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US warned Israel over Chinese push to get defense tech


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
TEL AVIV: Israel is launching a new effort to crack down on Chinese attempts to obtain Israeli defense technology, as the country gears up for a high-profile legal case, allegedly involving the sale of drones to Beijing, next month.

Sources in the Israeli defense establishment say that enforcement has ramped up as a result of increased Chinese efforts, including Chinese firms making direct contact with Israeli industrial experts.

Breaking Defense has learned that several months ago, the Biden administration warned Jerusalem that China is operating a web of companies inside Israel as part of a dedicated effort to acquire advanced defense technologies. Sources here would not say what technologies or companies have specifically been targeted, but did not that some efforts have already been uncovered and foiled.

Chinese attempts to infiltrate Israeli defense firms are not new. Defense firms here have strict orders not to have any contact with China on issues that have a “smell of security or defense,” a security official in one of the Israeli defense industries said. The Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security service, has been in charge of countering these efforts.

But, according to defense industry sources, the Chinese are now operating straw companies in an attempt to partner with Israeli companies to create corporations that can look very legitimate but, in fact, are aimed at moving Israel defense technologies to China. The straw companies, sources say, are being used to disguise the real end-user of the technologies involved.

“These straw companies are well disguised and it is very hard to identify who is the real client,” an Israeli defense industry source told Breaking Defense.

As a result of the US warning, the Israeli internal security service has enhanced its efforts to uncover such attempts, and in recent months, the security department of the Israeli Ministry of Defense has issued a set of new instructions to industry to try and identify potential issues. (In the US, the Department of Justice launched its own, somewhat controversial initiative to weed out nefarious Chinese activity in US science, tech and defense industries.)

According to the new instructions, any attempt to make contact with an Israeli defense company should be brought immediately to the Israeli internal security service and the security department of the ministry of defense. “Only these organizations have the tools to uncover illegal attempts,” a source in one of the defense industries told Breaking Defense. The source added that while the major Israeli defense industries have their own security departments, smaller companies do not have the tools to spot a suspicious request for cooperation.

The China situation has been thrown into the public eye due to a high-profile legal case against a drone company the Israeli government alleges was part of a multi-million dollar effort from a Chinese firm. This case is viewed as more serious than previous efforts that have been uncovered, because it involved Israeli citizens and the test of the systems inside Israel itself.

In December, Israel’s Financial Department of the State Prosecutor’s Office accused 10 individuals and three companies of helping to sell loitering weapon systems to China without having received official approval.

The indictments will become official after the involved people will be called to a hearing with the authorities involved in the investigation. That is expected to happen in in February.

According to an official statement, the suspects “manufactured dozens of cruise missiles and carried out different tests in Israeli territory, endangering people’s lives.” Per the statement, Ephraim Menashe, the head of drone manufacturer Solar Sky, allegedly worked with a Chinese firm to help supply loitering weapon systems to the Chinese army. Menashe allegedly hired the owners of Innocon, a company that manufactured UAVs for intelligence purposes, and also recruited other people who worked to produce the loitering weapon system and all its components, from rocket engines to the wings.

Allegedly the scheme led to the production of dozens of systems, which were then transferred to China. It does not appear any of the systems have been actively used by the Chinese military.

The lawyers representing the suspects were quoted in the Israeli media as saying that they are confident that after the hearing the case against their clients will be dismissed. One of the suspects, speaking to Breaking Defense on condition of anonymity, said that “things are totally different from what is described by the investigators, and I hope that the real picture will become clear after the hearing.”

No Israeli official from the defense ministry and the defense bodies involved in the investigation was willing to comment on the record beyond the announcement. On background, however, some of the officials that are not directly involved in the active investigation, but are briefed regularly, told Breaking Defense that the Israeli government is in a very delicate situation due to the high-profile investigation.

One of the sources added that the Israeli government is “walking on a thin rope” as it tries to balance its economic interests with China and its longstanding political reliance on Washington.

While the legal drama around Menashe has been the highest-profile case in some time of China’s ambitions to get Israeli defense technology, it’s hardly the first such effort. In recent years, the Chinese have attempted to penetrate Israeli systems using cyberattacks. Most of these attacks were foiled by the special Israel cyber defense units.

The Israeli ban on exporting defense technologies to China goes back to 2000, when intense American pressure led Israel to cancel the sale of the Phalcon Airborne Early Warning System to China. Following the cancellation of the very contract, Israel had to pay China $350 million compensation.

Another issue arose in 2004 with a loitering system known as the Harpy at the center. Designed by Israel Aerospace Industries, the Harpy was sold to China in 1994, and a decade later was returned to Israel for upgrades. Washington, concerned that the Chinese could use the Harpy in a future conflict over Taiwan that would endanger American forces, demanded that Israel not return the systems to China. Ultimately, the Harpy was returned in 2005, without upgrades.

Maybe they have already steal technology from Israel they don't had before west noticed the threat .
Either China has the world's greatest spy network or rest of the world are ridiculously stupid since they kept getting stolen from again and again in the past 30 years.
Indicated by what? Israel isn't even top 12 in the world for R&D (patents, research output, funding).
"U.S. based news blog echoing U.S. regime propaganda claims that U.S. regime implicates China as doing or potentially doing bad things to other country and Chinese as inferior and dependant, providing zero evidence and substance to any of the claims"

Oh look its Friday again
TEL AVIV: Israel is launching a new effort to crack down on Chinese attempts to obtain Israeli defense technology, as the country gears up for a high-profile legal case, allegedly involving the sale of drones to Beijing, next month.

Sources in the Israeli defense establishment say that enforcement has ramped up as a result of increased Chinese efforts, including Chinese firms making direct contact with Israeli industrial experts.

Breaking Defense has learned that several months ago, the Biden administration warned Jerusalem that China is operating a web of companies inside Israel as part of a dedicated effort to acquire advanced defense technologies. Sources here would not say what technologies or companies have specifically been targeted, but did not that some efforts have already been uncovered and foiled.

Chinese attempts to infiltrate Israeli defense firms are not new. Defense firms here have strict orders not to have any contact with China on issues that have a “smell of security or defense,” a security official in one of the Israeli defense industries said. The Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security service, has been in charge of countering these efforts.

But, according to defense industry sources, the Chinese are now operating straw companies in an attempt to partner with Israeli companies to create corporations that can look very legitimate but, in fact, are aimed at moving Israel defense technologies to China. The straw companies, sources say, are being used to disguise the real end-user of the technologies involved.

“These straw companies are well disguised and it is very hard to identify who is the real client,” an Israeli defense industry source told Breaking Defense.

As a result of the US warning, the Israeli internal security service has enhanced its efforts to uncover such attempts, and in recent months, the security department of the Israeli Ministry of Defense has issued a set of new instructions to industry to try and identify potential issues. (In the US, the Department of Justice launched its own, somewhat controversial initiative to weed out nefarious Chinese activity in US science, tech and defense industries.)

According to the new instructions, any attempt to make contact with an Israeli defense company should be brought immediately to the Israeli internal security service and the security department of the ministry of defense. “Only these organizations have the tools to uncover illegal attempts,” a source in one of the defense industries told Breaking Defense. The source added that while the major Israeli defense industries have their own security departments, smaller companies do not have the tools to spot a suspicious request for cooperation.

The China situation has been thrown into the public eye due to a high-profile legal case against a drone company the Israeli government alleges was part of a multi-million dollar effort from a Chinese firm. This case is viewed as more serious than previous efforts that have been uncovered, because it involved Israeli citizens and the test of the systems inside Israel itself.

In December, Israel’s Financial Department of the State Prosecutor’s Office accused 10 individuals and three companies of helping to sell loitering weapon systems to China without having received official approval.

The indictments will become official after the involved people will be called to a hearing with the authorities involved in the investigation. That is expected to happen in in February.

According to an official statement, the suspects “manufactured dozens of cruise missiles and carried out different tests in Israeli territory, endangering people’s lives.” Per the statement, Ephraim Menashe, the head of drone manufacturer Solar Sky, allegedly worked with a Chinese firm to help supply loitering weapon systems to the Chinese army. Menashe allegedly hired the owners of Innocon, a company that manufactured UAVs for intelligence purposes, and also recruited other people who worked to produce the loitering weapon system and all its components, from rocket engines to the wings.

Allegedly the scheme led to the production of dozens of systems, which were then transferred to China. It does not appear any of the systems have been actively used by the Chinese military.

The lawyers representing the suspects were quoted in the Israeli media as saying that they are confident that after the hearing the case against their clients will be dismissed. One of the suspects, speaking to Breaking Defense on condition of anonymity, said that “things are totally different from what is described by the investigators, and I hope that the real picture will become clear after the hearing.”

No Israeli official from the defense ministry and the defense bodies involved in the investigation was willing to comment on the record beyond the announcement. On background, however, some of the officials that are not directly involved in the active investigation, but are briefed regularly, told Breaking Defense that the Israeli government is in a very delicate situation due to the high-profile investigation.

One of the sources added that the Israeli government is “walking on a thin rope” as it tries to balance its economic interests with China and its longstanding political reliance on Washington.

While the legal drama around Menashe has been the highest-profile case in some time of China’s ambitions to get Israeli defense technology, it’s hardly the first such effort. In recent years, the Chinese have attempted to penetrate Israeli systems using cyberattacks. Most of these attacks were foiled by the special Israel cyber defense units.

The Israeli ban on exporting defense technologies to China goes back to 2000, when intense American pressure led Israel to cancel the sale of the Phalcon Airborne Early Warning System to China. Following the cancellation of the very contract, Israel had to pay China $350 million compensation.

Another issue arose in 2004 with a loitering system known as the Harpy at the center. Designed by Israel Aerospace Industries, the Harpy was sold to China in 1994, and a decade later was returned to Israel for upgrades. Washington, concerned that the Chinese could use the Harpy in a future conflict over Taiwan that would endanger American forces, demanded that Israel not return the systems to China. Ultimately, the Harpy was returned in 2005, without upgrades.


@F-22Raptor and his daily doses of Bullshi.ts. Thanks dude.

In last 10 years, Israel has not even been in the top 10 of world's leader of patent filling. The top 5 are China, the US, Japan, Korea and Germany. Israel is probably behind even Taiwan and Singapore in patents. That is real innovation, not media-invented innovation, as in the cases of Switzerland or Israel.

Despite all the rhetoric by Western media, could never understand what Israel has "innovated" or invented in last 50 years.

Among the smaller countries, Taiwan is leading in semiconductors, Korea is leading in virtually many things, but what the world must buy from Israel? Nothing. Of course, it can make some good software, some small arms, assemble some relatively good tanks or missiles, manufacture relatively effective "Iron Dome", etc. but even North Korea is far ahead in these fields. That's why Vietnam seems to have stopped all major military projects with Israel, since we realize we can do such works by ourselves
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I wonder why he continues to worry about China and not worry about his Bharat Mata...or maybe he lost hope on that latter...

Yes, these people are worried about the whole world but themselves. Strange world we live in. :lol:
Israel is getting last technology for free from the US, China is looking for that US stuff.....
Israeli drones at the moment in 2022 is about as advanced as Chinese drones in 2010s lol. Israel is yet unable to produce a CH series or WL series level MALE drone let alone advanced drones like GJ-11 and WZ-8.

Israel doesn't even have programs to get to WZ-8 and GJ-11 UAV level and China already had those in service since 2019 at least if not much earlier. WZ-8 been flying in western Pacific since at least 2018.

Here we have another case of USA says something about what USA thinks China is trying to do. Very unbiased lol :no:

Again no details given to us at all except wishy washy bullshit language and diversion.

What is China interested in with Israel? What drones does Israel have that China didn't master since 2010s.

GJ-20 makes GJ-11 look unsophisticated and GJ-11 is something UK and France are unable to put into service.

Israel's technical cooperation with China in military field was only fly by wire back in the 1990s and the assistance in that field was minimal. Israeli experts in 1990s working with Chinese experts were only there to verify Chinese own FBW development. Israel themselves say this and China had two programs for FBW in 1990s. Russian experts were also involved in this. All three say the same thing. Chinese brought them in to provide as much input as they are willing to and both Israel and Russia were totally unwilling to assist beyond receiving multimillions in payment for just a few experts giving some basic hints and to be honest they were mostly there to assess China's own FBW development level for intelligence gathering and keep an eye on how fast China was developing FBW and how it is doing it. Once China got semi decent at it and was capable of doing J-10's, all foreign experts (spies) were not allowed to be involved in any FBW project that was working on military asset for PLAAF service.

Again what exactly after 2000s era has Israel got in specific terms that China hasn't mastered long before Israel. Zero.
Israel is getting last technology for free from the US, China is looking for that US stuff.....

Assess those claims (of extremely biased groups) from first principles.

They offer no details and no specifics but huge claims. It is evident that all nations try to gain as much information and intel as possible and I believe China has plenty of this too. USA is no different in trying to spy on Russia despite US technology level being far ahead of Russia's in many to most fields. They still look for intel and gaps and of course anything to give them advantage by exploiting something new they discovered.

As for claims of trying to gain Israeli technology. Well there is no field of technology Israel is ahead of China today. 30 years ago definitely due to American and Israeli ties. 20 years ago still a lot, 10 years ago all even and in many fields China has a lot of effort and tech progress in where Israel is not even a player, e.g. communications technologies, engines, materials, DEW, hypersonics, and so on.

Nowadays is not 10 years ago and China is FAR ahead. Israel doesn't need to do anything. They can receive US tech and Israeli experts simply work in the US and they are the same anyway.

Can China obtain data and intel on F-35 through Israel? If it can then this is definitely something it would want to do and these accusations will have merit. Of course China would try to. Imagine if China can gain data and intel on F-35 which allows China to understand the real ranges of sensors and weapons and the weaknesses of F-35 or at least exploit intel to create weaknesses for the F-35 and counter it in some way.

But they say no details and there is no chance Israel and US would allow F-35 data to be not 100% secure from this sort of "straw company" effort for cooperation and intelligence gathering lol.

Once you assess the non detailed claims, it's easy to realize how much bullshit big clams are in the article.

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