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British chancellor Rishi Sunak on his last legs?

He is richer than Croesus. He is smarter than the whole bunch of Conservative MP's who ARE ALL his intellectual inferiors. The most educated. What is left. Lead a country ? Hubris ? Show how intelligent he is to the heathens when they spurned him for Truss ?
leadership is not about intellect. There are a whole bunch of communist leaders who were engineers and who were brutal and inept
Penny will likely come to Bali for G20 summit in November representing Britain.

Penny supporter + Liz Trus supporter + Boris Jhonson supporter vs Rissi Sunak

Simple Math
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She will defiantly LOSE. So far she has support of 24 MP's and Sunak has 154. Tomorrow Sunak will have over 200.
As the rule says the MP's vote is INDICATIVE for party members if there is a run-off.
First Penny has to get 100 MP's to support her by 2PM tomorrow. That is just never never going to happen.
Only fools would back an airhead like Penny after Thrasher Truss.

As I said many many days ago this is a poisoned chalice. Truss has made absolutely sure that UK will remain mired in debt and the only way out is to make cuts for many many years to come.

No one should in their right mind volunteer to become the PM of UK, at least not for another decade. That is how long its going to take to right what Truss has done.
It's unfair to blame Truss for everything. UK's economy is looking at a cliff right now. Bank of England already signaled they intend to raise interest rates. This means the PM will start tightening fiscal policy as well. Whoever becomes the next PM is going to be deeply unpopular with the public.
If Rishi Sunak does become the PM, then @waz can be called a person with magical foresight for creating this aptly titled thread long back.

“British chancellor Rishi Sunak on his last legs?”​

Sunak indeed was on his last leg as chancellor since he had to become the PM. 😀

People calling him back stabbing snake?
When were politicians anything other than this?

Second issue is survivabilty after (and if) he becomes PM. Politics has strange ways and politicians strange means to have nine lives like a cat. Not saying that he will have, but he might end up being at the helm for longer than the forecast life of ‘just a matter of time’.

His Indian link is another issue that cheers some and saddens others. Suella Braverman is a good example to bring out that ethnic connections have very little value in international games of diplomacy. So, I am not cheering at Sunak becoming the PM.
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It's unfair to blame Truss for everything. UK's economy is looking at a cliff right now. Bank of England already signaled they intend to raise interest rates. This means the PM will start tightening fiscal policy as well. Whoever becomes the next PM is going to be deeply unpopular with the public.

Too many politicians, journalist and intellectuals believe in popular policy should boost politicians political popularity.

They just think on people protesting on the street, while forgetting the silent majority.

Dont underestimate general public comprehension on economic policy, majority of them does understand the need to stay prudent in economy and the necessity to do some unpopular policy in order to save the economy and has lasting economic growth in long run.

Take example of what happening in Indonesia. Jokowi approval rating before the hike of fuel price around 30 % is around 68 percent. He raised fuel price around 30 % ( despite Indonesia state budget is basically still able to withstand higher subsidy ) in September 1, and then his approval rating going down into just 60 %, but just less than a month, still in September, regardless of labor and student protest his approval rating go up again at 68 %

In May 2022 his approval rating is just 58 % despite his assurance that fuel subsidy (and other subsidy like electricity, etc) remain intact


About a week after raising 30 % fuel price, his approval rating is down to 60 %


After about 3 weeks, his approval rating increase again into 68 %

If Rishi Sunak does become the PM, then @waz can be called a person with magical foresight for creating this aptly titled thread long back.

“British chancellor Rishi Sunak on his last legs?”​

Sunak indeed was on his last leg as chancellor since he had to become the PM. 😀

People calling him back stabbing snake?
When were politicians anything other than this?

Second issue is survivabilty after (and if) he becomes PM. Politics has strange ways and politicians strange means to have nine lives like a cat. Not saying that he will have, but he might end up being at the helm for longer than the forecast life of ‘just a matter of time’.

His Indian link is another issue that cheers some and saddens others. Suella Braverman is a good example to bring out that ethnic connections have very little value in international games of diplomacy. So, I am not cheering at Sunak becoming the PM.

Suella Braverman is not PM. I believe that policy is under Liz Truss domain since Liz Truss is former foreign minister she does understand the matter and wants to win election in 2024. We are talking about FTA with India right ? That is huge matter and will be under PM decision domain.

This is also why Suella Braverman is the one that is so quick to step down and pressuring Liz Truss to step down as well.
Dont forget on how Indian media and public support Sunak and ridicule Lizz Truss, it can be seen easily on the net. So Liz Truzz is likely having some resentment on India (while immigration issue is also important to support her to win 2024 election). Brexit is basically showing even higher economic growth is Britain second priority after immigration issue, despite the number is little majority.

She then put Indian ethnic into that ministry position and become her mouthpiece to talk about immigration issue that is tied on FTA with India. This is also her attempt to show that Indian British citizen must put Britain interest higher than their origin country interest
Dont forget on how Indian media
I don’t follow Indian media. Most of them are clowns. The news programs on TV are mostly comedy shows bereft of any meaningful content. Bashing or praisning anything to it’s death is their favourite domain.
Right now they are making noise as if Sunak will make UK an Indian colony if he becomes the PM. Just wait and see, when/if he kicks some Indian but#, the same media will make him a villain.

Britain needs access to big markets across the world. Sunak or no Sunak the FTA is going to happen.
Suella Beverman was quoted in the context of people celebrating an Indian origin person holding a high office in any country. We all know what she said about immigration issue. A person holding high office in a country, mostly does so by his/her qualifications and loyalty to that country and not skin colour. She proved that and became a villain in the eyes of Indian Media. That might happen with Sunak too.

It is amusing though that our Pakistani friends are peeved to their bones at the prospect of Sunak rising to the top.
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A Prime Minister is whichever Member of Parliament commands the confidence of a majority of members of Parliament. This is how it is in Parliamentary system. I don't understand how they ever allowed party members to vote for PM.

Yes but he doesn't, and not even in his own party. He is at 170 or so MP's. This now looks like musical chairs with one person being replaced by the other.
It is unfortunate that money does not grow on trees and you have to pay for what you buy or legislate. Even Pakistanis endlessly dreaming of money spurting out of the ground or water turning into petrol should have some basic comprehension.
Truss Trashed the economy in a few days she was PM by borrowing to give tax cuts to the rich. The markets she borrowed from saw clearly she had'nt the faintest idea of how this money would be paid back.
Who is going to pay for this ?????????

What are you ranting on about? What have Pakistanis got to do with this you ignorant fellow? Just because your saviour is hated throughout the UK you decided to focus on our ethnicity, as a reason to why we are having a go at him.

When will you get it through your thick skull that is unelectable bankers' shill, who hates the working class and middle class for that matter is not liked purely because he is a horrid little man?

Are these Pakistanis as well?

This is from right-wingers the leftists hate him even more, a mere glance at The Guardian comments can show you this.

Truss's plan although ambitious had the right elements, she didn't however the right stepping stones and went too fast spooking the markets. Tax cuts for the rich? She cut taxes for all including at the basic rate.

As for the UK's credit rating yes it has been put to negative but again such things are fluid. The UK maintains its rating of Aa3, the fourth-highest level on the Moody scale.
While S&P maintained the UK's rating of AA - its third highest rating level.....
If Rishi Sunak does become the PM, then @waz can be called a person with magical foresight for creating this aptly titled thread long back.

“British chancellor Rishi Sunak on his last legs?”​

Sunak indeed was on his last leg as chancellor since he had to become the PM. 😀

People calling him back stabbing snake?
When were politicians anything other than this?

Second issue is survivabilty after (and if) he becomes PM. Politics has strange ways and politicians strange means to have nine lives like a cat. Not saying that he will have, but he might end up being at the helm for longer than the forecast life of ‘just a matter of time’.

His Indian link is another issue that cheers some and saddens others. Suella Braverman is a good example to bring out that ethnic connections have very little value in international games of diplomacy. So, I am not cheering at Sunak becoming the PM.

Dear VK he will be PM for just a 'while', probably a short one and that with 175 people, fancy that becoming leader at such a small number that a large wedding would have more people...

This 'magical' foresight will now be used when I bring this thread back and slap you with it. Your beloved Sunak, who you cringingly support due to his ethnicity now faces massive calls for a snap election. The man is hated by the majority of his party and certainly by the my fellow Brits.

Snap election time, maybe you can campaign for him seeing as though you seem so confident in him? :woot:

Some key extracts from the article;

Professor Robert Hazell, of University College London's Constitution Unit, told Sky News: "I would be very surprised if the next prime minister, whoever that is, wanted to seek an early election, given where the Tories are currently in the polls, trailing miles behind Labour."

The Tories are "facing electoral wipeout at the next election", he said - whenever it is held.

If faith in the government dwindles and members of its own party start to vote against government motions, the ability of the prime minister to command the confidence of the Commons is drawn into question.

In those circumstances, the opposition party can table a "vote of no confidence" in the government.

Labour could do this if there are enough Tory MPs unsatisfied with their new leader - or enough of them believe they should seek a new mandate from the people.

He must be the first so called prime minister wetting himself twice at the same time. First at excitement becoming PM, and next on giving an actual vote to the public which he will lose horribly hahahahaha.
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I bring this thread back and slap you with it. Your beloved Sunak,
beloved? Really? Which part of my comment made you believe that? Go ahead and remove him today. I couldn’t care less.

At most, I am amused at discomfort of quite a few people on Sunak getting into 10 Downing Street.

You wrote him off as the Chancellor and here he is knocking at the doors of the top office. Many an experts have failed to read the politics. So you aren’t the first one or the last one.

I am no UK expert. But having seen politics, one thing is sure - Don’t write off a politician if you don’t like him and vice versa.

Let’s see what thread you create on him. One with ‘glee‘ or ‘scorn‘ or ‘disappointment‘ or ‘See I said so‘ or ……….
This is a strange thread.
How is Sunak Indian? His grandfather migrated out of India. So if you'd still call him of Indian origin, all of Pakistani population is of Indian origin.

So next, his wife is from a prominent Indian family. If that makes him any Indian, by that reasoning Imran Khan would have been British.

Britain is a nation built upon stolen wealth and massacre of people. The current generation of the non immigrants whites are in general still not adequately rid of their ancestral racist attitudes.

ONLY reason Sunak may become PM is because the white contenders have all tried and failed in that job. He is , from the non immigrant white people view, the bottom of the barrel. Nothing else left.

Don't know why he wants the job which clearly is beneath him.
beloved? Really? Which part of my comment made you believe that? Go ahead and remove him today. I couldn’t care less.

At most, I am amused at discomfort of quite a few people on Sunak getting into 10 Downing Street.

You wrote him off as the Chancellor and here he is knocking at the doors of the top office. Many an experts have failed to read the politics. So you aren’t the first one or the last one.

I am no UK expert. But having seen politics, one thing is sure - Don’t write off a politician if you don’t like him and vice versa.

Let’s see what thread you create on him. One with ‘glee‘ or ‘scorn‘ or ‘disappointment‘ or ‘See I said so‘ or ……….

Remove what, feel free to comment, you should know me well by now. I don't delete or ban people unless for extreme reasons.
The problem is you don't seem to realise the 'discomfort' is from the vast majority of the people including his own party. What exactly is the issue with this?
I didn't write him off as chancellor at all, in actual fact he did well for the most part, just fell a great deal at the end in his pursuit for power.
There are few honest politicians around, but he is a stand out in terms of his dishonesty. How can you expect us to get behind someone who openly stated that he is to take from the poor and give to the rich? Look at the way people are suffering, and yet he has said nothing about it.

As for what thread I create on him, do keep an eye out.

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