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Two more indian army surgical strikers lost their lives fighting with freedom fighters today

Acxording to the Indian army these are infiltrators from pakistan who were trying
to cross LOC and were encountered in woods.
These types of incursions will see to it that pak will either stay in that FATF greylist forever or will enter black list thereby will be sanctioned by the international community.

No problem, we work well with sanctions. I hope they sanction all our political and military figures and everyone related to them. Its the best thing to happen to Pakistan.
We will know who has brain of a toilet in next FATF meeting when pak will be put in greylist again.
For a nation who is way below Pakistan bangladesh Nepal and Sri Lanka on the hunger index you sure talk a lot. FATF is good for Pakistan. It forces us to be better whilst India continue to be the most corrupt nation on the planet
We will know who has brain of a toilet in next FATF meeting when pak will be put in greylist again.
Oh you poor! Do you really think the war for kashmir that you haven't won in the last 75 years with all your might would be won using FATF?

When invaders paid regular visits to your somnath temple, they sure were much poorer than you, so what made you think your money would defend you this time when it couldnt protect you for a thousand years?
We will know who has brain of a toilet in next FATF meeting when pak will be put in greylist again.
Idiot you are capturing kashmiri land and they are fighting with you to get back their land from you .. Taliban were the rulers of Afghanistan when USA bombed them and captured Afghanistan but taliban keep fighting with them and got victory over occupiers, whole world called them terrorists but who the fuk damn care ?? They got their land back and kashmiri will get back their land from occupiers terrorist indian forces , you keep whining who cares ?? :lol:
As per my information, there were 7 casualties of Indian Army including 2 officer ranks.

Every thinking human being and nation on Earth has a moral duty to support a freedom struggle against an illegal and brutal occupation. The French, Polish and other resistance movements against Nazi Germany were fully supported (training, weapons, propaganda) and romanticized by the US and UK.

While the West needs India against China and therefore won't take any drastic steps, we still should have done a significantly better job to frame the Kashmir freedom struggle better. Our best psyops and info war efforts seem to be cheesy songs and cringey posters/street renaming in the capital --- if only for our own people. A Lot of the younger woke generation couldn't care less.

Perhaps the most inexcusable approach was over the past several years when GHQ genuinely was not challenging the new status quo imposed by India. ISPR was even encouraging and supporting productions showing that this entire struggle should be resolved peacefully (how?!) because HuM AiK hEiN. Can you imagine? When those you need to be hawks become doves, it's time to implement change. Only through sustained, sophisticated covert support to the resistance can we raise the cost for India. @Areesh

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