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At least 149 dead, dozens injured in Halloween stampede in Seoul, South Korea

At least 149 people were killed and between 65 to 150 more hurt in a stampede during Halloween festivities in the Itaewon district of Seoul, South Korea — the first outdoor, mask-free celebration of the holiday since the 2020 COVID pandemic, local media reported.

There were about 100,000 revelers out celebrating in the popular nightlife area, according to Yonhap News.

Officials warned the death toll could rise further, with 19 of the injured in serious condition.

Videos posted online showed people in fancy costumes being pushed through the narrow streets. Some appeared to climb walls on either side in an attempt to escape.

Source: https://nypost.com/2022/10/29/at-le...d-in-halloween-stampede-in-seoul-south-korea/
OMG, this is why I stick to small town and never follow the crowd, this is the worst kind of death!

RIP to all victims.
once covid restriction removed all hell broke loose...
19 foreigners dead confirmed:
As a result of a stampede in Seoul, 19 foreign citizens died, according to data from the rescue headquarters, writes RIA Novosti.

Among the victims are citizens of Uzbekistan, China, Norway, Iran, the experts named citizenship. They were mainly citizens of Southeast Asian countries, so they were initially indistinguishable from South Koreans, the source said. Identification was mainly based on passports, but this is not possible in all cases. City authorities said that in difficult cases they will conduct a DNA test to determine identity.

It also became known about a dead Russian woman, another is in the hospital.

Emergency services said the death toll had risen to 151, with a further 82 injured of varying severity. The victims were hospitalized in 36 different medical institutions. Among the dead were 97 women and 54 men.
Vast majority were women's death.

Still, I'm grateful that there is no Vietnamese casualties.
Stampede mass death usually occurs with developing countries with poor management control and lower educated population mindset.

I am surprised it happened to SK. South Korea still has long way to go to be a real developed country.

Rip to all victims.
The saddest part is they died celebrating a frivolous western tradition that has nothing to do with Korean culture.
I am also surprised how so many young Koreans are attracted to these childish pranks from a foreign country. I don't know why, of all people, South Koreans work so hard to ape western culture instead of appreciating their own ancient culture.
One third of South Koreans proclaim they are Christians, only 21% say they are Buddhists, they had lost their own culture for a long time.
Not to be critical of anyone's choice of religion, but I wonder if this is genuine faith or just to be fashionable with western people?
Not to be critical of anyone's choice of religion, but I wonder if this is genuine faith or just to be fashionable with western people?
Korean christianity is very weird and mostly consist of cults.
Some are CIA created like the Unification Church to fight communism.


Tokyo's Shibuya Ward boosts police patrols ahead of Halloween​

Local police and authorities are strengthening surveillance in Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward as revelers prepare to descend upon the bustling district for Halloween festivities.

Police are being extra vigilant this year after a man who wore a Joker costume attacked 17 people with a knife on a Tokyo train on Halloween last year. The man, who was arrested for attempted murder, told investigators that he initially planned to attack crowds of Halloween partygoers.

Aiming to prevent acts that would disturb public peace, the Shibuya Ward government decided to ban public drinking from night to early morning in areas near Shibuya Station. The ordinance is in effect through Tuesday and the ward also put up signs calling on visitors to abide by the rules. It plans to deploy some 100 security guards Saturday to ensure people’s safety.

The local government also decided to boost the number of staff members warning people against drinking or smoking on the street.

“Although we will not restrict visits (to Shibuya), we hope the visitors will observe the rules,” Shibuya Mayor Ken Hasebe said.

With COVID-19 rules eased, large Halloween crowds may return to Shibuya Ward, where costumed revelers typically gather around the district’s iconic scramble crossing.

After the Japanese government scrapped the daily cap on the number of people entering the country on Oct. 11, many foreign tourists are expected to visit as well.

The Metropolitan Police Department is also mobilizing more uniformed officers this year, anticipating a return of pre-pandemic crowds. The department also plans to strengthen efforts to counter groping and theft.

“We’ll actively conduct questioning for those in suspicious costumes,” a senior MPD official said.

Japanese are already gearing up.

Maybe it's time for more regulation for these Halloween activities?
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Watched one of the videos on Reddit earlier. Very saddened. almost as saddened with some of the death blaming here

Korean christianity is very weird and mostly consist of cults.
Some are CIA created like the Unification Church to fight communism.


Tokyo's Shibuya Ward boosts police patrols ahead of Halloween​

Japanese are already gearing up.

Maybe it's time for more regulation for these Halloween activities?
Looks like something meant to amuse children has morphed into a vicious craze. It is like the story of some people who first came to know about Christmas by watching films thought it is about worshipping a tree and a bearded white god called Santa Claus.
Watched one of the videos on Reddit earlier. Very saddened. almost as saddened with some of the death blaming here

Korean news channel said it's most likely trigger by a so called "Celebrity" event in a famous venue. The people are flocked to see the celebrity and that venue was not prepared for, and hence this tragedy.


And yes, it's sad and weird to blame western tradition for the death of the South Korean. Most people associate this type of "Festival" are nothing more than a social gathering, which is highly sought after the country just emerge from COVID lockdown. To say people of South Korean died for "Western Tradition" is like blaming an Asian girl wearing hot pants and tank top getting rape because she dressed in "Western tradition"

This is really a stupid argument. This tragedy came from poor planning and poor crowd control, people there are just having a good time, western tradition or not. But then what do you expect the people in PDF are going to say?
Halloween trick and treat transformed into a true horror show.

One third of South Koreans proclaim they are Christians, only 21% say they are Buddhists, they had lost their own culture for a long time.

Most nations that adopt Western cultures tend to forget their own culture and traditions. In fact Western culture supercedes their own norms and values. You have to admit one thing. The Westerners know how to assimilate others into their materialistic world. South Korea is a perfect example where the Bible thumpers managed to convert million. Western way of life has transformed South Korean populace.
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