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The Chi Guerra- Guerrilla Philosophy

Karl Max as a Jews adopted one of the social system in one of Jews tribe who live base on communal system. This social system is only practiced by religious community. You can try to search it on google. So communism itself is first found by religious people and later that spiritualism behind this system is taken out by Karl Max by making its own communist version with Atheist as the belief system of such community.

Brother, I believe that Marx's theories were not only derived from certain systems from his birth religion ( as you pointed out ) but also by looking at various experiments that have come in the history of humanity.

Secondly, modern communism is also a spiritualist belief that intends to take humans into harmony with Nature and good things like fair and just behavior with other humans.

Thirdly, it is not necessary that to be a communist you need to be an atheist. Gaddafi believed in God but he also said that True Communism has not arrived yet.
Didn’t read it earlier. Now I did.
Are you by any chance glorifying communism ? I am confused as I don’t know much in this regard

I despise these so-called comrades tho. Weird beliefs and theories, good for nothing...

It's funny but I voted for Jammat Islami in last elections though not a Maulvi by any means but have interest both in Islamic ideology and communist values which to me are same or much nearer to Islam. Unfortunately the capitalists were on one side able to make rift between Islamists and communism in the end both parties suffered. Meanwhile the people i.e so called communists were just paid Russian agents who worked and are still acting for their own benefits in the name of lower classes to which they do not belong.

Brother, I believe that Marx's theories were not only derived from certain systems from his birth religion ( as you pointed out ) but also by looking at various experiments that have come in the history of humanity.

Secondly, modern communism is also a spiritualist belief that intends to take humans into harmony with Nature and good things like fair and just behavior with other humans.

Thirdly, it is not necessary that to be a communist you need to be an atheist. Gaddafi believed in God but he also said that True Communism has not arrived yet.

Sir you are quite correct and what little I have found that communists have worked much in India for well being of general public meanwhile unfortunately in Pakistan true followers are either of much lower classes or they are of elite class who are only here to grab funding and to fulfill foreign agenda. The communist ideology is simple and does not require deep studies of Carl Marx. Only basic knowledge is enough and should have urge to work for ordinary people.

Didn’t read it earlier. Now I did.
Are you by any chance glorifying communism ? I am confused as I don’t know much in this regard

I despise these so-called comrades tho. Weird beliefs and theories, good for nothing...
Please view movie Motor Cycle Diaries, Chi's books and even Das Capital in English or Urdu.
The communist ideology is simple and does not require deep studies of Carl Marx.

I agree. For example, CPI - Maoist in the 60s was able to organize not only illiterate farmers but later was also able to organize tribals in deep forests.
I agree. For example, CPI - Maoist in the 60s was able to organize not only illiterate farmers but later was also able to organize tribals in deep forests.

Unfortunately the communists are facing lack of leadership since beginning, on other hand perhaps some people think that Carl Marx was a jew so they have some negative views about ideology. The people especially Muslims have no restriction to adopt any good methodology of a non Muslim. Never ever found any communist literature pushing people to be atheist, alcoholic or vagabond. If brutal acts were performed in the name of communism by Russian leadership or few other actors or burger class communists doing same shameful acts in Pakistan does not prove the ideology wrong.
Unfortunately the communists are facing lack of leadership since beginning, on other hand perhaps some people think that Carl Marx was a jew so they have some negative views about ideology. The people especially Muslims have no restriction to adopt any good methodology of a non Muslim. Never ever found any communist literature pushing people to be atheist, alcoholic or vagabond. If brutal acts were performed in the name of communism by Russian leadership or few other actors or burger class communists doing same shameful acts in Pakistan does not prove the ideology wrong.

But Pakistan has found good activists in form of Arooj Aurangzeb and her comrades. I hope she finds something good to learn from communist experiments in other countries and maybe her knowledge also includes the writings of older people like Nadeem Paracha.
Brother, I believe that Marx's theories were not only derived from certain systems from his birth religion ( as you pointed out ) but also by looking at various experiments that have come in the history of humanity.

Secondly, modern communism is also a spiritualist belief that intends to take humans into harmony with Nature and good things like fair and just behavior with other humans.

Thirdly, it is not necessary that to be a communist you need to be an atheist. Gaddafi believed in God but he also said that True Communism has not arrived yet.
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Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, simply known as The Xi Jinping Thought

Its Interesting
Please read my take on Communism and let me know what you think.


You seem to have pre-decided on pre-conceived notions. Look at your thread title "Socialism, Communism, Totalitarianism... The Road To Serfdom A Review".

Isn't USA another kind of totalitarian and militarist state and didn't modern socialist movements in many countries and some regions ( like in India - look at my reference to Naxalbari earlier ) liberate the serfs there ??

Did you know the prophet was a capitalist?

You are incorrect. You should read about certain Islamic theories / facilities like property inheritance and making of wills. You will find socialist ideas there.

You have not read this thread of mine from 2016 which is an article by Nadeem Paracha about Socialist activism among Muslims in previous decades. This activism again was due to questioning and dialogue among Muslims for problems and issues of the modern world.
Brother, I believe that Marx's theories were not only derived from certain systems from his birth religion ( as you pointed out ) but also by looking at various experiments that have come in the history of humanity.

Secondly, modern communism is also a spiritualist belief that intends to take humans into harmony with Nature and good things like fair and just behavior with other humans.

Thirdly, it is not necessary that to be a communist you need to be a atheist.

Gaddafi believed in God but he also said that True Communism has not arrived yet.

Communism cannot be implemented since pretty girls are rare :partay:

In a serious note, I believe more on mixed capitalism and social welfare system. Capitalism is the best system to produce effective and productive economy and the tax taken by government from capitalist will be used to provide free education, free health care system, and incentive for the poor in the form of cash, electricity discount, and housing.
Communism cannot be implemented since pretty girls are rare :partay:

Here is Shehla Rashid Shora from India ( Kashmir ). Some years ago she was a student leader in the JNU university Delhi :



In a serious note, I believe more on mixed capitalism and social welfare system. Capitalism is the best system to produce effective and productive economy and the tax taken by government from capitalist will be used to provide free education, free health care system, and incentive for the poor in the form of cash, electricity discount, and housing.

I generally agree but I am not so sure about high taxes.
Cuba is all Fidel Castro.

May Day in Havana. This building has Che's outline done in metal framework permanently. And the gathering is of course every year :


They took advantage of corrupt regime and naive USA

I don't think USA government was that naive to believe that the revolutionaries were one bunch of puppet-able rebels replacing another puppet. I think USA government would have thought that these revolutionaries would soon lose steam and Batista or some other pliable person would come back to power.

I don't remember where I watched some American reporters asking Fidel on his American trip soon after the revolution that will he establish a communist system. He says no. Maybe such a notion existed among some of the American press but as I said I don't think the American government held such an opinion.
May Day in Havana. This building has Che's outline done in metal framework permanently. And the gathering is of course every year :


I don't think USA government was that naive to believe that the revolutionaries were one bunch of puppet-able rebels replacing another puppet. I think USA government would have thought that these revolutionaries would soon lose steam and Batista or some other pliable person would come back to power.

I don't remember where I watched some American reporters asking Fidel on his American trip soon after the revolution that will he establish a communist system. He says no. Maybe such a notion existed among some of the American press but as I said I don't think the American government held such an opinion.

The CIA has little restraints back then. It would have been easy to quash Castro and his band
Look at what happened to Che in Bolivia
The CIA has little restraints back then. It would have been easy to quash Castro and his band
Look at what happened to Che in Bolivia
The Chi's spirit lives though in physical terms he died in Bolivia, communism believes in unity of people instead of individual work meanwhile the policies and procedures may be modified as per particular requirements.
The Chi's spirit lives though in physical terms he died in Bolivia, communism believes in unity of people instead of individual work meanwhile the policies and procedures may be modified as per particular requirements.

the world is as divided as ever - communism could not resolve it. neither could Islam. neither could Christianity.
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