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Israeli forces raid Al-Aqsa Mosque, over 150 Palestinians injured


Dec 8, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Israeli forces raid Al-Aqsa Mosque, over 150 Palestinians injured

Mosque authorities say Israeli police entered before dawn, after 7 Palestinians were killed since Wednesday.

Israeli police have raided the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem, with medics saying at least 152 Palestinians have been injured in the ensuing violence.

The Islamic endowment that runs the site said Israeli police entered in force before dawn on Friday, as thousands of worshippers were gathered at the mosque for early morning prayers.

Videos circulating online showed Palestinians throwing rocks and police firing tear gas and stun grenades. Others showed worshippers barricading themselves inside the mosque amid what appeared to be clouds of tear gas.

The Palestinian Red Crescent emergency service said it evacuated the majority of the wounded to hospitals. The endowment said one of the guards at the site was shot in the eye with a rubber bullet.

The Palestinian Red Crescent added that Israeli forces had hindered the arrival of ambulances and paramedics from reaching the mosqu, as Palestinian media said dozens of injured worshippers remained trapped inside the compound.

Israeli police forces said they arrested at least 300 Palestinians during the latest escalation.

Israeli police said they entered the compound, the third holiest site in Islam and revered by Jews as the Temple Mount, to break up a “violent” crowd that remained at the end of the morning prayers.

They said they went in “to disperse and push back” the crowd after a group of Palestinians began throwing rocks towards the nearby Jewish prayer space of the Western Wall.

Reporting from Damascus Gate, Al Jazeera’s Najwan al-Samri said Israeli police forces stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound without pretext and assaulted worshippers near the Qibly prayer hall following the morning prayer.

She added that the escalation came as far-right Jewish groups called for raids of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound during the Jewish Passover holiday, and the offering of animal sacrifices in its courtyards, which has not occurred since ancient times.

Tensions have escalated in recent weeks. Israel has been carrying out arrests and military raids in the illegally occupied West Bank, in the wake of a series of deadly attacks by Palestinians inside Israel, setting off clashes in which several Palestinians have been killed, including seven since Wednesday.

Tens of thousands of Palestinians are expected to gather at Al-Aqsa for Friday afternoon prayers, as Muslims observe the holy month of Ramadan.

Weeks of protests and raids on Al-Aqsa during Ramadan last year escalated into an 11-day assault on the besieged Gaza Strip.

The war led to the deaths of at least 260 Palestinians, as well as 13 Israelis, and significant destruction to the already impoverished territory.

Ramadan this year coincides with the Jewish Passover holiday and Christian holy week, bringing thousands of pilgrims and other visitors to Jerusalem.

Israeli forces raid Al-Aqsa Mosque, over 150 Palestinians injured

Mosque authorities say Israeli police entered before dawn, after 7 Palestinians were killed since Wednesday.

Israeli police have raided the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem, with medics saying at least 152 Palestinians have been injured in the ensuing violence.

The Islamic endowment that runs the site said Israeli police entered in force before dawn on Friday, as thousands of worshippers were gathered at the mosque for early morning prayers.

Videos circulating online showed Palestinians throwing rocks and police firing tear gas and stun grenades. Others showed worshippers barricading themselves inside the mosque amid what appeared to be clouds of tear gas.

The Palestinian Red Crescent emergency service said it evacuated the majority of the wounded to hospitals. The endowment said one of the guards at the site was shot in the eye with a rubber bullet.

The Palestinian Red Crescent added that Israeli forces had hindered the arrival of ambulances and paramedics from reaching the mosqu, as Palestinian media said dozens of injured worshippers remained trapped inside the compound.

Israeli police forces said they arrested at least 300 Palestinians during the latest escalation.

Israeli police said they entered the compound, the third holiest site in Islam and revered by Jews as the Temple Mount, to break up a “violent” crowd that remained at the end of the morning prayers.

They said they went in “to disperse and push back” the crowd after a group of Palestinians began throwing rocks towards the nearby Jewish prayer space of the Western Wall.

Reporting from Damascus Gate, Al Jazeera’s Najwan al-Samri said Israeli police forces stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound without pretext and assaulted worshippers near the Qibly prayer hall following the morning prayer.

She added that the escalation came as far-right Jewish groups called for raids of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound during the Jewish Passover holiday, and the offering of animal sacrifices in its courtyards, which has not occurred since ancient times.

Tensions have escalated in recent weeks. Israel has been carrying out arrests and military raids in the illegally occupied West Bank, in the wake of a series of deadly attacks by Palestinians inside Israel, setting off clashes in which several Palestinians have been killed, including seven since Wednesday.

Tens of thousands of Palestinians are expected to gather at Al-Aqsa for Friday afternoon prayers, as Muslims observe the holy month of Ramadan.

Weeks of protests and raids on Al-Aqsa during Ramadan last year escalated into an 11-day assault on the besieged Gaza Strip.

The war led to the deaths of at least 260 Palestinians, as well as 13 Israelis, and significant destruction to the already impoverished territory.

Ramadan this year coincides with the Jewish Passover holiday and Christian holy week, bringing thousands of pilgrims and other visitors to Jerusalem.
These kinds of acts are provocations, and everyone knows this just escalates the situation.

If there are alleged stone pelters, Palestinian police have to ready to drag away anyone try to start something like that, but desecration of Al-Aqsa especially with holidays coming for the three major religions is not going to make the situation better.
These kinds of acts are provocations, and everyone knows this just escalates the situation.

If there are alleged stone pelters, Palestinian police have to ready to drag away anyone try to start something like that, but desecration of Al-Aqsa especially with holidays coming for the three major religions is not going to make the situation better.
Huh, stone is the only weapon left for them because of Arabs surrounding them and you in your beyond stupid comment Ask them to throw it away too. Someone has entered their house, displaced them, killed them, tortured them and your kind still believe the invader would agree with your stupid peace proposal. No, Israelis are there to occupy as much as they can with different tactics and finally change the functionality of Al-Aqsa, though, only in their dreams.

Thanks to Jordanian traitors, we cannot arm them even with stones. They are keeping the mosque with their blood and empty hands while Abbas is living his luxury life paid by Arab sheiks.

They never abandoned Al-Aqsa, cannot find any Legend living or dead as brave as Palestinian Mujahids. The frontline against Zionist invaders supported by Anglo Saxon savages. Here we have Arabs deaf and blind, where are they? Maybe insulting Iran and planning for massacring as much of Shias and Iranians as possible.
Huh, stone is the only weapon left for them because of Arabs surrounding them and you in your beyond stupid comment Ask them to throw it away too. Someone has entered their house, displaced them, killed them, tortured them and your kind still believe the invader would agree with your stupid peace proposal. No, Israelis are there to occupy as much as they can with different tactics and finally change the functionality of Al-Aqsa, though, only in their dreams.

Thanks to Jordanian traitors, we cannot arm them even with stones. They are keeping the mosque with their blood and empty hands while Abbas is living his luxury life paid by Arab sheiks.

They never abandoned Al-Aqsa, cannot find any Legend living or dead as brave as Palestinian Mujahids. The frontline against Zionist invaders supported by Anglo Saxon savages. Here we have Arabs deaf and blind, where are they? Maybe insulting Iran and planning for massacring as much of Shias and Iranians as possible.
We’re they throw stones at Jewish worshippers below? If they were that is wrong. But if they were not, and only defending the Masjid, then they have every right to protect the masjid with the stones as their only means of defense. That is all I was saying. Either way the Palestinian police should be the ones trying to keep order in Al-Aqsa and pushing back anyone trying to disturb the peace.

The Palestinians need to find new ways to resist smarter and collectively considering how the occupation works. The Palestinian police need to be forced to stand up and push back (without weapons) to Israeli troops trying to desecrate the Masjid similar to how the French President shames and pushback any attempt by Israel to desecrate Churches under French justification in Palestine. Palestinian police should be making statement after such incidents to tell the world what happened and set the record straight and win the global narrative that they were trying to keep the peace, there were no attacks on Jewish worshippers and it was the Israelis that were escalating the situation. It builds credibility in the Palestinians ability to police the site, and builds a global image that Palestinians can govern the territory peacefully and that builds credibility that Palestinians should be free. See step by step a narrative that uses tool of media to peacefully resist and build up the case for feeding as well as sparing lives on all sides as much as possible.

Resist Smarter and collectively, discredit the occupation at each an every turn. Doing it the same old ways will only get the same old results. This is a generational narrative struggle.

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When some members her praise the terrorist attack inside Israel 2 weeks ago i told that Israel will respond hard.. and i am happy about it.
When you use your holy site for throwing rocks and Molotov Israel have every right to enter and arrested the terrorists..
If you don't want to be shoot don't kill don't provoke the police and don't do terrorist attack inside Israel because the response will always be 100 time harder.
Every Ramadan the "palastines" try to drag Israel to respond (they use propaganda that we are going to destroy al aqsa) and when we response they cry.
Same old "palastines" lies.
When some members her praise the terrorist attack inside Israel 2 weeks ago i told that Israel will respond hard.. and i am happy about it.
When you use your holy site for throwing rocks and Molotov Israel have every right to enter and arrested the terrorists..
If you don't want to be shoot don't kill don't provoke the police and don't do terrorist attack inside Israel because the response will always be 100 time harder.
Every Ramadan the "palastines" try to drag Israel to respond (they use propaganda that we are going to destroy al aqsa) and when we response they cry.
Same old "palastines" lies.
Do you have proof terrorists were in there otherwise everything you just posted is hot air.
Do you have proof terrorists were in there otherwise everything you just posted is hot air.
You can search yourselves. You will see hundreds of people throwing stones from inside the mosqe and use hamas flag. The palastines don't have respect to holy sites

one example of isis mentality of the palastines
The usual Ramadan terrorism from 'palestinians' trying to use Al Aqsa to create religious war. Every year the same thing. It was Israeli police protecting Al Aqsa from palestinian desecration.

This is the criminal palestinians in the early morning preparing their riot tools:

This is inside the mosque waiting to start the riot

This is them throwing rocks and firing rockets INSIDE the mosque:

palestinians love Al Aqsa so much, that's why they use it as their rioting base. I can't think of a more morally bankrupt people than the palestinians. Of course we know what they did to Joseph's tomb a few days ago and who could forget what they did to the Church of the nativity. They're a sick people and it's time Muslims called them out on this savage anti-religion behaviour.

palestinians love Al Aqsa so much, that's why they use it as their rioting base. I can't think of a more morally bankrupt people than the palestinians. Of course we know what they did to Joseph's tomb a few days ago and who could forget what they did to the Church of the nativity. They're a sick people and it's time Muslims called them out on this savage anti-religion behaviour.

This is their home, everyone has to prepare to defend their home against their enemies

Israel is a apartheid state, you oppress these people and expect them to break before your occupation

The Masjid -e- Aqsa has been damaged, window of the Majid has been blown out.


palestinians love Al Aqsa so much, that's why they use it as their rioting base. I can't think of a more morally bankrupt people than the palestinians. Of course we know what they did to Joseph's tomb a few days ago and who could forget what they did to the Church of the nativity. They're a sick people and it's time Muslims called them out on this savage anti-religion behaviour.

Honestly,I could think of no "better" example of a more "morally bankrupt people" than these....
.....well,that is apart from their 🪳 sympathizers🪳 of course.

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