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Border Clash Between Afghanistan & Pakistan: Afghanistan Protecting TTP

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Optics & theatrics:

On a side note: please keep the discussion civil & decent. We don't want Afghans suffering & dying. We just do not want to see their land used to launch attacks on us. Also, I would like to see them respect our border, which is NOT Attock.

If they kill our soldiers/jawans then I have no mercy on ANY afghan. They should ALL be annihilated..........:mad:
Optics & theatrics:

On a side note: please keep the discussion civil & decent. We don't want Afghans suffering & dying. We just do not want to see their land used to launch attacks on us. Also, I would like to see them respect our border, which is NOT Attock.

Question is can we make them budge without raising cost of war on them. No one wants to see anyone suffer but how else will you make religious bigots budge? We have all seen they have an endless supply of afghan fodder if it comes to a conflict. Short of giving them a crushing defeat or raising cost of their agression we have no other option. One might say i am being callous by campaign For restricting food aid to afghans but then again can we afford to watch our people and soldiers die senseless death everyday knowing we had an option we didnt use? Right now Pakistan is leading policy of Afghans we can force a decision on them.
Reminds me about that mother of shaheed APS chikd to whom Brigadier said to make more childern. I mean just this statement show level of seriousness amongst our Military top brass. Even now many Military generals think of Taliban as aba jaan.
that alleged quote from army is false propoganda. no soldier will say such thing even if no children of army men died in APS. but the fact is that most kids belonged to army families and such callous remark is unthinkable. I suspect either Maryam media cell or PTM disinformation behind this false narrative of making more kids.
Just nuke that shithole and get it over with. Afghans are worthless roaches who haven't contributed a single shred to humanity or the modern world.
What sort of post is this? I shall be reporting such abusive posts that bring no value to discussion.
Starving the afghans is a beautiful idea. By feeding them, we are feeding snakes that will come back and kill Pakistani people. I have 0 sympathy for the af-ghands.
Seriously? Are you really from Pakistan or are you an Indian agent, spewing venom for it to be displayed as proof of Pakistanis' callousness? Chill man.
that alleged quote from army is false propoganda. no soldier will say such thing even if no children of army men died in APS. but the fact is that most kids belonged to army families and such callous remark is unthinkable. I suspect either Maryam media cell or PTM disinformation behind this false narrative of making more kids.
It was said by an APS mom in video after SC session. I saw the video myself either that mum was lying or it's true. Maryam brigade had nothing to do with it. I will try to find a link to that video.
What sort of post is this? I shall be reporting such abusive posts that bring no value to discussion.

Seriously? Are you really from Pakistan or are you an Indian agent, spewing venom for it to be displayed as proof of Pakistanis' callousness? Chill man.

I am as Pakistani as they come. Are you suggesting I should not be callous towards those and their ilk who kill Pakistani soldiers??????............ :disagree:............I'm sick of Pakistan and Pakistanis being a punch bag for foreigners. Time to strike back and strike hard............:angry:
Question is can we make them budge without raising cost of war on them. No one wants to see anyone suffer but how else will you make religious bigots budge? We have all seen they have an endless supply of afghan fodder if it comes to a conflict. Short of giving them a crushing defeat or raising cost of their agression we have no other option. One might say i am being callous by campaign For restricting food aid to afghans but then again can we afford to watch our people and soldiers die senseless death everyday knowing we had an option we didnt use? Right now Pakistan is leading policy of Afghans we can force a decision on them.

To think, just a week ago we were trying to raise funds to stop these af-ghands from starving. That is af-ghand gratitude for you. I say, let them suffer a catastrophic famine and let them all starve to death..............:angry:
What sort of post is this? I shall be reporting such abusive posts that bring no value to discussion.

Seriously? Are you really from Pakistan or are you an Indian agent, spewing venom for it to be displayed as proof of Pakistanis' callousness? Chill man.

Yeah but he is right
It was said by an APS mom in video after SC session. I saw the video myself either that mum was lying or it's true. Maryam brigade had nothing to do with it. I will try to find a link to that video.
Noted. However, that might take the thread on a tangent. I want to see some actual discussion. Please contribute with ideas to influence Taliban so that they desist from protecting TTP. Also, what might PA do if they do not desist?
that alleged quote from army is false propoganda. no soldier will say such thing even if no children of army men died in APS. but the fact is that most kids belonged to army families and such callous remark is unthinkable. I suspect either Maryam media cell or PTM disinformation behind this false narrative of making more kids.
Here is the link to that video where mother is clearly saying what was said to her
I am as Pakistani as they come. Are you suggesting I should not be callous towards those and their ilk who kill Pakistani soldiers??????............ :disagree:............I'm sick of Pakistan and Pakistanis being a punch bag for foreigners. Time to strike back and strike hard............:angry:

To think, just a week ago we were trying to raise funds to stop these af-ghands from starving. That is af-ghand gratitude for you. I say, let them suffer a catastrophic famine and let them all starve to death..............:angry:

But be sure to know how your words would be perceived. You could be less jingoistic & still make a valid point. If this is the level of discourse, then this thread may best be deleted.
Noted. However, that might take the thread on a tangent. I want to see some actual discussion. Please contribute with ideas to influence Taliban so that they desist from protecting TTP. Also, what might PA do if they do not desist?

Yeah true I will get back to original question.
Yeah but he is right

No. Every nation thinks that it is better than others. Most think that they are victims & that it is OK to lash out with full force at others. Jingoism is a very low level of thinking. I consider it reptilian. Did anything positive ever come out of it? Anyone can write trash. That does not make it acceptable.

If this forum wishes to be perceived as a place where discussion has some value, then such language needs to be actively & seriously curtailed.
With Whom will you deal then man? All these are silly excuses you are giving yourselves so that you can maintain that muslim brotherhood with afghans..because you don't have any other identity, you made your muslim identity as your sole identity. You somehow have fortified it in your mind since your childhood,...your mind finds it difficult to accept that talibs (or for that matter every muslim nation except punjabi muslims) dont give two hoots about their muslim brotherhood when dealing with their perceived enemies.
It is really ridiculous to defend your attackers saying it was done by anti pak elements.Such arguments sound very strange for non pakistanis...because i have been here for a while I dont find such arguments which arise out of identity crisis strange anymore.
INdians like you never learn..............You dont know a shit about how things work in afg, just read a few tweet and become happy with these developments....Previously your population was convinced that 1 lac afghan army will not get defeated and now this bullshit..............calm the F down ........ we know how to deal with afghan very well.....IT will always be our backyard, there is nothing that anyone in this world can do about that!!!!
A border closure, to put pressure on the tabs on the cards, also punitive strikes, if the tabs can't keep their promise, then........nuff said.

We should have two pronged strategy
1- Raise economic and human cost on them by closing border
2- Reign hell on them from skIes if they try to attack or soldiers

We need to utilize this time and leverage before they find other players to assist. Right now no one else is even bothering with them
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