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Featured 4 gunmen attacked Pakistan Stock Exchange building in Karachi


My Fav Pic. moment of the day....
A lot of these weapons are laying around afghanistan and are very easy to find in the blackmarkets. I read somewhere that the US will have left over a trillion USD worth of used equipment when they leave afghanistan. A lot of this can be picked up by our enemies.

Also lately US has been selling India a lot of infantry weapons including grenade launchers...

remember 24,000 ( no one know the real number ) missing containers of Afghan Transit Trade in karachi? during MQM rule

Is it me but don't these alleged "Baloch" Terrorists look VERY indian?
Terrorists are now available as mercs, could be ex political party or otherwise but considering these guys are on a “suicide mission” they are probably well compensated on their end.

I would even look to them being Iranian Baloch or Afghanis(There are Afghanis with dark complexion).
I never made that post. So how is it with my name??
Something is fishy.
There will be "risk" to security only if the security even exists to begin with, there is no such thing as "security" in existence for common people in Pakistan, so as as result there is also no concept of any "risk" to that imaginary security in the minds of the people of Pakistan. First bring security and then talk to the people about the risks to that "security".

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