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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

We don't even consider them a civilization.
You're too weak and inconsequential for anything you consider to matter.
You are enjoying dead Indians because of a virus you unleashed.
Nobody is enjoying dead Indians. To enjoy the deaths of Indians would be to consider Indians an enemy, because only an enemy would warrant such a reaction. India is too contemptible for China to consider it an enemy.
@adelphi I am hoping he was speaking tongue and cheek. We lost family on trains and caravans to Pakistan. We lost our wealth, power, status and prestige. But in all honesty I personally believe we gained more in gaining Pakistan. I cannot imagine still living in India. Our family has strong roots in pre-colonial FATA and Afghanistan. Today we are part of the fabric of Pakistan (serving in each of her services, fighting in each war, even being governor of her provinces, Pakistani first and Pashtun second (if that even matters).
Although I don't belong to a migrant family but I understand the sacrfices that freedom demands. I'm proud of you all & God bless our great nation.
Here goes -

More schadenfreude from CCP

View attachment 739552

Just a reminder. This virus originated in China.

Care to weigh in on Covid-19 detected in Italy, in September 2019. Long before they were detected in China.

They believed in Pakistan, fought for Pakistan, voted for Pakistan & migrated for Pakistan..
.while many lost their loved ones. Isn't it a sacrifce??

They would have lost all that and lot
more by staying back.
They would have lost all that and lot
more by staying back.
And we might not had Pakistan at all. They were a big support without which case for a separate nation would weaken. Supporting Pakistan meant putting your family on harm and those people did that. Let's give credit where it's due.
They would have lost all that and lot
more by staying back.
Ok I was wrong there is something not right with you. People of all stripes made tons of sacrifices for Pakistan. They take strength in those sacrifices and that reinforces their bond to Pakistan ( it is not a matter of oneupmanship or flexing among Pakistanis). Your attempt to minimize it is a classless act. In terms of staying back that was not the only choice. Many who stayed back and swore loyalty received power, money and position. Others waited for calmness, sold their holdings and moved to Pak or outside the SC later in the 50s. For you to think that the migrants of the early partition years who lost life, liberty and wealth did not sacrifice for Pak is frankly ignorant of your own history.

Also it is amazing you don’t see a critical fallacy in your argument. Even the founder of Pakistan was a migrant not to mention countless others who funded, proselytized and strived for this nation. Go argue against that logic. If it was not due to their sacrifice you might not be enjoying the fruits of Pakistan either.

So the people of those times before and at partition certainly sacrificed. Where I will agree with you if you made this argument, is that those sacrifices gave their next generations a better chance at life. This argument is not in opposition to itself. Our ancestors sacrificed their lives and treasure so we their progeny and later generations would reap the benefits. For some of us this is not a free pass, but a heavy burden and responsibility, because we know how much our families lost, while others near and dear to us, completely extinguished from existence.
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the post was removed but that was very unprofessional coming from an official account. pretty sure someone lost their job
No. India should instead believe that their god leader Modi and cow products will save them from all illnesses :yahoo:
India needs a circuit braker - a national lockdown of at least 2-3months to bring this virus under control - Will Modi be brave enough to do it.

Worrying about the daily wage worker is noble enough, but given that most analysts think that India's real casulatiies figures from Covid are in the range of 2million already, this will burn through the population faster than it is now.

People are saying that the current surge will peak in middle of May. I ask how, given they had not done anything to bring this under control.
This will fck India up and I m assure you the country will implode. Their only choice is just let the virus run wild and kill the weak. Basically the usual India strategy of doing nothing and let it be.
the post was removed but that was very unprofessional coming from an official account. pretty sure someone lost their job
But @Beast was insisting it's not from an official account. Was it from an official account or not?

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