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India snubs China, to attend Nobel ceremony

It's actually quite a hawkish think tank if you didn't know. I'm pretty sure there mus be such think tanks on your side too.

Doesn't mean the govt. listens to them.

And you think they will understand your point of view and guess what the reason is not that difficult there vision is blackened out because of Nobel prize ceremony fiasco.
Yeah that isn't going to go well at all, after this well-timed snub. :lol:

I think you may have struck a chord when you denied that indian general (VK Singh) a visa to Beijing!!


no doubt media has sensationalized the whole story; I lost respect for the Nobel Peace prize when it was given to President Obama who hasn't even done anything to deserve the damn thing.

it's all a farce.......

(political games)
I agree with the past actions.
As for current claims, Empty claims do not change the reality, just like indian loons like Geelani claim to represent kashmiri people.

they are only as important as you make them. I don't worry about them, neither should you mate

off-topic, but Geelani isn't indian
OK then take him home.

His home is currently Sri Nagar if I am not mistaken. By the way, isn't he currently under indian-administered house-arrest?

but he goes to chandigarh and New delhi and Other INDIAN States without passport and Visa Which as of now is a license given only to Indians :partay:

uhh right.....when he isn't confined forcibly to his home as mentioned above---which has happened more times than i can remember.

someone kept harping on and on about "democratic ideals" here? :lol::lol::lol:

I guess in exchange, the "Armed Forces Special Powers Act" was your gift back squarely for the occupied Kashmiri peoples?


anyways........sorry for the digression. Mere 'food for thought' for the people of the 'worlds largest democracy'

Carry on
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uhh right.....when he isn't ordered to be placed under indefinite house arrest ---which has happened more times than i can remember.

someone kept harping on and on about "democratic ideals" here? :lol::lol::lol:

I guess in exchange, the "Armed Forces Special Powers Act" was your gift back squarely for the occupied Kashmiri peoples?

even A.Q.khan was under house arrest in pakistan ...is in your logic can make him non-pakistani..
uhh right.....when he isn't confined forcibly to his home as mentioned above---which has happened more times than i can remember.

someone kept harping on and on about "democratic ideals" here? :lol::lol::lol:

I guess in exchange, the "Armed Forces Special Powers Act" was your gift back squarely for the occupied Kashmiri peoples?


anyways........sorry for the digression. Mere 'food for thought' for the people of the 'worlds largest democracy'

Carry on

No Body is Forcing him to stay in his House, he is free to move anywhere.... AFSPA is a Nightmare for Terrorists and Hence not Ruled Out, And As far as Our gift to kashmiri People was Education, which the Gilani's Men had to Covertly burn the schools and School Buses for him to keep the Protest alive without considering the vallys growth, He is Penalizing the Kashmiris not us... and Even AQ Khan was in House arrest does that mean he is Not a pakistani???

Well From when did u start exporting Brain food, Does it suffice your own Population???
His home is currently Sri Nagar if I am not mistaken. By the way, isn't he currently under indian-administered house-arrest?

uhh right.....when he isn't confined forcibly to his home as mentioned above---which has happened more times than i can remember.

someone kept harping on and on about "democratic ideals" here? :lol::lol::lol:

I guess in exchange, the "Armed Forces Special Powers Act" was your gift back squarely for the occupied Kashmiri peoples?


anyways........sorry for the digression. Mere 'food for thought' for the people of the 'worlds largest democracy'

Carry on

CMon Dude..... I wud have entertained a better argument ! thats just for posting sake.....even u know the argument had no spine !
No Body is Forcing him to stay in his House, he is free to move anywhere.... AFSPA is a Nightmare for Terrorists and Hence not Ruled Out, And As far as Our gift to kashmiri People was Education, which the Gilani's Men had to Covertly burn the schools and School Buses for him to keep the Protest alive without considering the vallys growth, He is Penalizing the Kashmiris not us... and Even AQ Khan was in House arrest does that mean he is Not a pakistani???

Well From when did u start exporting Brain food, Does it suffice your own Population???

way to go gung-ho over nothing! Your gift to Kashmir is really manifesting itself isnt it? Daily protests and calls for end to indian occupation --which is an issue of contention for many of today's and yester-year's Kashmir citizens

I wont reply about AQ Khan since that has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion.....we have digressed enough.

Bottom line is -- to call Geelani an indian is a joke, considering that every single one of his speeches are anti-indian in nature (put lightly :lol:) --a mere mirror of popular Kashmiri sentiments on the ground.

no point in further debating on it; you and your little tag-team buddies are dismissed

Chinese media say Nobel prize is China-bashing | Reuters

(Reuters) - Chinese state-run media accused the West of "launching a new round of China-bashing" ahead of Friday's awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to jailed dissident Liu Xiaobo.

China has flexed its economic muscle in drumming up support for a boycott of the Oslo award ceremony for Liu, jailed a year ago for 11 years for subversion. Most of the 18 states joining have strong commercial ties with with China or share its hostility towards Western human rights pressure.

"Liu has done everything he could to subvert the Chinese government, and that suits the strategy of some organisations and people in the West toward China," the official Xinhua news agency wrote in an English-language commentary late on Wednesday.

"That's why some people in the West immediately embraced the Nobel Committee's decision, launching a new round of China-bashing," it added.

China will award its answer to the Nobel Peace Prize on Thursday, giving the "Confucius Peace Prize" to former Taiwan vice-president Lien Chan, though his office said he was unaware of the award.

"Just look at how this year's Peace Prize has caused the world confusion and divisions!" wrote popular tabloid the Global Times, run by Communist Party mouthpiece the People's Daily.

"All the applause has come from the West and the citizens of the third-world countries are all now China's allies," it said in an editorial.

A number of countries and international human rights organisations have criticised Beijing for its sweeping crackdown on dissent ahead of Friday's ceremony in Oslo, preventing Liu's friends and family from attending.

"The Chinese government should be celebrating this global recognition of a Chinese writer and activist," said Salil Shetty, Amnesty International's secretary general.

"Instead, the government's very public tantrum has generated even more critical attention inside and outside China -- and, ironically, emphasised the significance of Liu Xiaobo's message of respect for human rights," Shetty added.

The U.S. House of Representatives called on China on Wednesday to release Liu and his wife, Liu Xia, who is under house arrest.


Beijing, which views criticism of its human rights record as a bid to contain China's growing might, has pressured diplomats to boycott the ceremony, claiming the "vast majority" of nations would do so. The Norwegian award committee says two-thirds of those invited would attend.

Joining China in staying away also are: Russia, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Venezuela, the Philippines, Egypt, Sudan, Ukraine, Cuba and Morocco.

Beijing has been briefly blacking out BBC and CNN stories on Liu and his supporters over the past few days, though foreign news channels are generally only available in up-market hotels and apartment buildings where mainly foreigners live.

"The West has shown great creativity in conspiring against China. With its ideology remaining dominant at present, the West has not ceased harassing China with all kinds of tricks like the Nobel Peace Prize," the Global Times wrote.

(Additional reporting by Huang Yan and Ben Blanchard, editing by Jonathan Thatcher)
originally posted by Abu Zolfiqar

Bottom line is -- to call Geelani an indian is a joke, considering that every single one of his speeches are anti-indian in nature (put lightly ) --a mere mirror of popular Kashmiri sentiments on the ground.
Akbar nabab bukti was Pakistani i guess.even though he opposed musharraf, he was Pakistani. just like that even if geelani opposes India, he is from Kashmir thus Indian and Indian govt gives freedom to its citizens to criticize it.
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I think that the 44 countries who are attending the ceremony don't necessarily hate China, just its paranoia.
i agree.its just paranoia.
I think it would do China better by simply ignoring it and moving on. Many people think that China's heavy-handed response means that it has something to hide. Just think about it, if the West gave this prize just to goad a response out of China, it is succeeding.
Akbar nabab bukti was Pakistani i guess.even though he opposed musharraf, he was Pakistani. just like that even if geelani opposes India, he is from Kashmir thus Indian and Indian govt gives freedom to its citizens to criticize it.


he's been dead for over 4 years now.....and there is a difference between opposing a figure vs. opposing an entire country

I'm glad to see that Geelani calls for a peaceful struggle, an indigenous one..... ;)

more effective this way
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