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Stop demeaning Indian soldiers

Lol. Kargil was a complete military and diplomatic victory for India. What pressure by Clinton? Clinton didn't go to Pak. Your Sartaj Aziz first came to India asking for a face saving exit. And when shown the door, your PM ran to Clinton. Should have stayed and fought if you were winning.
Happy to answer this in a thread related to Kargil. I do disagree with your assessment.

I see a lot of my countrymen and women’s demean Indian soldiers. They say they are cowards, afraid and unworthy. This is not true. They are honorable men and women sent on the orders of their country and we belittle our selves when we make fun of them or their religion. It is against our religious and cultural value. I know some Indians say things about our brave soldiers but we should avoid responding to them as it belittles our argument. We should strategically increase the motivation and bravery of our enemies as it will help us plan better and come up with ingenious solutions.

An Indian soldier is as brave , motivated and professional as our soldiers. he Or she is there following orders of their government. Orders they may or may not agree with but this is their duty.

the motivation can be seen in Kargil , despite every thing the Indians charged Pakistani mountain positions. I can only imagine the thinking in ones head when charging up a mountain facing the business end of a Pakistani MG-3 manned by our brave soldiers. They in the initial phases had significant losses but eventually were able to use air power to dislodge our troops. We failed our troops by not engaging our air force to cover them but that is a different matter

The Indian colonel who with his men fought the Chinese was equally as brave. He did not retreat and tried to fight as best as he could and bravely gave his life for his country. He did not run! He was failed by his goverment , he should never have been there but he fulfilled his duty. So belittling this brave man is bellow our teachings.

in conclusion , I humbly request that we consider the Indian solider highly motivated, professional and trained, they will not run or falter. We need to develop tactics to outsmart them and meet our objectives.

We should not make fun of them and their religion. This is against our teachings.

Noble of you.
Lol. Kargil was a complete military and diplomatic victory for India. What pressure by Clinton? Clinton didn't go to Pak. Your Sartaj Aziz first came to India asking for a face saving exit. And when shown the door, your PM ran to Clinton. Should have stayed and fought if you were winning.

I have quoted once from the books of American authors, who have spelled out how Indians approached Clinton because they were under tremendous pressure in Kargil, they lost huge amount of Soldiers and had nothing to show for it.
It is a lie that Pakistan approached Americans, it was Indians, as was the case in 1948 approach by Nahro.

Clinton then tried to summon Nawaz, thinking he is going to apply the pressure and get some concessions after haggling with Nawaz. Clinton was surprised how Nawaz completely collapsed and accepted all the demands of Clinton on the behest of the Indians.

I am in no mood to provide the references again.

Secondly, check out how many peaks are still occupied in Kargil by Pakistan before harping and telling lies.
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international press, amnesty international , human rights watch , US state department etc
Did they report "rape by Indian army" ?
Human Rights violations has different forums, even you ban internet in particular area, it is considered human rights violations.
Even India don't deny it. And sometimes unfortunate accidents happens in a war zone, like any innocent comes in between cross fires and get killed.
It happens, we don't deny it at all.
But it doesn't happen like you spread lies and propaganda, as if Indian army has no work other than rapping and killing innocents. Watch your house before you spread lies for others.
Since when are Indian soldiers brave?? If they were they wouldn't have died a disgraceful death at the hands of Chinese without putting up a fight.

Also how would you rate a military who kills civilians in Kashmir on daily basis, blinds children. A military who gives award to Abhindan the guy failed mission. The only reason to award him was create a narrative as if India won that skirmish which was in fact a massive failure for Indian military.

Not to forget numerous air crafts that have crashed in the hands of might Indian Army. It was Indian navy who left hatch open resulting in destruction of nuclear submarine.
It really doesn't matter what some no name PDF Pakistanis think of the Indian army or Indians for that matter.
Our soldiers are putting their lives on the lives for our nation. No matter what, we Indians respect and love our soldiers and that is all that matters in the end.
Our enemies are supposed to deride and ridicule them. that is their job and this is the platform for them to vent out their frustrations towards India, Indians and the Indian armed forces.
Nothing surprising here.

@Khan vilatey your gesture is noble and respectable, and its people like you that have the respect of Indians like me of being an honorable adversary. Thanks for trying, but your efforts are akin to using a dryer in the rain.
Since when are Indian soldiers brave?? If they were they wouldn't have died a disgraceful death at the hands of Chinese without putting up a fight.

Also how would you rate a military who kills civilians in Kashmir on daily basis, blinds children. A military who gives award to Abhindan the guy failed mission. The only reason to award him was create a narrative as if India won that skirmish which was in fact a massive failure for Indian military.

Not to forget numerous air crafts that have crashed in the hands of might Indian Army. It was Indian navy who left hatch open resulting in destruction of nuclear submarine.

with respect it takes a brave soldier to board a flying coffin.

I am with you about their atrocities in Kashmir even the Germans or Israeli are not this cruel. I believe that one day we will avenge this.

the Indian officer did fight the Chinese and lost but did not run. That is bravery.

I strongly feel that we should not help the Indian narrative of Pakistanis and Muslims being bigots and hot heads rather I would make my point without calling them names.

Indian soldiers should ask themselves as to why such many people choose to disrespect their profession.

The politicization of the armed forces along with colonial era patronising culture is demeaning for the soldiers as well as India as a whole.

A rogue army doesn't command respect nor appreciation.
Let me spell out my point of view, as clearly and precisely as possible.

1- The approach suggested by the thread starter is speak of defeatist mindset. Before people object let me explain. If we do what is asked, we would be demeaning our soldiers. How ! It will become clearer in a minute.

2- For far too long Pakistanis and Pakistani army had been tolerating unbearable attitude of Indians and their army. I will just give one example, General Bipin.

3- Pakistan has lost precious ground creating their narrative in the world. Because they always took the approach demanded by the poster. If you look at the world opinion, Pakistanis look aggressors and Indians are the one on the receiving ends. Nothing further from the truth, the main reason for hostilities between India and Pakistan is Kashmir. And those who are in the know, know that India is not only in the wrong but is an aggressor and occupier.

4- The masses around the world are swayed away by the lies of Indian media and to some extent by the International media. We need to put our foot down. Expose the lies of Indians, Indian military and Indian media. We should take them to the cleaners in every argument and in every aspect.

5- It is about time, we stop dithering and showing that we are the nice guys. Our reputation had been sullied due to our inaction and in many cases because of our Politicians trying to please the Indian politicians, state etc. No more, we should go on offensive and take Indian head on.

6- Lastly, Kargil victory is an absolutely lie. Most of the prominent peaks in Kargil except Tiger Hill are still in Pakistani hands. Kargil was a resounding victory for Pakistan. If it wasn't for traitor Nawaz who was swayed by the pressure applied by the Clinton, we would have dealt a massive blow to the Indians, militarily and to their psyche.

Salute to your patriotism brother. Thanks for the enlightening post.
retreat is not an act of cowardice, rather strategically advantageous and should be encouraged rather than unlogical human resource loss in the name of bravery
with respect it takes a brave soldier to board a flying coffin.

I am with you about their atrocities in Kashmir even the Germans or Israeli are not this cruel. I believe that one day we will avenge this.

the Indian officer did fight the Chinese and lost but did not run. That is bravery.

I strongly feel that we should not help the Indian narrative of Pakistanis and Muslims being bigots and hot heads rather I would make my point without calling them names.


Dear brother, I understand your desire to be humane to Indians, but I do not agree. Look above at the back and forth of one Indian with brother @crankthatskunk and see how Indians deflect every loss and even question independently verified cases of mass-rape committed on our Kashmiri sisters by their terrorist army.

Sometimes brother, being fair to the enemy is injustice to the victims. For the Kashmiris, our resolve needs to be rock solid, without any feelings of pity or remorse for the abusers of our women and children.

Elimination of even one of these terrorist army and their RSS supporters is a noble cause, I praise anyone who rids humanity of this blight.

Chinese did sadaqah jariya for the whole Alem at Galwan.

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