like which China build in 8 days?
How long do you think Pakistanis are gonna stay in other countries?
How long do you think Pakistanis would live in tent camps at the border in the middle of nowhere?
The extremists heading Iran's government are really boneheaded. They did nothing to stop the virus at first and now they have destroyed themselves along with their neighbours.
An entire month and half to prepare after wuhan.
3 more weeks to prepare after our first case.
And Pakistan still doesn't have a single quarantine centre ready something like which China build in 8 days?
How long do you think Pakistanis are gonna stay in other countries?
How long do you think Pakistanis would live in tent camps at the border in the middle of nowhere?
This.. people aren't understanding.

Every country has a right to send back visitors after their visas expire..

In China, mostly students were stranded, and student visas are long term with health insurance. China had the resources to handle the situation and we all saw what it did.

Iran had visitors.. just like KSA has visitors.. they don't have mandatory health insurance to cover prolonged illnesses.

In the end, our nationals are our responsibility.. Iran was under sanctions.. they are not able to provide care to their own citizens.. There was a possibility of fatalities in Iran.. On the other hand, China assured us that it would provide all necessary health services if required.. Not a single report of death or even infection of any Pakistani student came from China.

Pakistan is solely responsible for the chaos.

Look at Iran they are losing 100s every day. If they knew they would have atleast secured them selves. You want them to inform the world lol. They failed to inform them selves.

The big question is Iran failed to control. Now can we allows Iran mistake be our mistake? If Iran failed shall we fail to control too? We can give the blame to Iran so let's let the virus spread? We have to move beyond this.
Iran had a responsibility to be open about this and they came short on it. however you you put, you cannot say that there were no shortcomings! Lol it if you like but tell me god forbid it was the other way around I can tell you iranins would have had a fit by now! you can't say they wouldn't have. Despite everything Pakistan has been astute!
Iran had a responsibility to be open about this and they came short on it. however you you put, you cannot say that there were no shortcomings! Lol it if you like but tell me god forbid it was the other way around I can tell you iranins would have had a fit by now! you can't say they wouldn't have. Despite everything Pakistan has been astute!
Yes they would have I agree but can we stand away from Iran? We need to show that we are different. They do a lot things which hurt us but for now we have to be open minded. The stage of blame has passed and it is time to do what we are suppose to do is focus on containing this virus.

My point is we cannot place our responsibility on Iran. Trust me leaving those people in Iran is even a bigger blunder then risking spread here. They would not have survived in Iran and all those deaths would have been on us.

Pakistan took the decision of leaving students in China. Look today people in Wuhan are more safe then rest of the world. We had our trust in China. You cannot trust Iran they are not capable of handling this virus. There will be a huge death toll. At this point there are 2 nations which are risking the whole Asia. Iran and India. Iran lacks capability and India is not testing people. India is time bomb ready to explode. Both Iran and India need help. No matter India is our enemy but spread in India will effect us bigger than Iran. World needs to persuade BJP to conduct more tests and reveal the true situation.

Similar case is with Iran. Iran needs help. If Iran is not helped millions will die and the biggest threat which is still silent is Afghanistan.
Yes they would have I agree but can we stand away from Iran? We need to show that we are different. They do a lot things which hurt us but for now we have to be open minded. The stage of blame has passed and it is time to do what we are suppose to do is focus on containing this virus.

My point is we cannot place our responsibility on Iran. Trust me leaving those people in Iran is even a bigger blunder then risking spread here. They would not have survived in Iran and all those deaths would have been on us.

Pakistan took the decision of leaving students in China. Look today people in Wuhan are more safe then rest of the world. We had our trust in China. You cannot trust Iran they are not capable of handling this virus. There will be a huge death toll. At this point there are 2 nations which are risking the whole Asia. Iran and India. Iran lacks capability and India is not testing people. India is time bomb ready to explode. Both Iran and India need help. No matter India is our enemy but spread in India will effect us bigger than Iran. World needs to persuade BJP to conduct more tests and reveal the true situation.

Similar case is with Iran. Iran needs help. If Iran is not helped millions will die and the biggest threat which is still silent is Afghanistan.
lets agree do disagree! some facts will not change.
There will be a huge death toll. At this point there are 2 nations which are risking the whole Asia. Iran and India.

Pakistan has close to 400 positive cases whereas India has 180 and we are the one risking the whole South Asia.
Pakistan has close to 400 positive cases whereas India has 180 and we are the one risking the whole South Asia.
We have cases and we know about them. India is not testing the domestic spread. They don't know and that is more dangerous. I am not targeting India I am telling you the reality.
Iran ki baat hote hi Rafi bhai k gotian moo ko ajati hain jese inka koi abu Irani ho

Patriotic my a**

Everyone has their own opinion and are allowed to do so. Why does it burn your *** stationed in Saudi?

Iran has all the resources to fight on behalf of ASSad and recruit Shias from around the world to fight her dirty wars in M.E but no money for coronavirus. I hope all the people who participated in the sufferings of innocents die horrible death. Some are dead already.

Correction. Iran has spent a lot of money to fight wars thrown against her, including the recruitment and arming of rebels against Assad by the Saudis, CIA, and Mossad.

And also the only one doing something for Palestinians through Hezboullah and not abandoning and openly and covertly embracing Israel like others.

And I don't have to be a Irani Sympathizer to know or say this. Takes a bit of independent thought process and not a manipulated one.
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