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What Do You Really Want from Us?

1.Thats why i said just a wishlist. Lol Indians dont have problems apart from your relations with Pakistan.
2.As i said if imagination had wings. I know very well not possible
3. Nah we want you to make one for us. Start showing India in your movies a bit and see how your movie industry will gain access to Indian common populace. :lol:
4. Well Pakistan is already teaching you. In india we dont follow hinduism or sikhism or Islam we follow cricketism and we are cricket radicals.... :lol:
5. Yups we have but we have a long way to go
6. Nah Namaste is just a yoga gesture which says "I honor the place in you in which the entire Universe dwells, I honor the place in you which is of Love, of Integrity, of Wisdom and of Peace. When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, we are One". jai hind jai bharat would have done better.

lol if China had a wish list, this is what it would be:
1. A good soccer team :hitwall:
2. Shorter traffic jams (yeah, like that's gonna happen :disagree:)
3. Cooler weather!
4. More restaurants
5. A cooler president (we should learn from Russia)
6. Better air

lol if China had a wish list, this is what it would be:
1. A good soccer team :hitwall:
2. Shorter traffic jams (yeah, like that's gonna happen :disagree:)
3. Cooler weather!
4. More restaurants
5. A cooler president (we should learn from Russia)
6. Better air

Are u nuts.
doesn't the temperature in northen areas goes as low as - 50 degrees. :what::what::undecided:
Things are beyond our control...
life goes on...
there are certain things that just won't change whatsoever.

China/Chinese mentality... Sinocentrism/Heavenly Kingdom "中"国/天朝 潛意识
Western World... Hegemony 霸權主意

lol if China had a wish list, this is what it would be:
1. A good soccer team :hitwall:
2. Shorter traffic jams (yeah, like that's gonna happen :disagree:)
3. Cooler weather!
4. More restaurants
5. A cooler president (we should learn from Russia)
6. Better air

still you dont have a PM or president whose one leg is in graveyard, who does not look like that if he spoke any lounder he will die of heart attack. :lol:
still you dont have a PM or president whose one leg is in graveyard, who does not look like that if he spoke any lounder he will die of heart attack. :lol:

altough funny but dont make fun of prime minister he is one of the few good leader we have.

just too much under pressure.

india had one of the coolest prime minster in - rajiv gandhi.

our history tells - we have some great leader - but with bad politician to back them up.

from, manmohan to vajpayi to rajiv to indira ......

one greatest leader india will always miss for not being prime minster is sardar patel .
1-Well we as your friends want you to continue on the path of progress.Just don't need to get distracted by wars and conflicts around.A stronger China in the region is itself a guarantee i would say.

2-Do whatsoever you think is right for the peace and prosperity of the region and the world as whole.A stronger China in the region is itself a guarantee of peace,i would say.

3-We will back you up in all your efforts.

4-Bring more and more reforms for your people,with a broadminded approach.

5-Learn your lessons from history as every nation needs to do.God speed. :)

(Man my chinese sucks, it's almost 3 years and i have a chinese neighbour......it doesn't got any better than Nihao ,poor progress:cry:......so tried google translate,but it's no better.:rolleyes:)

China isn't "supporting" North Korea. China has no choice but to keep a stable border. It's not easy to have a fanatic country right on your borders, especially when you are forced to make an alliance with them in the name of peace. If Cuba possessed nuclear weapons and had a fanatic leader, what would've the US done?

If you really want peace in the Middle East, then perhaps the US shouldn't have launched rather unprovoked military operations in the region in the first place. You don't stir a hornet's nest if you don't want to be stung.

Ofcourse China is supporting North Korea. The question is more like why shouldn't China supprt North Korea. It's in china's best interest to support it. If US can support Saddam when it good for US interest then China can do the same. And there is need to have a explanation for it. When US stop doing thing the way they want,then ask China to stop thing China wants.

I double US want make things worst in Middle East. It's not in their best interest to have war in that area. Irak war was in the best interest of USofA.

If its about just wishlist then we want these from China

1. Stop supporting Pakistan
2. Stop claiming AP and Aksai
3. Make some bollywood movies
4. Start playing cricket.
5. Increase trade and military ties
6. come up with some emotional slogan like hindi chini bhai bhai

And next day voila you wake up and you see 1.25 billion people going ga ga over you :D

But if imaginations had wings horses would fly:lol:

1.unlikely. Just unlikely that India would stop yeping about tibet.
2.Well that goes both ways?!
3.When bollywood learn to crazt "flying" stunt then maybe. BTW:some bollywood movie are quite nice! GJ on that :D
4.Fooooootball!! a real man's sport
5.a ready done!
6.As things goes I think there would more India learning Chinese :D ofc,same go theothers way too.

1-Well we as your friends want you to continue on the path of progress.Just don't need to get distracted by wars and conflicts around.A stronger China in the region is itself a guarantee i would say.
2-Do whatsoever you think is right for the peace and prosperity of the region and the world as whole.A stronger China in the region is itself a guarantee of peace,i would say.
3-We will back you up in all your efforts.
4-Bring more and more reforms for your people,with a broadminded approach.
5-Learn your lessons from history as every nation needs to do.God speed. :)
(Man my chinese sucks, it's almost 3 years and i have a chinese neighbour......it doesn't got any better than Nihao ,poor progress:cry:......so tried google translate,but it's no better.:rolleyes:)

Google translator is quite funny. Nothing else :) You need a real translator program. If you don't live in the country then it's would quite hard to learn it,because you really need to use it everyday to learn it right and fast.
2.It's quite good to see China and Pakistans relationship is keeping getting stronger. It's hard to find a friend,but it's way harder to keep a friend.
4.As do we all. Personaly I would be happy if/when China is truly rule by law. The most important reform.
altough funny but dont make fun of prime minister he is one of the few good leader we have.

just too much under pressure.

india had one of the coolest prime minster in - rajiv gandhi.

our history tells - we have some great leader - but with bad politician to back them up.

from, manmohan to vajpayi to rajiv to indira ......

one greatest leader india will always miss for not being prime minster is sardar patel .

though i dont want to argue but mms is one hell of qualified person who is not at all suited for primeministership. he aint politician. more suited person for finance ministry.

and rajiv i blv yoy have not forgotten 1984 and boforce cases
All I want of China is that they stop exploiting Africa. And somebody better pass that message across to our leaders as well.
though i dont want to argue but mms is one hell of qualified person who is not at all suited for primeministership. he aint politician. more suited person for finance ministry.

and rajiv i blv yoy have not forgotten 1984 and boforce cases

1984 had nothing much to do with rajiv and so did boforce. because even bjp and other , including the reports always said no member of the gandhi family was involved in scandle . yeh people from congress and assosiated to gandhi family were.

and manmohan singh is a good leader, problem with him is - congress is not in power but NDA.


anyways - this is not indian thread and , lets bash american here . its american arse kicking behind their back party lets rock n roll.:victory::victory:
Anybody found the original post of this text? On chinese sites,it was said it's on Whashington post,but I couldn't find it. Please post link if you find it.
We want you to help contain the nuclear genie so that that peaceful world you aspire to will be achieved. That means stop coddling your crazy nuclear nephew Kim Jong-il and help us stop the mad mullahs of Iran from getting the bomb, too. How can you support these regimes in their quest for nuclear weapons and say you want "peace on earth"?

Good that you want a conversation ...

On N Korea's side: why do you refuse to sign a non-aggression treaty with us? We are not to be that foolish to surrender our nuclear weapon, so you can walk into our country...

On China's side: Can't you stop selling weapons to our province Taiwan? Can you guarantee that you will not invade N Korea and then station your troop on our door step?

Give your non-hypocrite answer now, Mr. TruthSeeker? :woot:

lol if China had a wish list, this is what it would be:
1. A good soccer team :hitwall:
2. Shorter traffic jams (yeah, like that's gonna happen :disagree:)
3. Cooler weather!
4. More restaurants
5. A cooler president (we should learn from Russia)
6. Better air

lol hate or love russia, you gotta admit putin is pretty badass
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