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Rembering Battle of Tololing : Kargil War

Clinton just didn't know English and mistook. Sharief was there waiting for hours to meet Clinton to give him a chocolate after Musharf won Kargil.

The meeting, convened at Islamabad's request, is being seen as a sign of the Pakistani government's growing desperation about its conflict with India. Pakistan renewed its calls for dialogue with India at the weekend amid unconvincing claims that it has won the backing of the world community. Pakistan has in fact become increasingly isolated, with Western nations firmly blaming it for the crisis in Kashmir. Last week, Mr Sharif cut short a visit to China, a traditional ally, having failed to secure the support he was hoping for.

you indians... pathetic as ever just like in your F-16 lame story

the fact Pakistani soldiers are way better and it was based on actual combat record in Kargil... you indians can spin which ever way you like..

but the truth is

now run along and find some poor muslim to beat up in india as you have some beef with them... dont bother against Pakistani soldiers.. the chinese exposed your real class

suck in battle
surrender on mass
love chinese soup kitchens

you indians... pathetic as ever just like in your F-16 lame story

the fact Pakistani soldiers are way better and it was based on actual combat record in Kargil... you indians can spin which ever way you like..

but the truth is

now run along and find some poor muslim to beat up in india as you have some beef with them... dont bother against Pakistani soldiers.. the chinese exposed your real class

suck in battle
surrender on mass
love chinese soup kitchens

just another false story from india..

the worse was funeral scam where Indian "muslim" soldiers were conducting "funeral prayers"... i saw this my self on Indian media where indians soldiers are postrating infront of supposed Pakistan dead soldiers. In islam there is no postrating in funeral prayers... "idiots" is what taught when i saw this.. good thing PTV exposed this nonsense.

So indian stories mean squat and reproduced in NYT means nothing as they are qouting in indian sources. I can go on about india's false claims such as decapitation of soldiers or use of chemical weapons.. such non sense was 247 from india. I saw it back then in 1999 and i saw i again in 2019..

think of just one second.. if you really were good at mountain warefare you really thing chinese army would done even a fraction of the damage they did to you in 2020?

like i said man for man Pakistan soldiers not just better but way better.. none of the accounts by veterans thought much of indian soldiers.. heck they use to bet among each other how many indians they were going wack each day. The Chinese have a similar disrespect of indian soldiers.
if you really were good at mountain warefare you really thing chinese army would done even a fraction of the damage they did to you in 2020?
The Chinese have a similar disrespect of indian soldiers.

wow .. you really have IQ issues..lol

ok now tell us

tell who wrote this article?..

and who is this chinese expert?.

in the mean time.. read some real articles..

Project Force: Is India a military superpower or a Paper Tiger?​

https://www.aljazeera.com › features › india-military-su...

11 Feb 2021 — The army is the senior service in India's military and has, traditionally, been armour-heavy with over 3,500 main battle tanks in its arsenal.
Project Force: Is India a military superpower or a Paper Tiger?
https://www.aljazeera.com › features › india-military-su...

11 Feb 2021 — The army is the senior service in India's military and has, traditionally, been armour-heavy with over 3,500 main battle tanks in its arsenal.

@PradoTLC https://www.outlookindia.com/nation...-in-first-half-of-2022-report-news-212992/amp

Super Soldiers of PDF have won the war for Pakistan.

The real soldiers of Pakistan have their own story to tell.

@Huffal @PradoTLC :woot::cheesy:
Huang Guozhi, for Modern Weaponry magazine.

you know what is funny....

all the articles that allege this guy said what you claim are indian..i could not find independent non indian source

but think about it for one sec... if you really were good

then what happened here?


Pakistani vets explain how they wacked the indians in kargil

you know what is funny....

all the articles that allege this guy said what you claim are indian..i could not find independent non indian source

but think about it for one sec... if you really were good

then what happened here?

View attachment 867150

American intelligence believes 35 Chinese troops died, including one senior officer, a source familiar with that assessment tells U.S. News

Analysts say it's clear the incident did not pan out as China intended, not in the least because its state media outlets have all but erased the incident from their pages in the week since it took place. The U.S. believes Zhao, the Chinese general who commanded the forces involved, held a memorial service for the PLA soldiers who died in the incident – an occasion that would normally attract some form of state-sponsored publicity. Instead, Chinese censors have since cracked down on social media posts about the incident, including ones that mention "defeat" and "humiliation" when describing the dead or injured Chinese troops.
Zhao, who fought with the PLA during its brief but devastating war with Vietnam in 1979, believes Chinese generals mismanaged that conflict, according to the U.S. assessment. He was also involved in the Doklam standoff in 2017 along a different part of the China-India border, which ended when Indian troops forcibly pushed back Chinese forces before both countries agreed to a mutual withdrawal
save it..

no body in this planet thinks Indian military is good.. especially after 2019 and 2020
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