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Pakistan begins talks with US for more F-16 and may be one more Oliver Hazard Class Frigate.

او بھائی، چھوڑ دو یہ سرخوشی
اس کے بعد بھی یہ دم دبا کے بھاگیں گے۔
They did not add even 1 square inch to the country area, but gave away
148,460 square kilometres - East Pakistan FKA Bangladesh

98,340 square kilometres - IOK
2500 kilometres square - Siachin
14086 kilometres square - kargil
nothing to show just inward power projection.
I didn't know about the frigate but the f16 is old news.

Seems India also agrees to it. Privately as long as no new f16s or f16V kit is provided..

So this should pass smoothly.

Doesn't require Congress approval.

As previously we won't get harpoons for f16s or any Turkish standoff or American radiation weapons

Pakistan should not buy any unnecessary equipment for 5 years. Make do with what we have. Donate all that money for flood relief. 1/3rd population ke paas tota kharidne ke paise nahin hain aur ye chale hain F-16 kharidne.
We are doing this..we donate all money into abu Dhabi, london, Qatar and UAE properties
Seems the dumb brown sahabs in our military establishment cant come out of US slavery. They r basically extending our dependency on US and making it hard for future leaders to stray from the US. Loyal servants doing a great job for their masters.
The OHP is preferred in terms of operator friendliness and maintenance over the F-22P.

Jordanian aircraft do have service life in them and commonality to existing aircraft. Surplus USAF stock will take a bit of integrating versus them.

The biggest advantage the F-16 brings is what none of members seem to ever understand.

A F-16 bought today can land in Pakistan, be refuelled and refitted to perform a combat air patrol the same day. It is that well integrated into combat doctrine and ecosystem.

Unfortunately, Pakistanis are generally not smart enough and as @nahtanbob pointed out - they don’t even know who to fight and what for. Just want to hate and kill everyone and everything they see randomly out of mental breakdown frustration because they don’t know any better.

If it means the F-16 and anyone speaking in favor of why it still works - so be it.
I remember prior to 27/02/2k19 every one (including me) used to bash the PAF for keeping the mirages around.

but now we know why they are still flying. Airforce know what they are doing. that's enough.
Between nukes, functional fleet of F-16s and ballistic missiles Pakistani military is well positioned to defend against India

Pakistani military is well positioned to defend against India at the cost of local development of Pakistan. At the cost of doing against wishes of local people. At the cost of killing its own soldiers. At the cost of killing its own civilians. At the cost of crying of always lack of resources yet always being the biggest impediment to economic development.

The OHP is preferred in terms of operator friendliness and maintenance over the F-22P.

Jordanian aircraft do have service life in them and commonality to existing aircraft. Surplus USAF stock will take a bit of integrating versus them.

The biggest advantage the F-16 brings is what none of members seem to ever understand.

A F-16 bought today can land in Pakistan, be refuelled and refitted to perform a combat air patrol the same day. It is that well integrated into combat doctrine and ecosystem.

Unfortunately, Pakistanis are generally not smart enough and as @nahtanbob pointed out - they don’t even know who to fight and what for. Just want to hate and kill everyone and everything they see randomly out of mental breakdown frustration because they don’t know any better.

If it means the F-16 and anyone speaking in favor of why it still works - so be it.

Last time what i heard that stopped PAF from conquering India was the economic muscle. Not any jet.
The bastards in GHQ were even scared to mention that we used F16 to defend ourselves. They were bloating about JF17.
Considering 30% of Pakistan was underwater, maybe the frigate can travel upstream till Bahawalpur and show us what it can do.

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
Just because you don’t want to doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. Beggars cannot be choosers
I remember prior to 27/02/2k19 every one (including me) used to bash the PAF for keeping the mirages around.

but now we know why they are still flying. Airforce know what they are doing. that's enough.
Its a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t “ - most objection to the F-16 comes from people with zero knowledge of aircraft operations , zero concept of lifecycle costs, zero concept of PAF resources in training and all stems from the hatred of the US role alleged in removal of PTI.

And their only reply - the only one they can present like a broken tape record is to go off on rhetorical tirades with repeated words “Bajwa, GHQ, cowards” and accusations.
They would rather kill me and feel empowered “men” and happy than actually have the guts to do anything about changing the factors that lead to the political events and establishment malaise.

So, basically - I think its better to let the PAF do what it is doing and simply not bother.
Just because you don’t want to doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. Beggars cannot be choosers

Of course when you are trained to do begging. You will do it to your best abilities. Self respect and dignity is for a normal person not the pimps in uniform.
If this is the reward you received for overthrowing IK and wrecking Pakistan's economy, national fabric, and armed forces by fomenting enmities between your people and the military...
These talks will never come to a conclusion
Between nukes, functional fleet of F-16s and ballistic missiles Pakistani military is well positioned to defend against India
How will you feel if your garage only had an Oldsmobile and Pontiac? Won't feel a little shy going to the local golf club? Everybody needs new toys, periodically.
Man so all this regime change was to open these lines of old stuff's purchases from the USA!!
I am amazed people are really so excited to get old Jordanian F 16. Jordan itself a poor country is getting rid of their old stuff, and 6th largest and nuclear power in the world is over the moon for these crumbs.
Makes your head swings and your jaw drops to be honest .

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