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A Hindu temple that could fit 200 Taj Mahals in it

There were much bigger Sanatana monuments in northern part of India before Mugal invaded this part of the civilization. That's why you only find these monuments in southren part of the country which was untouchable by Mughal zombiea.
It was said the Sun temple in Multan was the grandest temple in all of Indian sub-continent when it was demolished and converted into an Ismaili mosque by rulers of Fatimid caliphate in 10th century.
Alas, so much precious history and monuments lost and destoyed BY mughals and afghans and fatimids etc. the lot of them. If only hindus weren't such cucks to get shafted for 1 thousand years, we'd still be able to see these majestic monuments today.
Well the Hindu ancestors of Pakistanis fought off and fought well for three long centuries till they lost to Ghaznavis and then Rajput fought till the end of 12th centuary when Ghori won Delhi. Yes, they couldn't save those majnificent Hindu temples, still their bravery have contributed in keeping today's India Hindu majority.

I'm frm south East India, most of our Hindu temples are intact becasue we fought off the Muslim invaders successfully except the Mughals and lost out freemdom to them for 200yrs.
Alas, so much precious history and monuments lost and destoyed BY mughals and afghans and fatimids etc. the lot of them. If only hindus weren't such cucks to get shafted for 1 thousand years, we'd still be able to see these majestic monuments today.

Muslims conquered. Ruled and moved on leaving pajeets to whine daily
The temple is indeed an architectural marvel and I'd love to visit it one day.

But the lady in the video is dumb as f*ck. She is telling the left to right is the natural order which is completely false. She says the planets move from left to right, but in the southern hemisphere the planets move from right to left.

Regarding earthquakes, that is mostly exaggerated.
Alas, so much precious history and monuments lost and destoyed BY mughals and afghans and fatimids etc. the lot of them. If only hindus weren't such cucks to get shafted for 1 thousand years, we'd still be able to see these majestic monuments today.

It's funny when Hindus list their so called martial races,all of them were asleep or having a holiday when Muslim armies rolled through destroying these pagan temples
Muslims conquered. Ruled and moved on leaving pajeets to whine daily
Those are foreign ruling dynasties and they have disappeared without sign.
They were vile towards every Hindustani including native converts.

Those native converts celebrating them outwardly today due to complexes, they too deep inside know the truth and in few decades after Hindu India achieves greatness once in next few decades, they would cease prasing those barbaric invaders.
It is not Brihadeeshwara it is peruvudaiyar temple
பெருவுடையார் கோயில் (Big temple)
It's funny when Hindus list their so called martial races,all of them were asleep or having a holiday when Muslim armies rolled through destroying these pagan temples
Such was the nature of conquest when uncivilised but glorified psychopaths decided to make theft, rape and plunder a career choice.

Statistically, you and your ancestors are more likely products of such “adventures” than not.

If you believe you are somehow also responsible for those conquests — and not merely another victim, then you should also be able to accept that your tragic position in life as a country and people today is merely a consequence.

I don’t believe that ofcourse. But hypothetically, if it were, you should just sit back and stop complaining so much about “Indian hate”.
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Such was the nature of conquest when uncivilised but glorified psychopaths decided to make theft, rape and plunder a career choice. Statistically, you and your ancestors are likely products of such “adventures”

If you believe you are somehow also responsible for those conquests — and not merely another victim, then you should also be able to accept that your tragic position in life as a country and people today is merely a consequence.

I don’t believe that ofcourse. But hypothetically, if it were, you should just sit back and stop complaining so much about “Indian hate”.

Why they hell would we complain about Indian hate considering how much we hate Hindus?

History is history,, we look at history no different to Europeans view Romans or Vikings who were just as brutal

It's the nature of imperial conquest

The difference is just as Jinnah warned the Hindus have a historical chip on their shoulder from 1000 years of humiliation that has led to them becoming mentally burdened to the point where a single diverse state because IMPOSSIBLE

It's why division and partition was the only way

Indian Muslims now need that partition to defend 240 million of them from a enemy that has a thousand years of humiliation and defeat to get over and they will flourish in persecution of Indian Muslims using that thousand years of Hindu defeat as a excuse
It's funny when Hindus list their so called martial races,all of them were asleep or having a holiday when Muslim armies rolled through destroying these pagan temples
They are still uncivilized even in 21st century destroying ancient structures and monuments. Recall how they destroyed Bamyan Buddha statue in Afghanistan.
It's funny when Hindus list their so called martial races,all of them were asleep or having a holiday when Muslim armies rolled through destroying these pagan temples
They confronted, but were defeated mostly.
Would you say the samethig about when pagan Mongol invader Halaku khan utterly destroyed Baghdad and annihilated the population? Isalmic civilisation in Arabia could never recover from it again.

Histroy is replete with many such examples of advance civilisations getting destroyed by maruading barbarians.

Hindu native rulers fought off foreign Muslim invaders for 500yrs for them to capture Delhi.
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11-century structure and she compares it with the pyramids 🤣 how Hindu can u get besides Hindus are so lost within themselves that when talking about the Indian subcontinent only Mughals rattle their brain whilst there were countless Islamic Sultanates before Mughals in the Subcontinent all indigenous.

So when Indians talk of outsiders it's all concocted to make them somehow justify the greatness of Lindus and make the Muslims sound like some evil horse riders who will Love Zihad ur wife but in reality, all the Islamic Sultanates in the Subcontinent had introduced major development phases which are present till date.

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