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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

it was unarmed
Until US Airways Flight 1549 (Miracle on the Hudson), a bird hit/strike had never brought down an Airliner either.

I wonder what kind of damage a 6,600 lb Missile with fuel could have done had it of any contact with the Wing, Vertical Stabilizer or head-on...

Do you still think an unarmed missile to be considered harmless like a helium balloon?
Not silent. They are denying it categorically. 25:25 onwards,

I've heard the entire press conference. denial means they don't want to reveal their capabilities. It is impossible to believe that it just malfunctioned after flying all this distance. yeah I was born at night but not last night...
sonic boom of what? brahmos was already super sonic since it was in the injun air space. it was intercepted, that much is clear. ISPR is being silent about the interception.
Yes and that sonic boom it carries with it because it is supersonic is what was heard.
So it confirms there are blind spots in our air defense network.
Always are.

And they had us fooled saying in OBL case that we didn't have radar coverage from Afghanistan as all AD was focused towards India. There are no shortages of excuses and the worst part is we can not do anything. It is decided by establishment what narrative it wants to propagate.
Yes and that sonic boom it carries with it because it is supersonic is what was heard.
that's not how sonic booms work. it happens once when going super sonic. for it to happen again, it has to go subsonic and then super sonic again which did not happen as per the press conference. it only increased its speed from mach 2 to mach 3, didn't decrease.
that's not how sonic booms work. it happens once when going super sonic. for it to happen again, it has to go subsonic and then super sonic again which did not happen as per the press conference. it only increased its speed from mach 2 to mach 3, didn't decrease.
Uh.. I suggest you read more on the subject
We were reporting this as uav or trainer crash previously, and now we are calling it a missle.

The delay in news and information suggest something is at play here. ISPR is spilling some bs.
It is the same delay from 26th feb strike to ascertain what happened. Unfortunately , the non-profession folks on PDF are unable to see both SOPs and actions undertaken in those SOPs at play
Who told you it is a missile?

Not even your DG ISPR claimed that.
Sir, since you're one of the most respected Indian Members here, i'll answer the question with this.

Notice the similarities...


As for DG-ISPR not mentioning the term 'Missile' and/or 'BrahMos' is him playing it safe as to not get quoted in either media until your side responds.

I'm pretty certain both the PAF & DG-ISPR know exactly what its is...
...and a lack of will to track and engage an object not identified as a jet?
Not exactly - I put it down to the OODA loop in play and generally conservative SOPs.
It’s plain in culture as well, Pakistanis are unable to operate in general without looking for a reassuring yes from a supervisor because they fear retribution in case a wrong decision was made. Its culturally stuffed into the mental processes of all government employees.

As of now, there is one single sleepless Indian reading a thread on a Pakistani defence forum. Period.

What the comments are, what the analysis is, all these are exclusively Pakistani.

I have no idea what happened, I have no knowledge to even acknowledge all that you are saying even happened, at this point, all I can do is read.
Peelauziable deenaiabilitee
I guess if the other side continues to stay quiet and does not offer a response, then our response will begin, as this will be taken as a deliberate hit and not an accident. A map was put out, timings were shared so responsibility was put on India publicly. There's not much to backdown from now.
Well brothers this is no accident that is for sure, it's a well timed probe of Pakistan's reaction ability.
All I can say is brace yourselves for ;

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The Indians recently cancelled their training exercises of 100+ aircraft - so they could be up to something.

The lack of NOTAM suggests - this was a deliberate action?

PAF cannot afford to shoot down an airliner etc - hence the caution in general - ie take the hit versus make that mistake.

BTW - No one in the international news is picking up this event at all right now..
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Please stop spreading this video , its a old video from Khoshab district of a fighter jet fuel tank and has nothing to do with this new incident.

After talking to various sources i think it has been confirmed that it was one of our drone for sure and wasn't shot down either but crashed.

your sources have lied to you!

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