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Featured 3 Pakistan Army soldiers martyred in a terrorist attack in Gichk, Panjgur, Balochistan.

Akhtar Mengal, Hamid Mir, Jibby & Qadeer Mama.

These kind of hostile factors are more damaging than anything unrelated discovered and blamed upon Shafiq Mengal. They do know the art of accusations & how to make a web to malign & ground such ops. Shafiq only acted against the enemies of Pakistan & Islam with a strong faith & patriotism otherwise, would have been done long ago. I see the only factor was the foul mouths and propagandists.
بس کرو enough is enough break the back of those involved once and for all
Sir air support چاہئیے.. Best way is drones

This is the way. We need more drones to give a real time picture on the frontline. They are cheap but require a full integrated network to be efficient. That will take time but it's the way forward.

It's terrible we cannot protect our troops and are loosing lives needlessley.

RIP to our fallen.
Well Horus has already explained on this - Military has decided to sleep through it, what will PAF do...

It was explained with something like

Kon kon na mar jaye es ada pe,
K lartay hain par hath ma talwar bhi nahi

(Please bear with me, if it isn't said like this).
Govt and top brasses equally responsible for the deaths of our jawans by not providing the APVs for patrolling , even Afghan forces have better vehicles than ours to move around, and we are giving them Toyota and Hyundai pics ups to get killed from ambush and by terrorist snipers,
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un, very sad to hear such precious lives are lost, UAV patrolling should be carried out to help minimize casualties, Hindutva backed terrorists are now desperately trying to sabotage Gwadar port interests.
we are back in 2010. missing raheel sharif . he was the only man who had a clear mind and strategy about how to deal with the terrorists. the government dropped the cases against PTM and the courts released the terrorists on the basis on "insufficient" evidence. feeling sad for the poor soldiers. they are just expendable items now. but one thing is for sure our leaders will definitely pay a very very heavy price in the next world.
Bla claims a lot anyways 8 fc personnel getting killed is worrisome. Fc is unable to contain guerilla warfare with their limited sources. Its time to send regular army in Balochistan. 6 months of intense operation will do the job.
only, this time its not fc
baluchistan is getting out of our hands and we are not yet awake.

IK will offer seat to BLA in parliament and open their offices in islamabad.
Innalillahi wainalrajioun

there deaths will not be avenged by the state .
pls update the caption on social media accordingly and thread title. we had number of injured wrong onCaption... and ask those who claimed 8 martyred to bring forward 8 dead bodies... we have pics of inly three pics, no more than that.... everyone else just cooked up figures
unfortunately, its true.

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