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BREAKING : American spy Robert Levinson dead in Iranian jail

Surely Iranians can't be that inhumane as to not let his family maintain contact?
Sadly USA killed it own spy by not letting medical aid come into the country. Every sad.

Doesnt matter and does not change the fact that Iran is in for more sanctions and it won't stop until US has a regime which is either at least neutral or pro US. Death of this spy wont make things easier for iran either as tougher sanctions will be coming soon. Looking at the track record of trump he will will take advantage of this COVID 19 panic to impose more sanctions to cripple iran.
If US retaliates and kills any Iranian, Iran will kill more Americans.

Sanctions are a weapon which only US can use not iran. Believe me if you think Iran has bad then you havnt seen sanctions imposed on N Korea. They need not attack you directly when they can choke you to a slow death.
Thi spy himself was taken care by US Imperial Agents as he was useless and in return, it benefited the US regime to pressurise Iran. Also making the Iranian hate propaganda.
left to rot in an Iranian prison by an unthankful US Gov..that same govt will use this death to terrorize the already reeling Iranian populace
Coronavirus has impacted prisoners around the world... Perhaps the epidemic in Iran got the spy???
Iran is 41 years under sanctions. Have you been living under a rock?

Well i dont know about me but cave dwelling Irani mullah sure do live under a rock all thanks to US.

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