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China needs a voice that matches its national strength, international status: Xi Jinping

Two areas China will need to improve its image in order for it even have a chance to match American soft power. It will need to win the overwhelmingly support of the Chinese “long time” diaspora (not people have have lived under CCP rule). Secondly, it will have to provide a vision of its own “rules based global order” in which other countries can see prosperity if they follow Beijing’s vision.

Many in the diaspora fear Xi and the CCP. If the CCP can’t win the hearts and minds of the Diaspora, winning the support of non-aligned peoples (non-westerners) will be much harder.

America is revamping to win over Africa in a big way, if you look at the Key positions in the state and defense departments. The US and Europeans are also coming up with a counter initiative to BRI. The US is promoting a more visible human rights based foreign policy, with instructions to embassies around the world to fly Black Lives Matter flags. Africans will be convinced they could become Americans and America, having gone through its history, is now committed to righting the wrongs of the past. I’m not saying it will be believed but that is the narrative being built. If it is successful, African countries may give preferential contracts to American companies over Chinese ones.

How can China counter that? In the Cold War, the Soviet espoused Universal human rights and offered development aid (not loans), and China will have to do some thing similar. China will also have to offer aid and debt relief to counter the debt relief being offered by the West. If not debt relief, free projects, peace corps help, and other initiatives to improve the quality of lives of average people around the world.

China doesn’t need a new voice, it needs a fundamental shift in its soft power strategy to even be able to compete.
Two areas China will need to improve its image in order for it even have a chance to match American soft power. It will need to win the overwhelmingly support of the Chinese “long time” diaspora (not people have have lived under CCP rule). Secondly, it will have to provide a vision of its own “rules based global order” in which other countries can see prosperity if they follow Beijing’s vision.

Many in the diaspora fear Xi and the CCP. If the CCP can’t win the hearts and minds of the Diaspora, winning the support of non-aligned peoples (non-westerners) will be much harder.

America is revamping to win over Africa in a big way, if you look at the Key positions in the state and defense departments. The US and Europeans are also coming up with a counter initiative to BRI. The US is promoting a more visible human rights based foreign policy, with instructions to embassies around the world to fly Black Lives Matter flags. Africans will be convinced they could become Americans and America, having gone through its history, is now committed to righting the wrongs of the past. I’m not saying it will be believed but that is the narrative being built. If it is successful, African countries may give preferential contracts to American companies over Chinese ones.

How can China counter that? In the Cold War, the Soviet espoused Universal human rights and offered development aid (not loans), and China will have to do some thing similar. China will also have to offer aid and debt relief to counter the debt relief being offered by the West. If not debt relief, free projects, peace corps help, and other initiatives to improve the quality of lives of average people around the world.

China doesn’t need a new voice, it needs a fundamental shift in its soft power strategy to even be able to compete.

Absolutely agreed. China was better during the Mao years when it came to issuing a universal message because China at that time was a revolutionary anti-imperialist nation that expressed solidarity with all of the other oppressed countries in the world. In the last two decades, much of China's elite has been composed of a bunch of White bootlickers and that's why it has no universal message today which is sad.
Absolutely agreed. China was better during the Mao years when it came to issuing a universal message because China at that time was a revolutionary anti-imperialist nation that expressed solidarity with all of the other oppressed countries in the world. In the last two decades, much of China's elite has been composed of a bunch of White bootlickers and that's why it has no universal message today which is sad.

A return to clear universal values is the only way for China to win over developing nations. Alongside this, development aid is a must, if China is to be able to compete with the West.
Two areas China will need to improve its image in order for it even have a chance to match American soft power. It will need to win the overwhelmingly support of the Chinese “long time” diaspora (not people have have lived under CCP rule). Secondly, it will have to provide a vision of its own “rules based global order” in which other countries can see prosperity if they follow Beijing’s vision.

Many in the diaspora fear Xi and the CCP. If the CCP can’t win the hearts and minds of the Diaspora, winning the support of non-aligned peoples (non-westerners) will be much harder.

America is revamping to win over Africa in a big way, if you look at the Key positions in the state and defense departments. The US and Europeans are also coming up with a counter initiative to BRI. The US is promoting a more visible human rights based foreign policy, with instructions to embassies around the world to fly Black Lives Matter flags. Africans will be convinced they could become Americans and America, having gone through its history, is now committed to righting the wrongs of the past. I’m not saying it will be believed but that is the narrative being built. If it is successful, African countries may give preferential contracts to American companies over Chinese ones.

How can China counter that? In the Cold War, the Soviet espoused Universal human rights and offered development aid (not loans), and China will have to do some thing similar. China will also have to offer aid and debt relief to counter the debt relief being offered by the West. If not debt relief, free projects, peace corps help, and other initiatives to improve the quality of lives of average people around the world.

China doesn’t need a new voice, it needs a fundamental shift in its soft power strategy to even be able to compete.

The diaspora is not too hard. In general strength, wealth and a welcoming message is all it really takes.

Most of the distant diaspora is Southeast Asian.

Chinese Malaysians and Indonesians are pretty supportive of the PRC, just see this forum.

Singaporeans are more mixed but they are wealthier. As China gets richer and stronger they will switch support to PRC too.

Next will be winning over Chinese Filipinos which can be done as well.

For Anglo diasporas, Chinese Canadian and Australian will be easier due to high relative population share, presence of a large working class as well as large elite (both more likely to be nationalistic) and their secularism.

Chinese American diaspora is the toughest due to presence of religious minorities and large middle class.
Before this "report" in "90 days", China has to expose where the West lied without giving any ammo to the report to lie even more. Like how you don't talk to the cops, you don't reveal anything to give further clues to Washington in how to lie better. So don't cover the Wuhan lab. Cover everything else where the West lied about blame China. Without giving any hints in how to lie based on China revealed facts. Then after the 90 days and the lying report is publish, China should go over every lie that the media/West stated and refuse each lie, point by point, including Wuhan. And refute the report, point by point.

Then don't announce, open up 100 sub shipyards in China at the cost of 100 billion euros. Mass produced should drive the cost much lower. 1 billion per shipyard. Keep this secret, don't announce this. You have to punish the lies. Obviously, the usa wants war, so you don't fall for the trap. Get so powerful over your enemies that your enemies cry to you to not have war. Then crush your enemy, any way you see fit.

Also. launch 100.000 ASATs a year. Also don't announce. That is 30.000 ASATs SATs. Have the launch vehicle be two more ASATs - keep them in orbit with solar panels, one or both of these converted ASAT with three robotic arms that makes Washington paranoid. Make and launch 100 heavy normal ASATs costing many millions of euros launch per year. Very high tech. Then low tech. Yet the rest be mass produced and under 1 million euros, protect against EW having ECM.

Economically-made mass-produced basic technology ASATs should not require the production capacity of more than 10 self-driving EVs. Can China make 1 million EVs, then China can make 100.000 ASATs. The launching is the more difficult part, making the long march rocket into two ASATs when in orbit saves alot. Then you only need 30.000 launches per year. And that means 100 launches per day. So you need about 300 launch sites, probably, each launching a rocket every third day.

The whole usa military depends on SATs. Destroy these with 10 or 100 ASATs ready at any moment to destroy the SATs and nothing works well.

usa dream of destroying the Chinese navy is much more difficult when most of the Chinese navy are subs that can't be destroyed with missiles.

Blind your enemy. Hide from your enemy. Attack your enemy.
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The other point China could compete via will be creating a global order that is “more equal” for regular people then the global order currently in place. The pandemic highlighted the precarious nature of vast majorities the global population existence, daily wage earners feed families living just a few sets above the poverty line.

If China can spread prosperity to the global masses, it would be welcomed, despited all previous perceptions.

Affordable Healthcare products, Agricultural productivity technology to help small subsistence farmers, water management and affordable desalination technology, ways to mitigate natural disasters, and low cost electricity generation in rural areas are just five areas China could be competitive in that would create a paradigm shift.

P.S. now that China is also going to try to increase the number of babies born in China, it could also dominate industries around Child health, education (better education in the home, so countries can afford better trained teachers for all students), and safety and sell products and services to the global masses at the most competitive prices. Africa’s population for instance is expected to double in the next 30 years, so the demand is still there.
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Many in the diaspora fear Xi and the CCP. If the CCP can’t win the hearts and minds of the Diaspora, winning the support of non-aligned peoples (non-westerners) will be much harder.
The Chinese diaspora is a biased sample. A lot of them fled China for political reasons; it's only recent emigres who have left for purely economic reasons. The diaspora is full of Hong-cockroaches, Falun Gong cultists, and other such trash - going after their "hearts and minds" is a worthless waste of time.
The Chinese diaspora is a biased sample. A lot of them fled China for political reasons; it's only recent emigres who have done so for purely economic reasons. The diaspora is full of Hong-cockroaches, Falun Gong cultists, and other such trash - going after their "hearts and minds" is a worthless waste of time

Neutralizing/mitigating the threat of diaspora Chinese is a key way the CCP can show it won’t be taken down should a few years of severe economic downturn eventually threaten the state. To revamp, China may have to go through a period of reinvesting in its population, which may slow down economic progress; spending to raise the birth rate.

It’s not a short term issue, if one that will take decades to get right. A good example is the Vietnamese. As the older generation of south Vietnamese pass away and the younger people know only a unified communist Vietnam, they will accept it as the way it is. Time and a soft touch towards the diaspora are helping Hanoi.
China has one of the biggest propaganda ministry in the world.

The reason it cannot appeal to the western world is because it is geared for the last 70 years or so to brainwash its own internal population, which it has been successful at.

It would be hard for them to make any kind of propaganda on par with the educated free world democracies.

Obedient chinese han are one thing to brainwash, raucous democracies that fact check everything and allow difference of opinion is a whole other game.
LOL try denying the holocaust in Germany and see how your far your "difference of opinion" goes :rofl:
She’s a typical white loving Chinese nouveau riche boomer. The types who buy mansions in Vancouver and send their kids to English boarding schools. China is fucked because it’s media is controlled by people who do not understand the truly sinister story of how western white people got to have so much power in the first place. They need to get some Chinese Malcolm x’s in the pilot seat not some clueless boomer.
Xi Jinping is purging her and her ilk from the bureaucracy.
Two areas China will need to improve its image in order for it even have a chance to match American soft power. It will need to win the overwhelmingly support of the Chinese “long time” diaspora (not people have have lived under CCP rule). Secondly, it will have to provide a vision of its own “rules based global order” in which other countries can see prosperity if they follow Beijing’s vision.

Many in the diaspora fear Xi and the CCP. If the CCP can’t win the hearts and minds of the Diaspora, winning the support of non-aligned peoples (non-westerners) will be much harder.

America is revamping to win over Africa in a big way, if you look at the Key positions in the state and defense departments. The US and Europeans are also coming up with a counter initiative to BRI. The US is promoting a more visible human rights based foreign policy, with instructions to embassies around the world to fly Black Lives Matter flags. Africans will be convinced they could become Americans and America, having gone through its history, is now committed to righting the wrongs of the past. I’m not saying it will be believed but that is the narrative being built. If it is successful, African countries may give preferential contracts to American companies over Chinese ones.

How can China counter that? In the Cold War, the Soviet espoused Universal human rights and offered development aid (not loans), and China will have to do some thing similar. China will also have to offer aid and debt relief to counter the debt relief being offered by the West. If not debt relief, free projects, peace corps help, and other initiatives to improve the quality of lives of average people around the world.

China doesn’t need a new voice, it needs a fundamental shift in its soft power strategy to even be able to compete.
LOL China doesn't care about the diaspora. People who voluntarily left China to settle abroad are all traitors.

I don't care if all of Africa goes to America to become Americans :rofl: but the moment somebody tries to impede China's legitimate interests is when we make a bloody example of them.
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The Chinese diaspora is a biased sample. A lot of them fled China for political reasons; it's only recent emigres who have left for purely economic reasons. The diaspora is full of Hong-cockroaches, Falun Gong cultists, and other such trash - going after their "hearts and minds" is a worthless waste of time.
Exactly! The first step to national rejuvenation is to take revenge on the diaspora. Those who voluntarily left China are all traitors. They must be brought to justice. Their days of double-dealing / playing both sides are over.
Exactly! The first step to national rejuvenation is to take revenge on the diaspora. Those who voluntarily left China are all traitors. They must be brought to justice. Their days of double-dealing / playing both sides are over.

I dunno, it is factually true that most Chinese diaspora left during the Qing Dynasty or ROC era. Fleeing monarchists and evil dictators is OK.
The days of being a nice guy are over.

The manipulation of public opinion, the shifting of ideology, the intensification of social conflicts, the support of the opposition, the establishment of armed groups.Do you think that's the American specialty?Guess who is the real master. :azn::azn::azn:
I dunno, it is factually true that most Chinese diaspora left during the Qing Dynasty or ROC era. Fleeing monarchists and evil dictators is OK.
I consider people who left during the Qing Dynasty to be basically "not Chinese anymore" (too much time has passed) without assigning any blame on them. But the ones who voluntarily left during the last 40 years (especially before the 2010's) basically all buy into the mentality of double-dealing / playing both sides. Their glory days are over once China truly rises, which is something they don't want to see.
Jew media is all fine and dandy until it manufactures the consent among Americans to enter into a nuclear exchange with China and then it becomes not so much fun anymore.
LOL where did you see the two words "peaceful rise" in that article? :rofl:
Oui, exactement
That s why nobody buys China‘s peaceful rise shit. Your propaganda is terrible. Look China approval ratings! Xi Jingping approval rating is probably just little bit higher than Robert Mugabe.

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