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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

You know what's in National Interest? It is openly telling India, and other adversaries, that we have the capability of shooting down targets moving at MACH 3 and beyond......in the past IAF flew a MIG-25 at MACH 2.8 close to Islamabad which we couldn't do anything about.

If we had the capability, we would have shot down the intruding vehicle and would have claimed the kill to rub IAF's nose in. We quite probably still do not have anything capable of shooting down Brahmos or other MACH 3+ flying Missiles until HQ-9 is operationalized and even then these assets will only be deployed sparingly to protect our high value assets.
HQ9Ps have operationalized a while back and Rafique Air Base must definitely qualifies as a high value asset.
both J10Cs and JF17 BLK3s are ready...don't worry. a missile strike would be an overkill and carries the potential of indians panicking thinking it could be nukes.

Whats the reason that some pdf posters and the powers to be obsessively indulge in pampering indian concerns?

It's them who fired a cruise missile touted to be a nuclear strike option.

Well let's just say that we need few more months for J 10 c and b3 to be more ready.
No they will know as one or two missile will not be a nuclear strike.

Even if you arrange a hyper weapon for a looser for defending his own self , he'd still avoid a fight .
Another point of great concern should be that we were "tracking" the projectile. There was liberal use of terms like Alhamdollillah, it was unarmed. How did we know it was unarmed and what if it had not been? If you lack a certain capability, at least you have to reestablish deterrence to deter aggression.

Letting this pass would become a fatal mistake down the lane. The current posture of the military appears in this direction. Apparently, we have not only a handsome pacifist on the seat of PM (days numbered?), but also a pacifist crop of generals. Even the ISPR chief's opening statement sounded more like one coming from a diplomat of FO than a General of the world's 6th/7th largest military.
PM isn't pacifist at all. But it's nor the PM or the General who was operating air defense batteries on the field. And of there are capability gaps, then they need to be plugged really soon. Overall our missile defense capabilities have been pathetic for decades. PM's future is uncertain so he is ineffective but the Generals future isn't. They know their retirement dates. They should be ready to respond and forget the PM, he is surrounded and stuck in conspiracies.

This press conference and the body language of the DG ISPR was very laid back, defensive and toothless as opposed to the February 2019's by then DG ISPR Asif Ghafoor's press conference. I think our military has already given up any thoughts of retaliation or maintaining a balance this time.
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these are excuses bro.. there is something called diplomacy also.. why it was so hard for Babar Iftikhar to say that we intercepted it or we don't want to reveal it now leaving an element of surprise for adversay.. it seemed he was hell bent on proving that our military doesn't have capability to intercept... rather he categorically denied it..
announcing that we intercepted it would move the eyes of the global intelligence agencies on our air defence systems which we don't want. bear in mind that this is the first time in history that a supersonic cruise missile has been intercepted. and also bear in mind that if the military was "afraid" (as some here seem to implying), ISPR didn't have to announce this at all. this was a day old news that was printed and then forgotten as a trainer jet crashing on a "routine" flight. if the ISPR was afraid, they could've simply kept quiet and let the incident just fade away. Needless to say, Pakistan has every intention of calling this out and escalating when and where they want.

the fact is that india just wasn't expecting it to get shot down oh sorry, "crash"!
Risking an exchange with the stuff that's going on in eastern Europe. Doesn't make sense. IMO, this was an accident.
So we should replicate this "accident". By firing 5,6 old short range missiles probably liquid fueled ones if any still operational and nearing their decommission date. And "accidentally" landing in random places across the border.
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We might be weak but a nuclear armed Pakistan cannot be this weak to warrant aggression from Indian side.
In no way shape or form are we weak. In terms of conventional warfare Pakistan has moved towards indigenization. We are now making our own jets, we have inhouse made cruise missile and ballistic missile. Our conventional capabilities are MORE THAN ENOUGH. The things i have mentioned above are proven facts and the exports are testmount to their quality.
The thing that many people here seem to forget that currently global situation is very volatile and our reaction can escalate very quickly to all scale war. And currently India Pakistan conflict may lead to WW3.
So, my question to PDF fellows like you is do we really want to escalate this indian fiasco where many civillians lives may be lost on both sides not in our region but in the world as a whole. We suffered no loss. What we can do now is study that missile; the materials used, the engine etc.
Us being emotional is only going to make our decisions faulty. As i have said this before we need to think ahead. We need to stabilize our country's industry right now Pakistan is truly moving towards industrialization. Pakistan after a while is now going to have a mature science and technology industrial base finally.
We also need to secure our Pak-Afghan border (although 95% has been fenced and secured) but we need to eliminate the miscreats in Pak-Afghan region for long term economic development in that region. Stable local industrial base to produce mechanical and electrical parts (produce not assemble), secure Pak-Afgan border, Pak-Iran border and then we will be ready to fully dismantle and defeat india once and for all. We are almost there in achieving all above mentioned things just need a few years for them to be 100%.
Pakistan-India war is coming no doubt about that so we need to be ready for that, us reacting now hastily is not going to help us in anyway.
if the military was "afraid" (as some here seem to implying), ISPR didn't have to announce this at all.

The Military announced it because the missile fell in a populated area, Its pics & videos were all over the social media within minutes, That's why they could not hush it up.

ISPR only acknowledged it after 24 hours because they had no other option at that point. Had it fallen in some desert or remote area Pakistan army would have just buried the whole incident.
Looks like It is time to provide India a Teeka on their Buttocks

1- India attacked and downed our Surveillance Navy craft a few years back
2- India initiated the 2019 Fighter Jet incursion and paid for it with loss of 2 Crafts
3- Missile Strike in Side Pakistan, near the March 23rd Day

The JF17 Block III induction and J10C (Dragon-10) would be celebrated with more valor now
Answering missile strike with showing valor in a symbolic parade! 🤔 Hmmm seems to be as much interesting as it's strange to hear.
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PM isn't pacifist at all. But it's nor the PM or the General who was operating air defense batteries on the field. And of there are capability gaps, then they need to be plugged really soon. Overall our missile defense capabilities have been pathetic for decades. PM's future is uncertain so he is ineffective but the Generals future isn't. They know their retirement dates. They should be ready to respond and forget the PM, he is surrounded and stuck in conspiracies.

This press conference and the body language of the DG ISPR was very laid back, defensive and toothless as opposed to the February 2019's by then DG ISPR Asif Ghafoor's press conference. I think our military has already given up any thoughts of retaliation or maintaining a balance this time.
I don't mind capability gaps,no military ORBAT is ironclad. The concern is really the ISPR attitude.Asking the Indians for explanation,is that why you operate state of the art weapons?? The only way forward is a retaliation, obviously on our terms.
ISPR/PAF is at fault here. For hiding things. And let indians run extended propaganda against the Armed forces. Same thing happened When TTP destroyed SAAB AEWC. This mentality of hiding things cause problem for Us and Pakistan only. It only provide opportunity for enemy to run rumor mills. !
Each country informs the other about Ballistic missile tests in advance. This does not apply to cruise missile tests.
This is another interesting thing. BUT Brahmos is not just a random missile, its a super sonic missile “capable of carrying” nuclear warhead + this is the only and last option of India’s first strike capability against Pakistan.
There is still NOTHING in the international media - so - was this pre-arrangeda to be ignored by the global media?
Iam starting to envy our Palestinian brothers , for every Israeli air raid the Hamas returns the favour with a rocket launch
I don't mind capability gaps,no military ORBAT is ironclad. The concern is really the ISPR attitude.Asking the Indians for explanation,is that why you operate state of the art weapons?? The only way forward is a retaliation, obviously on our terms.
That's correct. I really hate when ISPR assumes the job of the foreign office. Really missing the previous DG ISPR. India was terrified by him.
The Military announced it because the missile fell in a populated area, Its pics & videos were all over the social media within minutes, That's why they could not hush it up.

ISPR only acknowledged it after 24 hours because they had no other option at that point. Had it fallen in some desert or remote area Pakistan army would have just buried the whole incident.
they could've easily labeled it as a drone crash as many villagers were thinking...gown vaslon ko kia pata wreckage ka. and it wasn't over populated area, it was over an unpopulated area but near a populated area.

If the HA9P or SPADA is stationed at Rafique Air Base, then I'm sorry but this is just far too much of a coincidence for me to believe that this was a malfunctioning crash. I mean, seriously gang, never mind the fact that the ISPR will naturally be secretive about everything, why are you guys so pessimistic? yes I know what the DG ISPR said, I was the first one to post his press congruence for cryin' out loud. He says that it crashed and we didn't shoot it down you believe it. Well he also said that the military isn't interfering in politics. you believe that as well? You know as well as anyone that the Military has its boots all the up to their knees in politicians' butts!
If you cannit shoot something moving at mach 3 then good luck intercepting a ballistic missile
We will soon conclude deployment of HQ-9 systems which will be a good boost.

However, even the US and China do not have systems which can take down all kinds of Missiles with 100% success rate.

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