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Protestors warn of anarchy if blasphemy law changed

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Protecting? you are insulting us buddy. Do you know that between 60-75% of all civilian casualties is done by the taliban? they used to kill us in large numbers before the americans, they had all typs of ethnic and religious prejudice, they still burn our schools and behead our teachers.

Name it TTP or something else, but they existed all the time. check this video:

YouTube - Pakistani Animal (POW) behind the Cages in Afghanistan

they used to be supported by Pakistan as well, so you share the burdan of their wrong doing too. Not only them, but high profile killers and criminals such as Hekmatyar, Sayaf etc were also stooges of pakistan.

Do stage jihad against your own gov as well, as GOP is actively supporting nato in afghanistan. TTP is also taking arm to fight the gov because they think GoP is a stooge of america, i hope you now support the TTP.

ahmed nobody wants to remind you that TTP became functional only after or during 2005, then what were taliban doing before than????, it only comes to my mind that after US settled in afghanistan, they wanted to create disruption in pakistan by supporting the certain elements through bribe and drugs

you know stable pak is not in american interests, because a stable pak wi=ould like to make afghanistan stable, you know how, so this whole WoT will end..

and btw it was 'americans' who supported 'mujaheeden' and gave 'bombs, weapons and all other stuff, i find it funny that some where americans want to take credit of soviet distruction, they say yes we did it, we helped mujaheed or the religious afghans win this war, but when it comes to pakistan they say ooohh, evil pakistanis supported the terrorists with weapons and they spread extremism... so the mujahedeen become synonymous with terrorists and pakistan with extremism, but then again americans became the 'defeating power with soviets' and the same terrorists become the freedom fighters.. what hypocricy dude..

last thing i have never ever seen afghans paying tribute to pakistani sacrifices, hospitality?? why is it brother, you became burden for us but we never ever made you feel like that, we didnt burdened you with talibans and weapons, you burdened us with your migration!!, did we make a mitake by sheltering millions of your brothers and supplying them with food while our own population was suffering from hunger???, if it was our will we had not allowed a single afghani in our border, but we welcomed you, it also indicates we fought war for afghans not for us, what distruction was made out of soviet war was by soviets and pakistanis are not responsible for it..
and you blame all this mishaps which is done by an american and nato war on pakistan ideals??, u must understand that, during formation, pakistanis supported the religion in all affairs of state, if we gonna separate from it then it means weakening the very foundation on which pakistan is based on

in many of your posts you have either directly or indirectly related the talibans to pakistan, talibans have nothing to do with pakistan in the first place...

pakistan was not a country with frequent bomb blasts and terrorists attacks, TTP untill americans came to afghanistan and we didnt even want to let americans eter there but musharraf was threatened that pakistan was to be bombed to stone age..

Tell me is this backward and outdated blasphemy law something caused by the U.S. and NATO. Where in my posts have related Pakistanis to the Taliban ? Also your mistaken if you think Taliban had nothing to do with Pakistan since you government supported and funded them in Afghanistan so that is just false before this WOT ordeal started and of course you also have a insurgency of Taliban in your own country. So your saying Jinnah always wanted Pakistan to have Islam in state affairs and run its country according to religious text ? Because let me tell your something every country that has this type of policy ended up with have religious extremist terror groups popping up.
ahmed nobody wants to remind you that TTP became functional only after or during 2005, then what were taliban doing before than????, it only comes to my mind that after US settled in afghanistan, they wanted to create disruption in pakistan by supporting the certain elements through bribe and drugs

I wonder why this group that popped up as the WOT started attacks largely on Pakistani civilians and security forces.

Among the group's stated objectives are resistance against the Pakistani army, enforcement of sharia, and attacks against American and NATO forces in Afghanistan.

Seems to me these guys are doing the exact same thing the Afghan Taliban are doing but just in Pakistan.
Tell me is this backward and outdated blasphemy law something caused by the U.S. and NATO. Where in my posts have related Pakistanis to the Taliban ? Also your mistaken if you think Taliban had nothing to do with Pakistan since you government supported and funded them in Afghanistan so that is just false before this WOT ordeal started and of course you also have a insurgency of Taliban in your own country. So your saying Jinnah always wanted Pakistan to have Islam in state affairs and run its country according to religious text ? Because let me tell your something every country that has this type of policy ended up with have religious extremist terror groups popping up.

talibans never ever influened our country in any way this was my point and u grossly misunderstood me..

if you have problem with our laws and say its backwards blah blah blah then you are entitled to your opinion, i simply avoid attacking the principles of other countries, esp with turkey with which we have great relations inspite of the fact pakistanis totally disagree with the system of governance of turkey... fine your role models are different then ours but you have no rights to speaks in our matters which dont relate you esp in a humiliating way!!

i wonder why kurds never have resistance in other countries like iran, iraq and why is it only turkey to be having separatist kurdish movements, guess what u cant handle your country properly.. so kindly mind ur own business..
Depends how broadly the law is applied. Will it be a crime to not honor Hazrat Umer, Usman, Abu Bakr? Then the Shia community (20-30%) will be guilty of blasphemy.

assalam alaikum

Those faithfull companions of Prophet (PBUH) r the symbols of islam but they r no way in the same league of the Prophet (PBUH).

Shias r way under 20% and we can come up with some sort of understanding but cant let a country who came in exisitence on the name of islam and its Prophet can be abused just like in denmark or holland. Do u agree with that?


is pakistan invaded by bhartis that we need any resistance like talibans???

Why do you need India to invade Pakistan when everyday the Americans are doing the same bombing your people on a daily basis.

Why don't you let the talibans 'save' you against the Americans and their influence just like you let the taliban 'save' the Afghans from the Russians.

Not much has changed, you know. The taliban remain the same, just the Russians have been replaced by the Americans and Afghanistan has been replaced by Pakistan.

The basic logic remains the same.

Taliban are/were as good for Afghanistan as they are/will be for Pakistan.

Everything else is sheer hypocrisy on your part.:angry:
I wonder why this group that popped up as the WOT started attacks largely on Pakistani civilians and security forces.

Seems to me these guys are doing the exact same thing the Afghan Taliban are doing but just in Pakistan.

talibans in afghanistan are not using suicide bombings as a tool..

the talibans of north waziristan dont want to attack pakistan but americans are pressurising them to operate SW..

also mojor activities of talibans started only because US whinned pak army to take action there, so their activities are connected by invasion from pak army, before they were very peaceful... americans wanted to attack them because these talibans were attacking nato and americans using pak as a base just like the soviet war
assalam alaikum

Those faithfull companions of Prophet (PBUH) r the symbols of islam but they r no way in the same league of the Prophet (PBUH).

Shias r way under 20% and we can come up with some sort of understanding but cant let a country who came in exisitence on the name of islam and its Prophet can be abused just like in denmark or holland. Do u agree with that?




Late Mr. Jinnah’s Religion:

On 24 September 1948, after the demise of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, his sister Fatimah Jinnah and the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan, submitted a jointly signed petition at the Karachi High Court, describing Jinnah as ‘Shia Khoja Mohamedan’ and praying that his will may be disposed of under Shia inheritance law. On 6 February, 1968 after Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah’’ demise the previous year, her sister Shirin Bai, moved an application at the High Court claiming Fatimah Jinnah’s property under the Shia inheritance law on grounds that the deceased was a Shia. As per Mr. I. H. Ispahani who was a family friend of Jinnah, revealed that Jinnah had himself told him in 1936 that he and his family had converted to Shiism after his return from England in 1894. He said that Jinnah had married Ruttie Bai according to the Shia ritual during which she was represented by a Shia scholar of Bombay, and Jinnah was represented by his Shia friend, Raja Sahib of Mehmoodabad. He however conceded that Jinnah was opposed in Bombay elections by a Shia Conference canditate. Ispahani was present when Miss Fatima Jinnah died in 1967. He himself arranged the Ghusl and Janaza {Funeral Bath and Funeral} for her at Mohatta Palace according to the Shia Ritual before handing over the body to the state. Her Sunni Namaz-e-Janaza was held later at Polo Ground, Karachi after which she was buried next to her brother at a spot chosen by Ispahani inside the mausoleum. Ritualistic Shia talqin (last advice to the deceased) was done after her dead body was lowered into the grave. (Jinnah had arranged for talqin for Ruttie Bai too when she died in 1929). Allama Syed Anisul Husnain, a Shia scholar, deposed that he had arranged the gusl of the Quaid on the instructions of Miss Fatimah Jinah. He led his Namaz-e-Janaza in a room of the Governor General’s House at which such luminaries as Yousuf Haroon, Hashim Raza, and Aftab Hatim Alvi were present, while Liaquat Ali Khan waited outside the room. After the Shia ritual, the body was handed over to the state and Maulana Shabbir Ahmed Usmani, an alim belonging to Deoband school of thought known for its anti-Shia belief, read his Janaza according the Sunni ritual at the ground where the mausoleum was later constructed. Other witnesses confirmed that after the demise of Miss Fatimah Jinnah, alam and panja (two Shia symbols) were discovered from her residence, Mohatta Palace. Despite all this Jinnah kept himself away from Shia politics. He was not a Shia; he was also not a Sunni; he was simply a Muslim.
if you have problem with our laws and say its backwards blah blah blah then you are entitled to your opinion, i simply avoid attacking the principles of other countries, esp with turkey with which we have great relations inspite of the fact pakistanis totally disagree with the system of governance of turkey... fine your role models are different then ours but you have no rights to speaks in our matters which dont relate you esp in a humiliating way!!

i wonder why kurds never have resistance in other countries like iran, iraq and why is it only turkey to be having separatist kurdish movements, guess what u cant handle your country properly.. so kindly mind ur own business..

This is a public forum so i will post whatever i like (as long as it is within forum rules) also the PKK have a terror groups operating in Iran and Syria. It isn't just Turkey. This is off topic though.

If you are trying to compare the PKK to TTP you must first understand their ideology. TTP are religious extremist whose sole motivation is distorted Islamic interpretations. PKK uses a communist moaist structure along with kurdish nationalism to justify they have the right to a country that is inside the borders of Iraq,Turkey,Iran, and Syria. So the two can not be compared.

My main point is blasphemy laws such as these lead to illogical choices and as simple as it would be to change this Zia era stuff it seems the level of people that support a Islamic Pakistan and the unwillingness of already unpopular MPs to change such laws is leading to a decline in the freedoms of the minority. Along with a rise in religiously motivated hate crimes. When you have mobs forming outside stations demanding you hand over said person to be killed when they found he did nothing wrong is a serious matter. This is also being advocated by some mullahs in pakistan which only add to the fire of intolerance.

As far as you telling me to stay out of this because you stay out the Secular way that made Turkey the way we are now. If you have a problem with it you can join the others in the Turkish defense section that have threads going on this matter. Note this though turkey besides the PKK in the southeast is very stable country with little to no religious extremism and i view that as a result of efforts made by our founder.
but cant let a country who came in exisitence on the name of islam and its Prophet can be abused just like in denmark or holland. Do u agree with that?

I have no objection to a limited, strict law against religious vilification of any kind. That is not so unusual and, as I indicated, similar laws exist in many Western countries also.

Freedom of speech is not a license to insult people's religion, whether it be Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc....

This is compatible with Islamic laws since Islam commands us to respect all religions.
talibans in afghanistan are not using suicide bombings as a tool..

the talibans of north waziristan dont want to attack pakistan but americans are pressurising them to operate SW..

also mojor activities of talibans started only because US whinned pak army to take action there, so their activities are connected by invasion from pak army, before they were very peaceful... americans wanted to attack them because these talibans were attacking nato and americans using pak as a base just like the soviet war

Suicide bombings rock Afghan capital, killing 5 soldiers

A suicide bombing just happened 7 days ago so that is false. Do you not agree that we should take action against religious extremism ? Pakistan was supporting the Taliban when it fit their needs but when it resulted in AQ coming into the picture and 9/11 is it hard to suspect the U.S. going to war with these people ? Pakistan got dragged into this because the Taliban you once supported now moved into your country and religious extremism lead to the TTP now wanting what the Afghan Taliban want in Afghanistan. Pakistan made the right choice to side with the U.S. in this. I hope they continue to do so.
Despite all this Jinnah kept himself away from Shia politics. He was not a Shia; he was also not a Sunni; he was simply a Muslim.

assalam alaikum

Very interesting and informative brother. Yes even before reading this text i had this feeling that jinnah only a muslim doesnot matter he was born to which family.

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