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Focus on training new generation, set up girls’ schools, AIMPLB tells Muslims

Focus on training new generation, set up girls’ schools, AIMPLB tells Muslims

The AIMPLB alleged that the Karnataka government took a stand that went against the community

Mohammed Safi Shamsi, DHNS, Kolkata,
  • MAR 31 2022, 22:06 IST
  • UPDATED: MAR 31 2022, 22:12 IST

Representative image. Credit: PTI photo

Muslims should not fall prey to negative propaganda against All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) and should instead encourage a pardah (veil) in Muslim society and focus on training of the new generation, a statement issued by AIMPLB general secretary Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rahmani on Thursday said.

The Muslim body that represents views of a broad section of Indian Muslims also asked Muslims to establish more girls’ schools, and consider education as a service rather than a trade. “For success in litigation, organise dua (prayer). If you adhere to Sharia (Islamic law), no power can take your religious identity from you,” the statement added.

The Board’s general secretary has said that when the issue (hijab) arose in some educational institutions of Karnataka, the board immediately took note of it and contacted state’s responsible individuals, representatives of organisations, and its own associates. The efforts, however, failed.

The Board alleged that the Karnataka government took a stand that went against the community, and the issue spread across the state.

Consequently, the Board approached Supreme Court. “Hijab is an integral part of Sharia, it is obligatory for every Muslim woman to cover her head, and violating it is a grave sin,” the board’s secretary stated.

“Attempts are being made in some quarters to spread propaganda and misunderstandings against the board and an impression is being offered that the board is a mute spectator on this issue. Muslims should never fall prey to this propaganda,” the statement added.


Jamahir's comment : LOL, what kind of idiots are these AIMPLB mullahs who call themselves Muslims but are anything but ? They call for duas ( prayer sessions ) for success in legal cases especially when most of the people in the Indian legal profession are not Muslims and these mullahs should have instead called for the reform in the Indian legal system via political and socio-economic radical change. And if such prayer sessions would have worked then this girl wouldn't have died last year in Kerala state in South India :
An 11-year-old girl in Kerala’s Kannur district succumbed to fever after her parents’ alleged superstitious beliefs led to a delay in proper medical treatment.

Fatima, a seventh standard student from Naluvayal in Kannur, died after her parents refused to get her treated due to their religious beliefs. Her parents have been identified as MC Abdul Sattar and MA Sabira.

Police have registered a case of unnatural death following a complaint by a relative.

According to reports, Fatima had a high fever for the past three days. But locals alleged that the disease was treated through occult practices instead of proper medical treatment.

On Sunday morning at 3 am, Fatima was rushed to a private hospital in Kannur. But the hospital authorities declared the girl brought dead.

Locals told India Today that a year ago, another member of Fatima's family had died after being denied medical treatment.

Kannur City Police said they would take further action after receiving the post-mortem report.
And the AIMPLB are now calling for transferring the female student population from co-ed schools and colleges to girls schools like would happen a hundred years ago but 100 years ago it happened to get females into schools because of South Asian anti-progress attitude. Even Saudia now has a co-ed university - KAUST - and has allowed restaurants with mixed-gender customer patronage but these Indian mullahs are taking Indian Muslims to a more regressive time in the region. And this all started because of those foolish, misinformed and misguided burqa girls from Shimoga, in particular Angry Indian Burqa Girl Muskan who screamed out her lungs for the burqa yet did not do anything about this girl :

I am becoming indifferent to any travails of the mullahs and the burqa fanatics. If they want to do civil war with the Hindutvadis they are welcome to do so. They don't contribute positively to Islam and to humanity so...

@Naofumi @xeuss @Joe Shearer
@jamahir I see you continously attack Muskan for her choice to wear Burqah/hijab, while you have every right to criticize AIMPLB but you, me or AIMPLB should not decide what a girl should wear. Let's leave it to women to decide what to wear and what to not.

I understand that you want people to voice for the progressive ideas however we should not think that a victim is not a victim (Muskan in this case) because he/she fails to speak for other issues (suicide in this case).

Do you think we should not raise our voice for Rohingyas just because they did not raise their voice for Yazidi tribe? Or do you think Kashmiri Pandit should not be sided with because they do not speak for dalits? I hope you understand what i am trying to say here.

Ideally we should raise our voice for every oppression, every biasedness and every inequality in the world.
@jamahir I see you continously attack Muskan for her choice to wear Burqah/hijab, while you have every right to criticize AIMPLB but you, me or AIMPLB should not decide what a girl should wear. Let's leave it to women to decide what to wear and what to not.

I understand that you want people to voice for the progressive ideas however we should not think that a victim is not a victim (Muskan in this case) because he/she fails to speak for other issues (suicide in this case).

Do you think we should not raise our voice for Rohingyas just because they did not raise their voice for Yazidi tribe? Or do you think Kashmiri Pandit should not be sided with because they do not speak for dalits? I hope you understand what i am trying to say here.

Ideally we should raise our voice for every oppression, every biasedness and every inequality in the world.

"Ideally we should raise our voice for every oppression, every biasedness and every inequality in the world." Absolutely, that's what Che Guevara also said. Let us take Muskan and see this in three angles :

1. The human angle : She lives in Shimoga in Karnataka state whose capital is Bangalore which is where that college girl suicided. Not very far from Muskan's college and home. How does she think she can conduct furious press conferences for her burqa, accompanied by her PFI-leader father, but not speak for three seconds about the oppressions against her own student community ? Does she think her burqa is worth more than the Bangalore girl's life ?

2. The religious angle : You speak of her choice to wear the burqa so what is her rationale for her choice ? It can't be Islam the burqa has nothing to do with Islam. I address the non-relation in this post. In fact the burqa is anti-Islam because it bars the female from natural participation in public life and Islam doesn't teach that the female has to hate herself for being female, to hide herself away from the males because of some strange sense of morality. In every progressive Muslim-majority society the leaders of the revolutionaries and the leaders didn't force the burqa on their female relatives. Does Muskan think she is greater than these revolutionaries ? So, what is her rationale for wearing and agitating for it because there's no religious standing ? Her supporters like the AIMIM party of the Owaisis pasted banners saying "Pehle hijab, phir kitaab". Are they followers of the same religion whose initiator said that attaining knowledge should be the duty of every Muslim even if they have to go as far as China ?

3. The social angle : Females in Afghanistan kicked and burned the burqa publicly despite being in the fear kingdom of the Taliban, females in Pakistan take out Aurat Marches and here in India we have Muskan. The argument of choice in burqa is an illusion because the few fanatic wearers and their fanatic, misinformed and misguided male supporters will create an atmosphere where the remaining females will be under daily pressure to wear it. Among my own female relatives who didn't wear the burqa in my younger years there is a dear cousin who is a teacher and she said to her husband ( who is no more ) when I was at their house that some in her city scold females who don't wear it, so there becomes a societal pressure and most prefer to go with the pressure and convince themselves that the burqa has religious obligation instead of making the effort to change the mob-led "leaders of the community" and their street-level enforcers. Some years ago when my cousin and her husband would come to my city for her cancer treatment she would go to the hospital without the burqa and once they accompanied me to a good tea house without her wearing it and also to a clothes market. In India-administered Kashmir there is a foul all-burqa group called Dukhtaraan-e-Millat whose leader is Asiya Andrabi and they had announced more than 10 years ago that they would throw acid on those Kashmiri females who don't wear the burqa. That created a regressive and oppressive atmosphere in Kashmir whose manifestations later included rape and death threats to an all-girl trio music band in Kashmir called Pragaash and that band had to close down. So the "Hijab is my pride" marches reflect the misinformed and misguided choices of a few but an imposition and suffocation on the rest and "choice" is an illusion. :)

I will reply to your reply in half an hour.
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"Ideally we should raise our voice for every oppression, every biasedness and every inequality in the world." Absolutely, that's what Che Guevara also said. Let us take Muskan and see this in three angles :

1. The human angle : She lives in Shimoga in Karnataka state whose capital is Bangalore which is where that college girl suicided. Not very far from Muskan's college and home. How does she think she can conduct furious press conferences for her burqa, accompanied by her PFI-leader father, but not speak for three seconds about the oppressions against her own student community ? Does she think her burqa is worth more than the Bangalore girl's life ?

2. The religious angle : You speak of her choice to wear the burqa so what is her rationale for her choice ? It can't be Islam the burqa has nothing to do with Islam. I address the non-relation in this post. In fact the burqa is anti-Islam because it bars the female from natural participation in public life and Islam doesn't teach that the female has to hate herself for being female, to hide herself away from the males because of some strange sense of morality. In every progressive Muslim-majority society the leaders of the revolutionaries and the leaders didn't force the burqa on their female relatives. Does Muskan think she is greater than these revolutionaries ? So, what is her rationale for wearing and agitating for it because there's no religious standing ? Her supporters like the AIMIM party of the Owaisis pasted banners saying "Pehle hijab, phir kitaab". Are they followers of the same religion whose initiator said that attaining knowledge should be the duty of every Muslim even if they have to go as far as China ?

3. The social angle : Females in Afghanistan kicked and burned the burqa publicly despite being in the fear kingdom of the Taliban, females in Pakistan take out Aurat Marches and here in India we have Muskan. The argument of choice in burqa is an illusion because the few fanatic wearers and their fanatic, misinformed and misguided male supporters will create an atmosphere where the remaining females will be under daily pressure to wear it. Among my own female relatives who didn't wear the burqa in my younger years there is a dear cousin who is a teacher and she said to her husband ( who is no more ) when I was at their house that some in her city scold females who don't wear it, so there becomes a societal pressure and most prefer to go with the pressure and convince themselves that the burqa has religious obligation instead of making the effort to change the mob-led "leaders of the community" and their street-level enforcers. Some years ago when my cousin and her husband would come to my city for her cancer treatment she would go to the hospital without the burqa and once they accompanied me to a good tea house without her wearing it and also to a clothes market. In India-administered Kashmir there is a foul all-burqa group called Dukhtaraan-e-Millat whose leader is Asiya Andrabi and they had announced more than 10 years ago that they would throw acid on those Kashmiri females who don't wear the burqa. That created a regressive and oppressive atmosphere in Kashmir whose manifestations later included rape and death threats to an all-girl trio music band in Kashmir called Pragaash and that band had to close down. So the "Hijab is my pride" marches reflect the misinformed and misguided choices of a few but an imposition and suffocation on the rest and "choice" is an illusion. :)

I will reply to your reply in half an hour.
Like i already said that no one other than women themselves should be allowed to force a specific dress code on them.

Burqah is islamic or not is not the debate here, she should not be harassed for wearing anything she likes that includes bikini or a burqah. Do you think it is appropririate to go and tell women that hey burqah is not islamic so you should throw it away because Hindutvadis harassed you because of it?

Just like social norm in Islamic countries, in West women are also subtly shamed if they don't show their skins. Women have been ridiculed because they chose not to wear "Traditional" dresses and interestingly no one talks about it.
Like i already said that no one other than women themselves should be allowed to force a specific dress code on them.

Burqah is islamic or not is not the debate here, she should not be harassed for wearing anything she likes that includes bikini or a burqah. Do you think it is appropririate to go and tell women that hey burqah is not islamic so you should throw it away because Hindutvadis harassed you because of it?

Just like social norm in Islamic countries, in West women are also subtly shamed if they don't show their skins. Women have been ridiculed because they chose not to wear "Traditional" dresses and interestingly no one talks about it.

Woman have the right to their own bodies, men and society should not have a say, obviously within reason.
Like i already said that no one other than women themselves should be allowed to force a specific dress code on them.

Burqah is islamic or not is not the debate here, she should not be harassed for wearing anything she likes that includes bikini or a burqah. Do you think it is appropririate to go and tell women that hey burqah is not islamic so you should throw it away because Hindutvadis harassed you because of it?

Just like social norm in Islamic countries, in West women are also subtly shamed if they don't show their skins. Women have been ridiculed because they chose not to wear "Traditional" dresses and interestingly no one talks about it.

"Burqah is Islamic or not is not the debate here". Vapnope bhai, that is the exact debate here, that is what is not being debated by her. She has been brainwashed to find a religious obligation where there is none. She is in the wrong and is imposing a wrong order. She is the subdued version of Asiya Andrabi who in turn is the female version of the Taliban. How can these people be allowed their choice and destroy society ? OK, India is not quite a non-destroyed society anyway, LOL. During my school and two college years no girl wore the burqa so from where did this college girl suddenly find the explanation to wear it ?

The Hindutvadis are coming in for their own agenda but what about the rest of the Muslims ?
"Burqaq is Islamic or not is not the debate here". Vapnope bhai, that is the exact debate here, that is what is not being debated by her. She has been brainwashed to find a religious obligation where there is none. She is in the wrong and is imposing a wrong order. She is the subdued version of Asiya Andrabi who in turn is the female version of the Taliban. How can these people be allowed their choice ? During my school and two college years no girl wore the burqa so from where did this college girl suddenly find the explanation to wear it ?
Jamahir, your anecdote doesn't represent the whole of Islamic society. As we still have pictures before partition where women can be seen wearing burqah. Veil was considered a symbol of sanctity in Africa even before Islam and since the proponents of burqah quote a verse from Quran, this needs an academic debate (which btw is pretty much there) but saying that your school of thought is the only true islamic, is problematic.
While yes India needs to learn from Egypt, India needs to learn from the Communist movement and change its non-sensible national anthem to the modernized and bettered version of The Internationale.

Yaar communism is a defunct ideology, it's basically collapsed why do you keep bringing this bullshit up?
"Burqah is Islamic or not is not the debate here". Vapnope bhai, that is the exact debate here, that is what is not being debated by her. She has been brainwashed to find a religious obligation where there is none. She is in the wrong and is imposing a wrong order. She is the subdued version of Asiya Andrabi who in turn is the female version of the Taliban. How can these people be allowed their choice and destroy society ? OK, India is not quite a non-destroyed society anyway, LOL. During my school and two college years no girl wore the burqa so from where did this college girl suddenly find the explanation to wear it ?

The Hindutvadis are coming in for their own agenda but what about the rest of the Muslims ?
None of your business to tell her or any Muslim that they, we have been brainwashed. Do you see Muslims telling Hindus or Sikhs what they should wear or not? I see Sikhs without Turbans and could make the same argument that it is not a religious obligation because many Sikhs don't wear it. You want to go to Scripture? I can make a point that the Quran mentions women covering. How you implement is based on one's own interpretation and conviction but how in the hell is a local court deciding that Muslim women don't have to cover?

This decision is best left to each individual's personal conviction and choice.

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