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PAF and its Pilots Persistent Demoralising Impact on IAF

More sweat in Peacetime less Blood in Wartime!

Let us forget about 27thFeb and back to hard training... the good Indians will be desparately looking to settle the score!

27thFeb only be brought up when the good Indians go... eik F sola ka sawal hae, baba ... courtesy @SIPRA
Ji Sir....that is point... Leave behind 27/2 and prepare for 26/2 of coming years ... If we manage to stop another 26/2 .... There will be no 27/2.....
You will be shocked to know their remnants still live in Pakistan in their millions. So be very scared!!

Modern combat is won by technologies, not sword bearing men on camels. You should be more afraid of nerdy tamil computer science kids working at Isro on new technologies. Besides, even if it comes to the primitive camel and sword combat, we have plenty of Gurkhas, Jats, Rajputs and Sikhs to take care of these remnants.
Historically PAF and IAF were born from the same outfit the Royal Indian Airforce,with RAF being their common mentor. But in the mid fifties PAF tilted its course towards the US,which proved to be correct decision as it brought about a paradigm shift in its training methodologies,flying skills,maintenance techniques and access to modern Jets. PAF was turning into a modern airforce that was innovative,aggressive,talented,effective and progressive. All these dynamic changes were seen as horrifying developments across the border,gradually but surely IAF and its ranks were sinking into a state of INFERIORITY COMPLEX. The first tangible results of PAFs transformation were witnessed in the war of 1965,where PAF completely outclassed its larger foe 1:5. The psychological cost of this hefty blow was enormous to the IAF,to add salt to injury the Global media was also singing in chorus glorifying PAFs supremacy. Just one quote among dozens..
"By all accounts the courage displayed by the Pakistan Air Force pilots is reminiscent of the bravery of the few young and dedicated pilots who saved this country from Nazi invaders in the critical Battle of Britain during the last war." Patrick Seale, The Observer, London, September 12, 1965.

The aftermath of 1965 led to the US sanctions on Pakistan resulting in the embargo of aircrafts and spares to the PAF. This setback did not deter PAF in seeking new horizons and excelling further in its goal to serve the motherland. In 1971 citing our internal feud the enemy tried its luck again and got a bloody nose with depleted PAF faring much better against IAF overall.


Till the early Eighties PAF maintained its psychological edge over the enemy. Then came the devastating news of the induction of F16s in the PAF, this caused PANIC ATTACKS and HISSY FITS in the Indian Establishment. Never in the history of mankind a bigger, but psychologically scared nation made such a massive fuss. This hue and cry still exists with full rancour even after four decades. The word F16 has become a household name causing SHIVER UP THE SPINE of the Indian Pilots.

To counter these initial forty jets the petrified Indians went crazy with their shopping spree and ended with a mix of some four hundred fighters across the globe. Like the Jaguars,Mig 21,23,25,27,29,Mirage 2000,Su30mki ,Harriers and others.
On the 26th of February 2019 the Indians made a half hearted attempt to strike inside Pakistani territory. It is well known in airforce circles and the media(NDTV) that .....
Pre-Balakot, The IAF pilots were shivering out of fear to the point they had to smoke cigs all night to calm their nerves . They couldn’t sleep a wink out of fear of not just the mission but also the reply that the PAF pilots might give.
They did indeed get a good reply from the Pakistan Air Force. One which will be written down in the history books to amuse the Pakistani future generations.
(IAF hitting our trees how dare they..)
View attachment 621833

Indian pilots have developed a habit of becoming POW's on a regular basis, although we dont mind reciprocating their intrusions with our traditional hospitality.

The IAF and its pilots are also a laughing stock in the World with lack of training,fitness and motivation they think by just flying the Rafale they can counter our boyz...
This Pilot Was Too ‘Big’ For The Rafale Cockpit That He Had One Custom Made For Him.
View attachment 621851

Definitely something to laugh about, right boys?


Our Pilots are a true depiction of Hazrat Iqbal's Marde e Momin.
View attachment 621842

Let me close this thread with a few international quotes on our pilots.

"Pakistan has one of the best, most combat ready airforces in the world. They have to; their neighbour to the East is huge, and the two nations, have a long history of hostilities. For Indian war planners, the Pakistan air Force is their worst fear. Pakistani pilots are respected throughout the world, especially the Islamic world, because they know how to fly and fight".
"As an air defense analyst, I am fully aware that the Pakistan Air Force ranks today as one of the best air forces in the world and that the PAF Combat Commanders' School (CCS) in Sargodha has been ranked as the best GCI/pilot and fighter tactics and weapons school in the world". As one senior US defense analyst commented to me in 1991, "it leaves Topgun (the US Naval Air Station in Miramar, California) far behind". -Sergey Vekhov May 1993 issue (pages 46-47) of Airforces Monthly, reputable UK-based airs defense magazine.


A little too much sugar coating. There is enough threads for similar content. The CCS article is old, it is best to see content on what is available these days as TOP GUN has evolved so much more than what it used to be. FWS is far more comprehensive that should be used as a comparison and to check and see where the training standards are. The standards definitely improved due to the War on Terror operations and exposure to foreign air forces during exercises.
Dont you think our pilots deserve every bit of it!!!! Would love to have threads and articles on them on a regular basis ,to constantly remind our younger generations.
Haha there are better ways of showing to our younger generations. I am fortunate to be the son of a fighter pilot, so these comments are based on not only what I hear from him but from others too. They want respect, not to be worshipped.
:lol: Self flattery to a whole new level. I'm sure Abhinandan was cowering in fear when he followed an F16 in his antiquated 1960s mig into enemy territory, despite IAF being outnumbered 4:1 on the day. Meanwhile the brave Pakistani pilots in a dazzling display of bravery shot him down with BVR missiles at 80-100km distance.
He didn't follow anything. His comms were jammed and he had no clew where he was. Baqi ab thpad olty hath ka tha ya sedha os se kia frq parta hy dost? I am sure nandan was much closer than 100km. PAF fighters were in Kashmir not KPK. It were your sukhois whom were at 100km distances and were kept busy at "dodging" meanwhile the miraged bugged out. Lel

He was deaf when he got hit, but he had a perfectly good idea of the general direction he was flying into. It was well known that Pakistani pilots were firing all their missiles from well into their own territory, so obviously he would have to cross the loc to have any chance of shooting them down with a short range missile like the r73.
His bison had BVR capability you idiot. Btw all he was doing was his job. So let's leave it at that
:lol: Self flattery to a whole new level. I'm sure Abhinandan was cowering in fear when he followed an F16 in his antiquated 1960s mig into enemy territory, despite IAF being outnumbered 4:1 on the day. Meanwhile the brave Pakistani pilots in a dazzling display of bravery shot him down with BVR missiles at 80-100km distance.
Self flattery ? You stupid ***.
If your pilots were so brave why did they not close in range for their BVR missiles to be effective, or use WVR missiles ??? After all you had the "asian raptors" that were superior 1:3 vs Pakistani F16 for the longest time on these forums u jackass warchair generals?
Abhinonedone was high on nicotine and charas/ganga to dare enter Pakistani territory. Only after our fantastic tea did his mind came out of the stupor enough to acknowledge the professionals he dared to challenge.
Antiquated mig??? with all of its upgrades ??? Even if we agree to your argument, what happened to your superduper su 30's and mirage 2000's that decided to bug out of the arena with their tails between their legs?
Op's post is cent % to the point. You guys are born with an inferiority complex that is in your genes and will remain so. Don't you dare challenge the brave sons of Pakistan !!
Modern combat is won by technologies, not sword bearing men on camels. You should be more afraid of nerdy tamil computer science kids working at Isro on new technologies. Besides, even if it comes to the primitive camel and sword combat, we have plenty of Gurkhas, Jats, Rajputs and Sikhs to take care of these remnants.
Maybe in reincarnation cz in just a matter of secs when you will be reduced to atoms by nukes.
While we have all reveled in last year's victory, I think that we should maintain some perspective.

A lot people don't seem to recognise the fact that part of what helped PAF win the day was humility. Pakistan armed forces chiefs prior to the conflict weren't glorifying their capabilities as much as Indians, who were talking about a two front war as if it were some cakewalk, PAF were not underestimating the enemy as the IAF may have been, we were not the ones chest thumping and calling for military action and escalation. Indians were overconfident and their hubris cost them.

So it's my request to Pakistanis to stay humble, and not underestimate the enemy. This victory should not make us arrogant and blind to the threat. The reality is that we face a foe many times our size. They have unrestricted access to military hardware and a wallet deep enough to procure technology and numbers, well beyond our means, and then some. And it also seems to me that the IAF too are fully capable of carrying out a similar raid to that of 27th Feb on us, perhaps even larger in scale and effect. Both surprise and their underestimation of our capabilities and resolve contributed massively to our success. Let's not lose sight of that in these celebrations. Let's not let pride come before a fall.
:lol: Self flattery to a whole new level. I'm sure Abhinandan was cowering in fear when he followed an F16 in his antiquated 1960s mig into enemy territory, despite IAF being outnumbered 4:1 on the day. Meanwhile the brave Pakistani pilots in a dazzling display of bravery shot him down with BVR missiles at 80-100km distance.


he was trying to take down a JF-17 , F-16 fighter sweep took him out... he didnt know what hit him.

Rich coming from a nation where some people still think they won in 1971 and that they still hold most of Siachen glacie

rich from a nation that got humiliated on a global level and still managed to fool its nilly willy janta that it won a great victory

You should be more afraid of nerdy tamil computer science kids working at Isro on new technologies.

was AbiLUNDone not a tamilain?...he looks like a madrassi homo to me.

computer science what?.... oh .. i see...PS did they have any thing to do with india's moon flop?...
:lol: Self flattery to a whole new level. I'm sure Abhinandan was cowering in fear when he followed an F16 in his antiquated 1960s mig into enemy territory, despite IAF being outnumbered 4:1 on the day. Meanwhile the brave Pakistani pilots in a dazzling display of bravery shot him down with BVR missiles at 80-100km distance.
My question is with 50 Mirage 2000s , 270 MKIs, 100 Jaguars, and a 5:1 superiority in numbers and 10 times bigger budget why was your pilot trying to catch an F16 with a Mig 21 whereas just 12 hours ago you had shamelessly violated their sovereignty ? Dont you feel the shame by lying when you say PAF out numbers you 4:1 ? You make fun of a confirmed kill from BVR 80-100 km at the same time you decorate a pilot whose all 4 missiles are still available in the debris of his shot down Mig ? It is shameful to which length you Indians can go to prove your lies, falsehoods and double standards.

Please enlighten us of your 1000 year glorious history. You people don't have any accomplishments of your own so you try to associate yourself with Turkish/Uzbec and Persian conquerors :lol:. Just because you adopted their religion doesn't make you one of them. If I become a British citizen, it would be pretty stupid of me to claim that we ruled over India. The 1000 year pathetic history was a shared history. In fact, regions west of the Indus river were the most commonly invaded.
Ha ha thats why you show Taj Mahal to every President to prove invaders from the West have been kicking your behind in last 6000 years of recorded history and never even once the other way round.

Modern combat is won by technologies, not sword bearing men on camels. You should be more afraid of nerdy tamil computer science kids working at Isro on new technologies. Besides, even if it comes to the primitive camel and sword combat, we have plenty of Gurkhas, Jats, Rajputs and Sikhs to take care of these remnants.
Where was your modern technology on 27/2/19 ? Washroom gaee hui thi ?

Historically PAF and IAF were born from the same outfit the Royal Indian Airforce,with RAF being their common mentor. But in the mid fifties PAF tilted its course towards the US,which proved to be correct decision as it brought about a paradigm shift in its training methodologies,flying skills,maintenance techniques and access to modern Jets. PAF was turning into a modern airforce that was innovative,aggressive,talented,effective and progressive. All these dynamic changes were seen as horrifying developments across the border,gradually but surely IAF and its ranks were sinking into a state of INFERIORITY COMPLEX. The first tangible results of PAFs transformation were witnessed in the war of 1965,where PAF completely outclassed its larger foe 1:5. The psychological cost of this hefty blow was enormous to the IAF,to add salt to injury the Global media was also singing in chorus glorifying PAFs supremacy. Just one quote among dozens..
"By all accounts the courage displayed by the Pakistan Air Force pilots is reminiscent of the bravery of the few young and dedicated pilots who saved this country from Nazi invaders in the critical Battle of Britain during the last war." Patrick Seale, The Observer, London, September 12, 1965.

The aftermath of 1965 led to the US sanctions on Pakistan resulting in the embargo of aircrafts and spares to the PAF. This setback did not deter PAF in seeking new horizons and excelling further in its goal to serve the motherland. In 1971 citing our internal feud the enemy tried its luck again and got a bloody nose with depleted PAF faring much better against IAF overall.


Till the early Eighties PAF maintained its psychological edge over the enemy. Then came the devastating news of the induction of F16s in the PAF, this caused PANIC ATTACKS and HISSY FITS in the Indian Establishment. Never in the history of mankind a bigger, but psychologically scared nation made such a massive fuss. This hue and cry still exists with full rancour even after four decades. The word F16 has become a household name causing SHIVER UP THE SPINE of the Indian Pilots.

To counter these initial forty jets the petrified Indians went crazy with their shopping spree and ended with a mix of some four hundred fighters across the globe. Like the Jaguars,Mig 21,23,25,27,29,Mirage 2000,Su30mki ,Harriers and others.
On the 26th of February 2019 the Indians made a half hearted attempt to strike inside Pakistani territory. It is well known in airforce circles and the media(NDTV) that .....
Pre-Balakot, The IAF pilots were shivering out of fear to the point they had to smoke cigs all night to calm their nerves . They couldn’t sleep a wink out of fear of not just the mission but also the reply that the PAF pilots might give.
They did indeed get a good reply from the Pakistan Air Force. One which will be written down in the history books to amuse the Pakistani future generations.
(IAF hitting our trees how dare they..)
View attachment 621833

Indian pilots have developed a habit of becoming POW's on a regular basis, although we dont mind reciprocating their intrusions with our traditional hospitality.

The IAF and its pilots are also a laughing stock in the World with lack of training,fitness and motivation they think by just flying the Rafale they can counter our boyz...
This Pilot Was Too ‘Big’ For The Rafale Cockpit That He Had One Custom Made For Him.
View attachment 621851

Definitely something to laugh about, right boys?


Our Pilots are a true depiction of Hazrat Iqbal's Marde e Momin.
View attachment 621842

Let me close this thread with a few international quotes on our pilots.

"Pakistan has one of the best, most combat ready airforces in the world. They have to; their neighbour to the East is huge, and the two nations, have a long history of hostilities. For Indian war planners, the Pakistan air Force is their worst fear. Pakistani pilots are respected throughout the world, especially the Islamic world, because they know how to fly and fight".
"As an air defense analyst, I am fully aware that the Pakistan Air Force ranks today as one of the best air forces in the world and that the PAF Combat Commanders' School (CCS) in Sargodha has been ranked as the best GCI/pilot and fighter tactics and weapons school in the world". As one senior US defense analyst commented to me in 1991, "it leaves Topgun (the US Naval Air Station in Miramar, California) far behind". -Sergey Vekhov May 1993 issue (pages 46-47) of Airforces Monthly, reputable UK-based airs defense magazine.


1. First of all we should thank Allah
2. We should be humble in victory which Allah gave us
3. We should DOUBLE our effort to maintain this cutting edge over the enemy. EEnemy is wounded but not out A very dangerous enemy.
4. We have only won Round No 1, rest of the rounds are still to be fought
5. Its not a 100 Meter dash, its a 28 KM marathon race
6. We can celebrate and pat the boys but double up the preparations.
7. If you want to surprise the enemy every time, you have to remain one step ahead after every move.
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