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Lets talk about India's caste system

Sharma Ji

Apr 15, 2020
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First off, it is not exclusive to India.. Quarashis (butcher caste) and Chowdharys (landlord caste?) just as 2 examples are common across at least India and Pak within the Muslim lot.

In India, if one were to believe in this hocus-pocus, that is... the Tamil Bhahmans (tam-brams) probably rule the roost and occupy top spot.. the Iyers/Aiyers, along with the Iyengaars are the top level folk.. Dharmi Bongs (Bengalis) come in a close second with how hardcore they can be about it (Ganguly etc) with the Dholakias etc (Gujaratis) occupying the top 3 spots.

I know some of all of these people.. found the Gujjus to generally be the most conservative (sallafi level in many cases, spl when it comes to their women folk)

I have more to say but why don't all of you lot chime in and we can have a hopefully cordial group discussion.. its far from a black and white issue afaic see/know.. and is rampant across both countries.

personally, apart from solemn occasions such as funerals, I've never been made aware of my "caste" .. I could not care less.
First off, it is not exclusive to India.. Quarashis (butcher caste) and Chowdharys (landlord caste?) just as 2 examples are common across at least India and Pak within the Muslim lot.

In India, if one were to believe in this hocus-pocus, that is... the Tamil Bhahmans (tam-brams) probably rule the roost and occupy top spot.. the Iyers/Aiyers, along with the Iyengaars are the top level folk.. Dharmi Bongs (Bengalis) come in a close second with how hardcore they can be about it (Ganguly etc) with the Dholakias etc (Gujaratis) occupying the top 3 spots.

I know some of all of these people.. found the Gujjus to generally be the most conservative (sallafi level in many cases, spl when it comes to their women folk)

I have more to say but why don't all of you lot chime in and we can have a hopefully cordial group discussion.. its far from a black and white issue afaic see/know.. and is rampant across both countries.

personally, apart from solemn occasions such as funerals, I've never been made aware of my "caste" .. I could not care less.
it could have been a good thread had you not fucked it up right at the outset by declaring chowdary and quraishi as castes
- NO one follows caste system exactly like in Hinduism- no separate mosques, mazaars, madrasas for different castes, no such things for Cristian's either afaik (different churches for different castes), Sikhs went the wrong way but deep down they are also reform movement inspired by Abrahamic Sufi traditions but within the realms of dharmic traditions
Bengali Muslims and Indian Muslims have more socio-economic issues than birthright "caste issues" as they do not carry their names and for the most part, are not conscious of it
don't carry surname move to a different city- I won't know who you are
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it could have been a good thread had you not fucked it up right at the outset by declaring chowdary and quraishi as castes
Chowdharys = landlords

Quarashis = butchers

from what I understand, btw, I frequent a Quarashi tandoor place a lot.. among best rumali rolls in town, love it ! <3
chowdary was the title of a village boss/chief in agricultural areas. now every jat, gujjar, bhains and others are chowdary.

quraish was a meccan tribe who first persecuted Muhammad sahib then became his followers toward the end of his life. for some weird reason every tom dick harry and shudra/mirasi/mussali has become syed and/or qurashi esp. the so-called muhajireen who came from india during and after partition
Chowdharys = landlords

Quarashis = butchers

from what I understand, btw, I frequent a Quarashi tandoor place a lot.. among best rumali rolls in town, love it ! <3
caste system divides people into four main categories - Brahmins (syed and mian in Pakistan), Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and the Shudras (mussali/mirasi in Pakistan). and the outcastes who also are either mussali/mirasi or Christians in Pakistan

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Chowdharys = landlords
title given by the government
Quarashis = butchers

from what I understand, btw, I frequent a Quarashi tandoor place a lot.. among best rumali rolls in town, love it ! <3
Not a caste, although I don't know if they are butchers or not, you don't see a lot of them up north, Urdu speakers can talk more about em
chowdary was the title of a village boss/chief in agricultural areas. now every jat, gujjar, bhains and others are chowdary.

quraish was a meccan tribe who first persecuted Muhammad sahib then became his followers toward the end of his life. for some weird reason every tom dick harry and shudra/mirasi/mussali has become syed and/or qurashi esp. the so-called muhajireen who came from india during and after partition

caste system divides people into four main categories - Brahmins (syed and mian in Pakistan), Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and the Shudras (mussali/mirasi in Pakistan). and the outcastes who also are either mussali/mirasi or Christians in Pakistan

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This BS worked back a 100 or so years ago, not relevant now, at all..

there are "shudra"business people, "kshatriya" religious folk and "Dalit" heads of state and in the forces.. incl. our current President now. Mr Kovind

where this "caste/varna" systems rears its head is mostly marriage, plus, they sprinkle it with Vedic astrology and all sorts too.

title given by the government

Not a caste, although I don't know if they are butchers or not, you don't see a lot of them up north, Urdu speakers can talk more about em
Same in India wrt Chowdharys.. in rural village India, they rule.. there's even a saying/angry retort "chowdhary ban raha hai ?" :lol:

I might be wrong, but from what I've heard the "Quarashis" are a traditional butcher clan.. meat traders, which kind of explains all the 1000s of quarashi resturants everywhere.. they can be a bit hit or miss though lol, you have to find the best ones.

don't see a lot of them up north
may I ask what part of Pak you might originally be from ? ... not a Punjabi/Sindhi ?

of course, I also believe one needn't conform to stereotypes.
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First off, it is not exclusive to India.. Quarashis (butcher caste) and Chowdharys (landlord caste?) just as 2 examples are common across at least India and Pak within the Muslim lot.

In India, if one were to believe in this hocus-pocus, that is... the Tamil Bhahmans (tam-brams) probably rule the roost and occupy top spot.. the Iyers/Aiyers, along with the Iyengaars are the top level folk.. Dharmi Bongs (Bengalis) come in a close second with how hardcore they can be about it (Ganguly etc) with the Dholakias etc (Gujaratis) occupying the top 3 spots.

I know some of all of these people.. found the Gujjus to generally be the most conservative (sallafi level in many cases, spl when it comes to their women folk)

I have more to say but why don't all of you lot chime in and we can have a hopefully cordial group discussion.. its far from a black and white issue afaic see/know.. and is rampant across both countries.

personally, apart from solemn occasions such as funerals, I've never been made aware of my "caste" .. I could not care less.

While there still may be remanants of the Hindu caste system in uneducated and poor muslim areas. Islam on itself is probably the most anti-castesystem faith in the world. There lies the
main difference.
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Caste System is a cancer which needs to be eradicated.
Pakistanis need to get rid of this Indian trash System, but thankfully it is not that prevalent here.
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Caste System is a cancer which needs to be eradicated.
if it ever is eradicated, the world would be in trouble. had there been no caste discrimination in bharat, they'd be on par with or better and richer than China (since they had a head-start but due to discrimination/ persecution they are far behind).

today amreeka will be coaxing BD, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldeep to provide cannon-fodder to contain india.

like it tries with india to contain china (and fails repeatedly). or like it did to Pakistan to contain the Soviets (it succeeded) and Ukrainians to contain the Russians (it is somewhat succeeding).
wonder why this here bong gives my posts a laugh smiley each time he/she comes across one? :undecided:
While there still may be remanants of the Hindu caste system in uneducated and poor muslim areas. But Islam on itself is probably the most anti-caste system faith in the world. There lies the
main difference.
Man, there is no "hindu caste system"

communists here like to cherry pick some 1000+ year old bs from something called a "manusmriti" which nobody even knows about and score points..

it does exist but it is fading away, quite slowly but.. shaadion (and we still mostly call it shaadi, not vivah) etc ma ditkhta hai most often, people go to astrologers and pull out charts :lol: and whatnot.. but that generation is mostly on its way out. Young people these days don't care much and will do as they please with whomever they choose to if from a certain socio-economic situation..

among the poor, they are of course a bit more hardcore and conservative in their worldviews

and most intriguingly, it also happens to be a matter of utmost concern among the filthy rich.. grandiose weddings and "bade gahraney" me beti chalai jai, bas.. life complete bkl ki..

Indian middle class nikal gai patla gali se... but many also conform to established norms in many ways... that much is true.. and its a cross cultural/mazhabi thing.. yahan ke elite musalman kam nahi hai isme.. I know a bunch of them stinky rich bastards.. you have no idea :sarcastic:
if it ever is eradicated, the world would be in trouble. had there been no caste discrimination in bharat, they'd be on par with or better and richer than China (since they had a head-start but due to discrimination/ persecution they are far behind).

today amreeka will be coaxing BD, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldeep to provide cannon-fodder to contain india.

like it tries with india to contain china (and fails repeatedly). or like it did to Pakistan to contain the Soviets (it succeeded) and Ukrainians to contain the Russians (it is somewhat succeeding).
India without caste is an interesting alternate history to explore. But I think you are too generous to comment that India would have been 'richer than China' if not for such a system. Various other factors like climate, fertility of land and lack of easy accessibility to metal ores could have contributed to the unsustainable rise in population, inevitable poverty, stifled innovation and subsequent colonization of the subcontinent. While the practice of restricting education exclusively to the higher castes over hundreds of years is certainly detrimental, it has to be acknowledged that similar social pyramids were present in western civilizations as well.
The caste system in India is perhaps the most successful experiment in eugenics. I wonder if Hitler had put his cronies to study this for his European dream. :pop:

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