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Graveyard 'purified' for the Muslims


Aug 3, 2008
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By Aamir Yasin

RAWALPINDI, Dec 1: ‘Peace’ returned to Ratta Amral graveyard on Tuesday night after the body of a little Hindu girl buried there a year ago was exhumed by her family and reburied in the adjacent Christian graveyard.

Their act of assuaging ‘Muslim sensitivities’ took place in the dark of the night and under tight security.

“When we buried our Summan Prem there on October 1, 2009, we mistakenly thought it was the Christian graveyard,” an uncle of the girl told Dawn, tears rolling down his cheeks in memory of his niece who would have been 10 this year.

“We did not want to cause any controversy, or annoy anyone. If the (graveyard management) committee does not want us Hindus to bury their dead here, we won’t,” he said.

Summan’s father, Prem Kishan, was spared the pain of shifting his daughter’s remains from, so to say, Muslim to Christian grounds, as he was away in Sukkur on the day for the funeral of his nephew.

Her family, living on The Mall, Saddar, is Balmeki Hindu, some of whom bury their dead instead of cremating.

Summan’s Hindu ancestry became known only after the family put a tombstone on her grave, bearing her name and Hindu Mantras.

Tongues started wagging at this ‘sacrilege’ and agitated Muslim clerics and visitors to the Ratta Amral graveyard raised ‘the issue’ with the graveyard’s managing committee.

They accused the management of negligence and threatened to stop burying their dead in the graveyard unless it was ‘purified’ by removing the non-Muslim’s body.

Alarmed by the anger that the dead Summan was causing, the management committee requested her family to move her out of the Muslim graveyard — which it did.

“We were not aware of the Hindu burial. Clerics and people of the area brought it to our notice and their reaction made us request the family to remove it to the adjacent Christian graveyard,” said Ratta Amral Graveyard Management Committee chairman Mohammad Mohsin Mir.

There are many graves of lower caste Hindus in the Christian graveyard which had been separated from the Muslim cemetery, he said.

“It was a mistake for the grave digger to assume that Summan was a Muslim. Otherwise the management committee is well aware that non-Muslims could not be buried in our graveyard,” said Mr Mir. His fear of the angry Muslim sentiments was understandable.

Hafiz Iqbal Rizvi, Rawalpindi District Khateeb, holds that Shariat does not allow burying non-Muslims in Muslim graveyards.

Chairman of the District Peace Committee Maulana Izhar Hussain Shah Bukhari blamed the burial of the non-Muslim girl in Ratta Amral graveyard on the management committee and the grave digger who did not register the names of the dead brought to the graveyard.


What else is new?... Humans in our society fail to see humans as humans but see them as an object of faith... what a deranged and mental society we have become
This is sad and stupid.


what do they mean by burying a hindu girl.

I thought hindus burn their dead...
can anyone shed light on this?!?!
This is sad and stupid.


what do they mean by burying a hindu girl.

I thought hindus burn their dead...
can anyone shed light on this?!?!

Some Hindu communities do bury their dead.

@topic - A very sad incident. Only if people could realize that a dead body has no religion.
The girl was 8-9 years old.
In islam i think there are different rules for childern who die before puberty.

I am not sure and dont want to say anything incorrect....
How shameful and anti islam.

As I have explained islam is as secular as secularism itself and as islmaic as islam itself.

Here is yet another explanation.

People live together as one people eg a family or a tribe etc because they are blood related. The prophet of islam was quraishi belonging to hashmi branch. So this is not unislamic or is it?

People who are not related this way can live together because they share religious or sectarian beliefs. This helps unite tribes into one people. The prophet was a muslim and so were his followers who were from many different tribes. So this too is not unislamic.

However there is need for wider unity. The prophet comes to madinah and creates a state that includes poeple of various tribes and religions, how did they relate as one people? They joined together on equal footing on basis of common interests of all people of the same land under same government. This is secularism and it was there in time of the prophet of islam.

I explained already that religious divide cannot be justified on basis of islam because you are told to look after your kafir partents and you are allowed to live with kafir members of your family with full responsibility of family ties, so why not in the same village, in the same city, in the same country, in the same world?

Ignorance must be eliminated from the heads of paksitanis if we are going to be human beings.
very sad incident.........we coundn't even feel 0.000000001 % pain of the family ...whole humanity is ashamed by these act...
Another shameful incident.

What else do you expect from the faithful inhabitants of this country.

And people still wonder why Pakistan is going through one disaster after another.
Its very Unusual for Hindu to Bury the dead..They are cremated...I am not sure about what Shariah says,but if its prohibited then Muslims have to abide by their laws..they are entitled to do so...Although digging her out of her grave and re burying was a bit too harsh...Hope it was done by the consent of her parents,but still harsh.
How shameful and anti islam.

As I have explained islam is as secular as secularism itself and as islmaic as islam itself.

Here is yet another explanation.

People live together as one people eg a family or a tribe etc because they are blood related. The prophet of islam was quraishi belonging to hashmi branch. So this is not unislamic or is it?

People who are not related this way can live together because they share religious or sectarian beliefs. This helps unite tribes into one people. The prophet was a muslim and so were his followers who were from many different tribes. So this too is not unislamic.

However there is need for wider unity. The prophet comes to madinah and creates a state that includes poeple of various tribes and religions, how did they relate as one people? They joined together on equal footing on basis of common interests of all people of the same land under same government. This is secularism and it was there in time of the prophet of islam.

I explained already that religious divide cannot be justified on basis of islam because you are told to look after your kafir partents and you are allowed to live with kafir members of your family with full responsibility of family ties, so why not in the same village, in the same city, in the same country, in the same world?

Ignorance must be eliminated from the heads of paksitanis if we are going to be human beings.


where are we heading as a nation? Every single day I get to see new heights of bigotry being reached in Pakistan, and yet we claim to be victims.
Parents must have had a great time digging up decayed remains of their babygirl and burying it again.The pious guys who ordered this deserve some medal for their commitment for purity of graveyard.

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