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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

I hope you know that you have a Western border as well. It's not only you guys that can attack on both sides.

Who will attack Pakistan from the western border? Americans are not going to attack Pakistan from the western side because the USA is dealing with its own domestic problems. Americans would have attacked Pakistan long ago if it wanted to.

Afghans will never attack Pakistan from the western side either so then who will do it? If Afghans ever make that mistake then it will give Pakistan full authority to outwardly support Taliban and that would kick you guys out faster..
in that case it's a blood bath, i wonder if all the bodies have been handed over to India?
really poor BDA on Indian Military's side....
and once again it shows that how weak Indian Military's InfoWar strategy is. @PanzerKiel whats your opinion on Battle Damage Assessment, was IA able to do it ?

only good in running disinformation war campaigns in peace times against other countries but when needed most, it all fails

Their info war strategy might be weaker than us because we have been doing all this via ISPR for decades now....we also had our bad times but now, as everyone knows, ISPR and our overall info strategy has matured......comparing it two decades back to last yr 26/26 Feb when our DG ISPR was reporting everything minute by minute and what else....it seemed to everyone like he must have been part of all planning sessions, like he must have monitored the PAF strike package himself...i mean it was good......

Indians, since they did not have to face what we have faced in the last two decades in the form of multiple hybrid threats from multiple directions, so they will take some time to mature, which means they will make mistakes in this regard.

Fog of war has still not cleared yet....but one thing is for sure....whichever side (Chinese or Indian) manages to take their reporters to the conflict site FIRST, and shows the damage inflicted from their own perspective, that side will have scored a massive media victory atleast....

Indians did it once their media covered Kargil, especially the LIVE coverage of Tiger Hill bombardment, then their politicians, military and media personalities visited the Kargil frontline to raise the morale of their troops......no such thing has happened yet......lack of info is always more dangerous, it fuels rumors which then get out of control.
News reports confirm that Indians soldiers have pulled back even as Chinese soldiers still occupy and control the Galvan Valley.
"The Indian army said senior military officials from both sides were "meeting to defuse the situation" "


It puts Pakistan's post-balakot bravery into perspective, against a military 7 times our superior, on the back of a surprise attack which itself came on the back of a fraudulently constructed cassus belli, Pakistan never once considered engaging in talks unless and until retribution had been meted out. We promised to hit them hard and we did. Modi has just had his front line troops decimated and his leadership meekly promises to "defuse the situation".

We were told in recent years that india is China's equal or at least closer to them than a 1:7 disadvantage.

This is embarrassing. BJP literally has frozen with fear. China should show mercy to these losers. It's pretty clear that Delhi is just a pawn in someone else's game. Well played Modi. You'll always be a chai wallah.
The simple point is that quotes from Indian media are likely an underestimation. We certainly don't believe Indian media one bit. Your casualties are higher than 20. Guaranteed.

But this is standard operating procedure, common sense that a normally intelligent poster like you should know. Why are Indians everywhere losing the ability to speak rationally and think logically? Just calm down. Steel yourselves.

I guarantee you it's more than 20. That's all I can share as of now.
We don't play games with our dead. Many have fallen into ravines and search is going on.
CHinese have acknowledged casualties but did not disclose how many. This is interesting - what does it signal ?
Afghans will never attack Pakistan from the western side either so then who will do it? If Afghans ever make that mistake then it will give Pakistan full authority to outwardly support Taliban and that would kick you guys out faster..
Are you sure about the Afghans? The Afghans are not very 'jovial' with Pakistan. Be careful.

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