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In fact, hosting a Tibetan government in exile for more than 50 years on your soil can be termed as a main envidence of your ambition over Tibet. You should note, you are not onlyproviding political asylum to Dalai Lama, but also helped him and his fellows set up a government in India. Such behaviour speaks pretty aloud that India is very interested in Tibet.

You're right. :tup:

India hosted our largest separatist group (Tibetan government in exile)... on their own soil for over half a century.

This was immediately after the Tibetan government in exile failed to overthrow the Chinese government as well.
Nehru is long gone and so are his policies. The opinion of members on this forum hardly means anything.

Nehru may have done something provocative but his actions then have nothing to do with todays reality.

India's support to Dalai Lama can be taken as India's retaliation to China's support to Pakistan, nothing more!

Truly speaking, India hardly has military means to get control of Tibet even if we wanted to challenge your authority.

it is a so hard task to let a indian down what is time ....
Nehru is long gone and so are his policies. The opinion of members on this forum hardly means anything. Nehru may have done something provocative but his actions then have nothing to do with todays reality.

What Nehru had done to Tibet, as well as the opinions of Indian members on this forum speaks volumes about how Indians think about Tibet beneath the superficial recognition of Chinese sovereignty over Tibet, it to some extent reflects the true mentality of Indian when it comes to Tibet issue.

Why did Nehru plan dispatching Indian troops to Tibet, and why are there Indians claiming Tibet on this forum regardless of Indian government's official stance over Tibet? I am asking for an explanation again from Indian side. This has puzzled me for a very long time until it dawned on me that maybe some Indians do believe Tibet belongs to India.

Then it leads to another question, why would people believe Tibet is part of India even though their government says otherwise. My speculation is, by acknowlegding Chinese sovereignty over Tibet officially, Indian government is just paying lip service. Behind Chinese back, Indian government is intentionally or unintentionally feeding Indians with the information of Tibet being part of India, which causes the contradictions we are witnessing on this forum.

If my speculation is true, then it has a lot to do with the reality. India may invade Tibet when China is busy dealing with other coutries such as US because India has that intention.

Well, all of these are just my speculations which have been stated before in other threads because I think Tibet issue is gonna be a big obstacle between China and India. If you can offer other opinions with regard to this, I will deeply appreciate that.

India's support to Dalai Lama can be taken as India's retaliation to China's support to Pakistan, nothing more!

That simply doesn't consist with the time line. India accepted Dalai Lama long before China's support to Pakistan. It is more appropriate to say China's support to Pakistan is partly a retaliation to India's support to Dalai Lama.

Truly speaking, India hardly has military means to get control of Tibet even if we wanted to challenge your authority.

I am more interested in discussing about India's motives. India may not have the military means now, but military means can be gained eventually if being motivated.
What Nehru had done to Tibet, as well as the opinions of Indian members on this forum speaks volumes about how Indians think about Tibet beneath the superficial recognition of Chinese sovereignty over Tibet, it to some extent reflects the true mentality of Indian when it comes to Tibet issue.

The main essence of my post to you was this --> "Forget Nehru and what he did."

Why did Nehru plan dispatching Indian troops to Tibet, and why are there Indians claiming Tibet on this forum regardless of Indian government's official stance over Tibet? I am asking for an explanation again from Indian side. This has puzzled me for a very long time until it dawned on me that maybe some Indians do believe Tibet belongs to India.

How does it matter for anonymous Indians on the forum laying claim on Tibet?

The thing that matters is the stance of the Indian govt.

Then it leads to another question, why would people believe Tibet is part of India even though their government says otherwise. My speculation is, by acknowlegding Chinese sovereignty over Tibet officially, Indian government is just paying lip service.

Again, to hell with ppl who are laying claim on anything.

WHat has the Indian govt. said that makes you feel vulnerable?

Behind Chinese back, Indian government is intentionally or unintentionally feeding Indians with the information of Tibet being part of India, which causes the contradictions we are witnessing on this forum.

How does it matter to you on what Indian govt has to say to its own ppl?

If my speculation is true, then it has a lot to do with the reality. India may invade Tibet when China is busy dealing with other coutries such as US because India has that intention.

Even if we invade Tibet, can we do it out of a blue moon!

Won't your intelligence sense India's military movements.

And dont even bring US over here. This is a bilateral issue and this is Tibet and not Taiwan, we dont need US for such issues.

Well, all of these are just my speculations which have been stated before in other threads because I think Tibet issue is gonna be a big obstacle between China and India. If you can offer other opinions with regard to this, I will deeply appreciate that.

Offcource, they are!

There is no proof that you can provide about any Indian motives abt Tibet since reality there is none. India has no ambitions over here.

Again, I repeat, please forget Nehru, observe the Indian govt. stance for the last few years and tell me if there have been any provocations at all from our side.

That simply doesn't consist with the time line. India accepted Dalai Lama long before China's support to Pakistan. It is more appropriate to say China's support to Pakistan is partly a retaliation to India's support to Dalai Lama.


But I think I missed a word in my last post.

India could have had "discontinued" support to Tibetans but after your brotherly love for Pakistan, there is no going back on Dalai Lama.

I am more interested in discussing about India's motives. India may not have the military means now, but military means can be gained eventually if being motivated.

Motives by themselves mean nothing.

Assuming, India is hell bent on getting control of Tibet, how do we achieve our motives?
The main essence of my post to you was this --> "Forget Nehru and what he did."
How does it matter for anonymous Indians on the forum laying claim on Tibet?

The thing that matters is the stance of the Indian govt.

Again, to hell with ppl who are laying claim on anything.

WHat has the Indian govt. said that makes you feel vulnerable?

Forget about Nehru and what he did? You guys are not even ready to forget about 1962, whenever there is something about China on rediff.com, I can see people commenting on the news by shouting out "Let's tell China, this is not 1962".

My bringing Nehru into this discussion is to tell you that India has a long history of being obsessed with Chinese territory Tibet. By mentioning other Indian members' claim over Tibet, I am telling you India is still obsessed with Tibet. And your government is still helping Tibetan secessionists by accomodating on your soil. Combining all of these, people with the least sense can reach the conclusion, India harbours ambition over Tibet.

How does it matter to you on what Indian govt has to say to its own ppl?

Of course, it matters the most. What is Chinese government is teaching all Chinese people that India belongs to China? Will you just sit back as long as Chinese government still officially recognize the sovereignty of India?

Indian government has been constantly spreading misinformation about Tibet such as Tibet doesn't belong to China or Tibet belongs to India under the cover of that official stance (what is happenning here is proof), it shows clear India will invade Tibet if it is possible.

Even if we invade Tibet, can we do it out of a blue moon!

And dont even bring US over here. This is a bilateral issue and this is Tibet and not Taiwan, we dont need US for such issues.

I am talking about motive, with motive you will always find a way or another.

Offcource, they are!

There is no proof that you can provide about any Indian motives abt Tibet since reality there is none. India has no ambitions over here.

Again, I repeat, please forget Nehru, observe the Indian govt. stance for the last few years and tell me if there have been any provocations at all from our side.

My specualtion is only about why there are Indian people claiming tibet here, with regard to India's ambition over Tibet, it is a plain fact.

I have provided enough evidence in this regard, including evidence of the past and evidence of the present. I am listing the evidence here:
1> Nehru planned to send troops to Tibet to control that area.
2> India government has been hosting a Tibetan government on your soil for over 50 years, and is still doing that.
3> Indian people believe Tibet belongs to India after being taught by your government.


But I think I missed a word in my last post.

India could have had "discontinued" support to Tibetans but after your brotherly love for Pakistan, there is no going back on Dalai Lama.

Let me do an analogy here, so that people can see how flawed your logic has been. Before doing that, let us simplify the situation by assuming China supports Pakistan all because India supported Dalai Lama in the first place.

What has happenning between China and India can be described like this.

1> India harboured a group of Tibetan separatists because of its ambition over Tibet.
2> China retaliated by supporting India's enemy Pakistan
3> China questioned India: Hey, why are you still supporting Tibetan secessionists?
4> India replyed: Hey, I was about to give up on them, but you are supporting my enemy, so I decided not discontinue. If you want me to stop supporting Dalai Lama, you should stop supporting Pakistan first. You really made a mistake by supporting Pakistan after I supported Dalai Lama. You shouldn't have retaliated me by supporting Pakistan after I supported Dalai Lama, you should wait for the day I give up on Tibet. In one word, I am the one who started the game, and you should be the one who ends the game. Period.

Well, I am speechless now.

Motives by themselves mean nothing.

Assuming, India is hell bent on getting control of Tibet, how do we achieve our motives?

How you achieve your motives is up to you. We only care about motives.
Forget about Nehru and what he did? You guys are not even ready to forget about 1962, whenever there is something about China on rediff.com, I can see people commenting on the news by shouting out "Let's tell China, this is not 1962".

There was just once an article that came on rediff.com and ever since then many of your Chinese members have published that time and again in several threads here. That topic has been done with, I am not going there again!

But ofcourse, its fact that its not 1962 now :) and the good thing is that even Nehru is not around, so our confidence in dealing with you is not that low you see. Dont take this attitude as war mongering or anything like that, just that the next time, our response will be nowhere as it was in 1962.

My bringing Nehru into this discussion is to tell you that India has a long history of being obsessed with Chinese territory Tibet. By mentioning other Indian members' claim over Tibet, I am telling you India is still obsessed with Tibet. And your government is still helping Tibetan secessionists by accomodating on your soil. Combining all of these, people with the least sense can reach the conclusion, India harbours ambition over Tibet.

Its you who is again and again going into the past, if you want to move forward together then just bury the past and think about the future, in the same way as we have forgotten abt 1962 and want to have peace with you.

Of course, it matters the most. What is Chinese government is teaching all Chinese people that India belongs to China? Will you just sit back as long as Chinese government still officially recognize the sovereignty of India?

:lol: Do you think Indian govt is feeding fake info to Indian public in a secret room where no outsiders is allowed ?

Indian system is in front of you. If there is any fake info being promoted that you can find, you are welcome to post it there and enlighten us all!

Indian government has been constantly spreading misinformation about Tibet such as Tibet doesn't belong to China or Tibet belongs to India under the cover of that official stance (what is happenning here is proof), it shows clear India will invade Tibet if it is possible.

As I said, this is an anonymous forum and views of any of the members means nothing and certainly in no way do they represent the reality on the ground.

Again, you are free to post any official info that says that India does not want to see Tibet as part of China.

I am talking about motive, with motive you will always find a way or another.

Easier said than done ! :lol:

My specualtion is only about why there are Indian people claiming tibet here, with regard to India's ambition over Tibet, it is a plain fact.

I have provided enough evidence in this regard, including evidence of the past and evidence of the present. I am listing the evidence here:
1> Nehru planned to send troops to Tibet to control that area.
2> India government has been hosting a Tibetan government on your soil for over 50 years, and is still doing that.
3> Indian people believe Tibet belongs to India after being taught by your government.

Let me do an analogy here, so that people can see how flawed your logic has been. Before doing that, let us simplify the situation by assuming China supports Pakistan all because India supported Dalai Lama in the first place.

Let us not waste more time in who supported who first.

India supports Dalai Lama and you support our number one enemy, Pakistan.

Ok, now lets move forward.

What has happenning between China and India can be described like this.

1> India harboured a group of Tibetan separatists because of its ambition over Tibet.
2> China retaliated by supporting India's enemy Pakistan
3> China questioned India: Hey, why are you still supporting Tibetan secessionists?
4> India replyed: Hey, I was about to give up on them, but you are supporting my enemy, so I decided not discontinue. If you want me to stop supporting Dalai Lama, you should stop supporting Pakistan first. You really made a mistake by supporting Pakistan after I supported Dalai Lama. You shouldn't have retaliated me by supporting Pakistan after I supported Dalai Lama, you should wait for the day I give up on Tibet. In one word, I am the one who started the game, and you should be the one who ends the game. Period.

Well, I am speechless now.

Nice melodrama. I am speechless too! :lol:

How you achieve your motives is up to you. We only care about motives.

So you are convinced that Indian motive is to get Tibet?

Let me tell you this --> Kashmir means much more to India than Tibet and if we ever have to take extreme steps, its gonna be for Kashmir. Period.
I didn't get the intention of Nehru in 62 ,if he wanted to help Tibitians he should have whole heatedly supported by preparing the army and weapons required to fight instead of sending our army to stare at Chinese army without enough em-munition to fight them else he should have known his limitation and should have remind silent and i blame him and Krishna menon and some top military officer whom got into top post by favoritism .
having said this i don't endorse his(Forward policy) nor 1962 defeat(i didn't wanted my army to be defeated by anyone,but our leader and some top level general let us down). i didn't wanted war to happen only.

and many Chinese say this we are hosting their separatist leader in our country,i would really laugh at them because we have Kashmir separatist leaders roaming all around my country and some people even question India's sovereignty and govt doesn't do anything to them also. we are free country and all people can fight for there right whom ever he may be.

having said this we use tibitian as a card against u for negotiation for our Kashmir (one china policy for one india policy:cheers: )because u r deeply involved with Pakistan and apart from that don't expect any support to tibitians by indian govt against u,
i am really sure that my govt wouldn't support any kind of separatist act against u r country.

and about his article i don't see any problem because they r preparing for worst case scenario just like us where we preparing for two front war.it doesn't me we start war right.

they have far larger threat to them by USA than for us by them.
i really don't have any problem china challenging japan or USA but i don't want my country to be challenged if we are not doing any wrong against u.
i don't want china to arm Pakistan against us,if that is the case then it is same that US is doing against u,how do u feel about it when they arm Taiwan or Vietnam against u.same kind of feeling we get when u arm china against us.

and our policy should be leave and let leave and sarwe janhasukino bavanthu always ,but if some one challenge us we shouldn't keep quiet,we should do tit for tat.;)

Can we ask Indian member to leave us the hell alone on the China defence subforum?

You people post nothing but shite
China is a businessman don't spread American propaganda


China is ready to depend itself and its friends and that is what China does ....

China is fully capable to taking out any enemy if they dare attack China:smokin:
Neither was the Third Reich when they started out.

Anywho, PRC lays claims to territories well under the sovereignty of other nations, like the paracel islands, spartley islands, almost all of south china sea and Yellow sea as its EEZ, Aksai Chin, Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, etc. Tibet was once an independent nation (Middle kingdom BS notwithstanding) and invaded and annexed by PRC by 1959! Yes, thats NOT imperialism!!

You missed East Turkistan that was taken over by China in 1955.
You missed East Turkistan that was taken over by China in 1955.

Some members claim Tibet and Xinjiang based on the fact that they were part of the Qing dynasty and modern Govts are successors of it.

Bad idea to do so,since they"ll end up having disputes with many nations.

Some members claim Tibet and Xinjiang based on the fact that they were part of the Qing dynasty and modern Govts are successors of it.

Bad idea to do so,since they"ll end up having disputes with many nations.


Territory of a country usually come from two, one is history, one is international reality, and the Qing dynasty - the ROC - Republic of China, this is a historical inheritance. But all really need to have international realities territory, taking into account the international reality, and we give up some territory, according to the territorial agreement. This is a common practice in general. What surprise?

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