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Pervez Hoodbhoy & Ammar allegedly gave extra marks to PTM supporters 2020

What i have to do with this all bro? am not promoting violence against everyone, for stooges like PH & Ammar, such kind of actions are enough.

Btw, please correct yourself there's no harassment in there, FC's administration followed the procedure & refused to extend the contract....?
Wait, whose stooge is Hoodbhoy?

I was referring to this claim of yours: "these 'Scholars' have been given some serious danda."

What proper procedure? Like the one followed in filing the presidential reference against Justice Faez Isa?
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Is state of Pakistan weak enough that can't tolerate different ideas? And harassing single individuals for it. But spine less in front of people taking arms against the state and people of Pakistan and will tolerate such extremists calling for murder in the name of religion.

It is that weak and has been that weak since political freedoms were curtailed. It's been incredibly damaging in our history.

People in Pakistan criticizing our students and professors for being political or dissenting have no idea about student politics and role of academia in the outside world. Here in the UK, students are all unionised. I myself was a member of multiple unions. Student marches, agitation and political movements are very very common here. My own experience on UK university campuses included seeing women's marches, marches against government's economic policy, solidarity with Palestine/pro BDS, student organisations against campus policies or government policy on student loans etc.

However, despite this, that's not to say that professors ever brainwashed us. Never once did they discuss politics, or misuse their authority. Any allegations of this needs a burden of proof and investigation.

It is literally the job of academic institutions to instill critical thinking and analysis. This invariably means you will have people who challenge the status quo, who question everything they deem worth questioning. If you want to have a democracy, you need basic civil liberties and freedom. That includes some degree of free speech, free association (political freedom), and the rights of students to form unions etc.

IMO ban of student unions should not exist, and dissenting voices should be given a space. These guys were banned because their opposition to traitor dictators was not acceptable, any other reason given is pure bs.

If these dissenting voices are pointing to not existent problems? Fine debate them, ignore them etc. If they're pointing to real problems? You'd better allow for the space for discussions to address those problems. Otherwise they'll fester and become something worse, or you'll make no progress.
Wait, whose stooge is Hoodbhoy?

I was referring to this claim of yours: "these 'Scholars' have been given some serious danda."

What poper procedure? Like the one followed in filing the presidential reference against Justice Faez Isa?
lol, your sentiments are hurt & i know you are looking elsewhere to vent that anger...but am not the enemy here...i said what i felt like......as i said, i am seeing things which you don't & it doesn't matter
lol, your sentiments are hurt & i know you are looking elsewhere to vent that anger...but am not the enemy here...i said what i felt like......as i said, i am seeing things which you don't & it doesn't matter
I never said you were the enemy.

You seem to insist quite a bit on your feelings. Not necessarily the best policy.
You choose to run away from reality, that's your problem not mine...PH & AAJ both are a sleuth, brainwashing their students into picking up arms - that's the reality
Once again you make a claim unsupported by any evidence whatsoever - relying entirely on your "feelings."
if he's as innocent as you claim then why is college administration sacking his a$$
I already hinted at one of the possible reasons.

I still fail to see the connection, how does being fired from a job make one a foreign stooge?
People in Pakistan hate Hoodboy for the same reason people in India hate pravin sawhney. Both are "party poopers", so awam be like:
"What?? We are not Lumber 1 in the world and best in every possible way imaginable?? Traitors!!!! RRREEEEEEEEEE"

Sawhney is an ex army, been in the field for decades, talk about the subject which is his field and area of interest. Hoodboy talk about anything and everything under the sun except physics.

Cheap third quality propaganda by radicals turning impressionable minds into fcking tubelights
Sawhney is an ex army, been in the field for decades, talk about the subject which is his field and area of interest. Hoodboy talk about anything and everything under the sun except physics.

By your logic sawhney should only talk about military matters, so why does he talk geo politics??
and btw hoodboy is a scientist AND an academic. When he talks about people's love for jahalat, u guys get ur nuts in a knot then as well.If you really think academics should only talk about newton's law of motion, then theres really no arguing with authoritarian ideologues. Every citizen of a country has a right to have and voice his opinion about anything in his country. He may not have any direct authority to implement his opinion(other than votes), but sensible societies dont piss themselves when they hear a dissenting voice.
You choose to run away from reality, that's your problem not mine...PH & AAJ both are a sleuth, brainwashing their students into picking up arms - that's the reality
I disagree with you, I used to think this way before I had the fortune to read up on parts of our history that are intentionally left out. I think I got lucky, I certainly don’t see myself as being more capable than others in this regard.

These two guys may have dissenting opinions from the mainstream narrative, I would ask you to kindly read their banned material, and evaluate for yourself the work on three different levels:

  1. Do these arguments and viewpoint hold any weight? Do I agree with them? If not, you will probably have counter-arguments that form the basis of a healthy debate.
  2. Are what they are saying very morally objectionable? We should all try to empathise with the other side when making this determination.
  3. Is there (or should there be) a legal basis for banning this particular material or censoring it? We must keep in mind that we’re a democracy, unwelcome views shouldn’t necessarily be illegal.
I think if you read their material (non selectively), you will find that they both talk about a breadth of subjects in social sciences. And I’m sure on the first point you will find things you don’t agree with, that’s fine, I also don’t agree with AAJ on a bunch of things. His preference for socialistic forms of economic organisation I think is particularly idealistic and based on incomplete analysis. Also, for the accusation of brainwashing students and making them pick up arms, I’m more familiar than most about their work. I seriously doubt any of this is even remotely true. So I’m calling it out until I see some evidence, which is reasonable. Innocent till proven guilty. The burden of proof lies upon the claimants, who I this case are their critics and those who ban them and their work.

On three points... 1) I’m sure you’ll disagree with them on some points, but that’s normal. I’d look forward to hear your counter arguments. 2) I think you may find some parts morally objectionable, but that can’t be true of everything, like I said I actually think you’ll see some reason in their arguments too. 3) I think if you do an honest accounting of their work, you will find that our objection to banning these works is understandable. And maybe you yourself won’t agree with this form of censorship.

And let’s remember, all this is predicated upon what I’m calling looking at their work ‘non selectively’ and giving an honest accounting. Meaning you have to read their views and then discuss them, instead of cherry picking by quick googling a few out of context quotes with which to prove in a confrontational debate that your preconceived opinion of their work is valid.

Honestly, we can start by taking a video lecture or book published by either men. And you and I can have a civil, honest, and in-depth discussion about what they’ve said. It’ll be a lot more valid than me saying they’re right about everything and you saying they’re wrong.

Apologies for any grammatical errors or issues, I typed this out quickly on mobile. :-)
By your logic sawhney should only talk about military matters, so why does he talk geo politics??
and btw hoodboy is a scientist AND an academic. When he talks about people's love for jahalat, u guys get ur nuts in a knot then as well.If you really think academics should only talk about newton's law of motion, then theres really no arguing with authoritarian ideologues. Every citizen of a country has a right to have and voice his opinion about anything in his country. He may not have any direct authority to implement his opinion(other than votes), but sensible societies dont piss themselves when they hear a dissenting voice.

By my logic, Sawhney is an ex army men, has been a military analyst for decades, and if you have been living under the rock all your miserable life, military affairs and geopolitics are intertwined. Please feel free to enlighten us the link between Physics and geopolitics, let alone questioning the vary basis and fundamentals on which the state was created!

Though I may be living in UK but I can assure you , from early education to uni, I have studied in Pakistan, not a single instance, I have come across an academic getting involved into any political debate, let alone question the state itself! Teacher job is to teach the relative subjects to students, not to corrupt and mould the young minds according to their own beliefs and dogmas. My Mrs work in UK education system, as a teacher, you are simply not allowed to express your own political views infront of students, do that on your own peril!

So when your beloved Hoodboy is attacking the vary fundamentals of Pakistan, which "jahalat" he is trying to remove from the citizens of Pakistan?

Loud and irresponsible mouths should not have any "freedom of expression". They are the harbringer of chaos and should be dealth with iron fist. And that is the issue with the likes of me when we see our state not dealing with such maggots and their sidekicks.

By my logic, Sawhney is an ex army men, has been a military analyst for decades, and if you have been living under the rock all your miserable life, military affairs and geopolitics are intertwined. Please feel free to enlighten us the link between Physics and geopolitics, let alone questioning the vary basis and fundamentals on which the state was created!

Your selective blindness is impressive, more so than your comprehension skills. Academics talk on social issues everywhere. He's just voicing his opinion, and having open discussions. If he's so wrong, why cant you refute him on his face?? Embarrass him in front of everyone, he wont be able to "poison" anyone anymore.
Though I may be living in UK but I can assure you , from early education to uni, I have studied in Pakistan, not a single instance, I have come across an academic getting involved into any political debate, let alone question the state itself! Teacher job is to teach the relative subjects to students, not to corrupt and mould the young minds according to their own beliefs and dogmas.
QUESTION THE STATE?? THE HORROR!!!!!!Hes been poisoning and corrupting everyone all these years, and the best the "State" can do is get him fired?? cant even prosecute him for his "TREASON"?? lagta ha 20 corore me sare muhibb e watan ya to mar gae han, ya england chale gae han xD

So when your beloved Hoodboy is attacking the vary fundamentals of Pakistan, which "jahalat" he is trying to remove from the citizens of Pakistan?
He's not, quit Huffing and Puffing..
Loud and irresponsible mouths should not have any "freedom of expression". They are the harbringer of chaos and should be dealth with iron fist. And that is the issue with the likes of me when we see our state not dealing with such maggots and their sidekicks.
Thats your opinion, and while its a very stupid and baseless one, shared by hindutva zombies, you are entitled to it.
Oh ofc. My experience debating with Uber Nationalist Zombies(from india) is that u just need to let them kids win. So U win Buddy. You are the most awesomist and bestest and wisest of all.
P.S Allah ne Pakistan ko andh bhakt to india jese he die han, shukar ha foji india jese nai die :yes4:
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How is Hoodbhoy a fake scholar? He’s got his credentials from MIT. He’s conducted research with multiple reputable universities.

Perhaps not a fake scholar, but certainly a Pakistan and Islam hating individual. His anti-Pakistan columns in Indian newspapers speak for themselves.

Hoodbhoy is hardly an accomplished professional in his field of work. He is a disgruntled hateful content writer at best.

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