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Rishi Sunak wants to make UK-India ties 'more two-way'

Bonskur, so if an American mistakes Indians for an Arabs, Mexicans, Taliban etc, its a sign of civilization triumphant pride for your kind
Never realized American mistakes meant so much for Euro-centric Bonskurs
Serbs have certainly done a number on self-worth of your kind.
another stronk pajeet on internet spewing nonsense.
Well no, many across social media and the comments in that video said the same, the heckling was horrendous. I watched it live and they turned down the sound microphones to drown out even louder noise.
They’re not heckling him due to him being Indian but the type of person he is, cold and heartless.
He’s in the position because of a default and elected by no one . I thought this was obvious by now, hence also why he was heckled.
He is not a good man he has no empathy for the working classes. People are really struggling out there it is even affecting the middle-income bracket. IAm happy because having a person of color as a tory candidate in the next election will finally see labour back in power
He is not a good man he has no empathy for the working classes. People are really struggling out there it is even affecting the middle-income bracket. IAm happy because having a person of color as a tory candidate in the next election will finally see labour back in power

I wish we had an empathetic brown dude who was loved by the population, it would have done wonders.
His chances are next to nil hence why his MP's rallied to avoid it going to the membership i.e. they couldn't stand him. Can you imagine being the leader of a party and afraid of the vote from its members....

As for him being heartless you should watch this, the footage was leaked and caused an uproar, read the comments as well.

Way to create a permanent lower class, slum population who exist to serve the wealthy.
India with a huge pool of surplus skilled manpower and emerging economy is an ideal ally for many nations across the world. Not having alliances/partnership with India can cost you very much. Rushi sunak is a wise guy unlike his predecessor. He will definitely strengthen UK-India partnership.
Let's hope he doesn't act more white than white like the other lady Suella Braverman about migrants and scuttle FTA with India.
he is a member of Tory party.
members are resentful about his ethnicity.

he is part of powerful rich elite and will do everything that serves him and his party of elites. if that includes more improved ties with India , Saudis , Turks etc then je will do it.
maybe his in Laws will help him to do favors for India but he will be under constant scrutiny of public, media and institutions.
I wish we had an empathetic brown dude who was loved by the population, it would have done wonders.
My thoughts exactly this guy is just a brown toff raised in public schools where bumming each other was common. What empathy does he have for the working classes what does he know about their lives bills council tax he know nothing of the daily struggle . In the states when i first went there in 89 i would brag about Liverpool but mostly the NHS loved it one of the greatest institutions these tories have ruined it
An FTA WILL be signed.

It is in the interests of both countries.

FTA's take a long time to negotiate, there is no escaping the detailed consensus and negotiating the finer points and that takes YEARS.
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