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The Hybrid War On Hybrid War In Pakisan

So India and their pithu Baloch Republican Party are at it again. Like always to discredit the Missile launch of Pakistan india came up with a fake news story, this time with help of terrorist supporters like BRP who sits in EU and is feeding on indian money.

Story started with BRP's tweeter tweeting that Shaheen 3 fell in Dera Bugti injuring several and after that few other BRP assets like their party members and their media wing started the retweeting of propaganda material. Funny thing is more than half of tweets were from Indian accounts. Clearly showing how they lack support from Balochistan.

They have created an entire Mafia to spread fake news, what to do with them now?? Half of them is targeting Congress, the other half defending Arnab, and the rest attacking Pakistan.
They have created an entire Mafia to spread fake news, what to do with them now?? Half of them is targeting Congress, the other half defending Arnab, and the rest attacking Pakistan.
They wanted to counter ISPR and created fake news media...pathetic brain dead people.
The most dangerous element of the anti-Pakistan hybrid war is the existence of a very strong fifth column within Pakistani society. This fifth column is made of so called progressive/liberals as well as religious people in the politics, media and civil-military bureaucracy.
The most dangerous element of the anti-Pakistan hybrid war is the existence of a very strong fifth column within Pakistani society. This fifth column is made of so called progressive/liberals as well as religious people in the politics, media and civil-military bureaucracy.

Absolutely. The external challanges are nothing new. They won't disappear, but the state can deal with them. The major problem is within. These people from within have vested interests. They receive funding for their anti-state activities. India and certain anti-Pakistan Western nations are aiding such groups to create anarchy and instability. The state needs to act.

Certain local NGOs and INGOs need to be dealt with immediately. This is where much damage is being inflicted. The education system needs a thorough overhaul. Snakes and enemies are disguised as professors and teachers. They teach children to revolt against the nation. I have a feeling the rulers in Pakistan are totally uninformed about these challanges.
Ispr is too silent these days. Need to b Pro active. Keep enemies busy
Ispr is too silent these days. Need to b Pro active. Keep enemies busy

Highly unlikely. The consensus in Islamabad nowadays is to not rock the boat. Economy is important, but it shouldn't come at the expense of national security. Unfortunately in Pakistan's case it does. The policy is to turn a blind eye to Western hypocrisy. Occasional mild criticism at best. We are appeasing the same powers that enable our arch enemy against us. France, US, Arabs and many other Western nations bestowing praise on our arch enemy despite gross human rights violations and war paranoia. They arm India to teeth and trade in the billions to enable RSS ideology. One specific country provides refuge to terrorists such as Altaf bhai and Nawaz Sharif. A killer and absconder. What have the leaders done to demand their repatriation? Don't expect a forceful response from our side though. We are content with the status quo. We are daydreaming. Believing in a fairy tale that once the economy recovers we can go guns blazing. That won't happen in another few decades. The Western powers keep the FATF stick as a blackmail reminder. Besides, how would you even want to economically rely on the same powers that are hellbent on your destruction? Too many confusions, contradictions and anamolies.

If these leaders had some sense they would start with the nursery of anti-state activity i.e. NGOs/INGOs. Instead the EU leaders write a letter to Imran Khan with crocodile concerns. The next day the tone changes 360 degrees. Any person with a pair of eyes understands what is happening here. It is all appeasement. The right thing to do is to start with the foundation. That just hasn't happened. It is the same old flawed approach.
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Absolutely. The external challanges are nothing new. They won't disappear, but the state can deal with them. The major problem is within. These people from within have vested interests. They receive funding for their anti-state activities. India and certain anti-Pakistan Western nations are aiding such groups to create anarchy and instability. The state needs to act.

Certain local NGOs and INGOs need to be dealt with immediately. This is where much damage is being inflicted. The education system needs a thorough overhaul. Snakes and enemies are disguised as professors and teachers. They teach children to revolt against the nation. I have a feeling the rulers in Pakistan are totally uninformed about these challanges.

The inaction of the ruling class against the Fifth column within Pakistan certainly highlights the likelyhood of a complicity or collusion. There is no doubt that a portion of the ruling class is very much in bed with our external enemies. A lot of excutive decisions over the last 70 years had served against the national security interests of Pakistan.
The inaction of the ruling class against the Fifth column within Pakistan certainly highlights the likelyhood of a complicity or collusion. There is no doubt that a portion of the ruling class is very much in bed with our external enemies. A lot of excutive decisions over the last 70 years had served against the national security interests of Pakistan.

I am afraid your analysis is spot on. There is no logical explanation why the state is so hesitant to take the right decisions. I am not buying the excuses for repurcussions. This is an age old excuse used by the leaders to divert attention.
Ispr is too silent these days. Need to b Pro active. Keep enemies busy

ISPR only follows policies formulated by the government by law. They do not excercise parallel or independent policies.
Muth of indian hubrid warfare busted

Defence matrix is one of indian who is hyprcratic

That's why China need Great Firewall and blocked all those info warfare such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter. China has our own version of all those internet tools, even better tools.

Anyone want to access US info warfare can purchase VPN to work around, but the mass won't do it. The Great Firewall is the protection for mass.
Maybe Pakistan should block all these American websites and its Iron brother will extend the Great Firewall to Pakistan. Pakistan can use Chinese versions of these American websites. China would be very happy to help.

We won't realise but it was the Great Game due to which our subcontinent was partitioned, it is colonialism 2.0. Our subcontinent was designed in such a way that there will always be war and issues and enough openings so that no power can emerge out of it. The politicians in all our countries will use the religion card, to get votes and make money and keep singing tunes of Gora/other masters.

The first thing the Chinese did was united the country with Autonomous regions, and Hong Kong and see how important Taiwan is to them, for the civilisation to stand tall you first need to be united. Hua people have done it so well. Then they worked on the economy and self-reliance in all areas such as manufacturing, research, defence, etc. Imagine they are building their own space station. Now they are already/going to be the superpower of the world. With the greatest economy in the world and well-positioned to capitalise on the changing world order.

The estimated military spending of India is around 2-3% of GDP and that of Pakistan is 4% of GDP, imagine if it went into education and growth for the last 75 years. But neither Indian nor Pakistani people will understand this fool's errand. We will keep working on destroying each other in the plan while choking ourselves, as our colonial masters designed and planned. Now Hua/Han people will exploit this game. While kids of our subcontinent continue to live in poverty and our generations will inherit the same hatred and have the same mess.
The punch line is : keep buying the war manjan, keep yourself mentally busy, and we will keep manipulating things in background.
They have created an entire Mafia to spread fake news, what to do with them now?? Half of them is targeting Congress, the other half defending Arnab, and the rest attacking Pakistan.
Using your arithmetic there's 0 left to attack pakistan so no worries then.
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